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Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign

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Jupiter rules your 8th house of inheritance. Thus an inheritance is likely in the coming year. Hopefully nobody has to actually die. It can come through being named in someone’s will or being named as an executor, or through trust funds and the like.

This position also shows being ‘suddenly’ out of debt. Or having a sudden–a large–increase in your line of credit. Investors can come to you suddenly out of the blue as well.

From an investment perspective, high-tech companies, new inventions, airlines, bonds and the bond market are all favourable this year. In general property, telecommunications, transport and media are favourable for you.

Meteoric success can be just as stressful as meteoric failure. Your challenge will be to handle this in a calm and balanced way–not to let it go to your head. Be thankful and appreciative, but keep your feet planted firmly on the ground.

Love and Social Life

Your 7th house of love and marriage is not a House of Power this year. Normally this would show satisfaction with the status quo–and thus no major changes here. Singles would remain single, marrieds would remain married. By the way, this is the way Taurus likes things. Status quo is a happy state for Taurus.

But, as we mentioned earlier, your love planet will be eclipsed in the coming year–and not only that, it will be camping out on this eclipse point for many months. You might want the status quo, but change is definitely happening. Your marriage or current relationship (especially if it is your first marriage) is getting tested by the eclipse. (This applies to business partnerships as well.) Generally this brings out the dirty laundry in a relationship–the problems that have been repressed or suppressed. If the relationship is basically sound, it survives and even gets stronger. But if the relationship was flawed from the start, it can dissolve.

There are a few issues happening here. First, your love planet made a major move last year from happy-go-lucky Sagittarius to sober and conservative Capricorn. This changed your needs and attitudes in love. Love was basically happy-go-lucky and fun-loving for the past 15 years. Now, suddenly, it is more practical. You, or your beloved, are thinking differently about the relationship. And this creates stress. In some cases there is a feeling that the passion has gone out of the marriage–that you and your beloved have lost the ‘spark’, that you are just going through the motions coldly and mechanically–that, perhaps, the marriage is just a convenience and not a real romance. Third, the eclipse is happening. Sometimes the testing comes from dramas in the life of your partner or beloved–health issues or surgery–and is not the fault of the relationship per se.

Somehow or other the spark has to be reignited. With your kind of chart–with Pluto as your love planet–good sex will cover many sins. But this of itself won’t be enough. Material gifts and material support are important. And with your love planet in the 9th house–foreign journeys, second honeymoons, taking courses together as a couple, worshipping together as a couple–will also be a big help.

For singles, this eclipse of the love planet can actually signal a marriage–a change in your marital condition. With your love planet now in Capricorn, let love develop slowly–don’t try to test it. (The eclipse will test things on its own without your help.) While it is good to be practical in love and to want security, don’t go overboard and just marry for convenience (you are sorely tempted now)–those things rarely bring happiness in the long term. Sexual chemistry is always important for you, but also look for someone who is ‘philosophically’ compatible–someone who looks at life in a similar way to you.

You find love and social opportunities at educational or religious settings–at university or a university lecture–at church, synagogue, ashram or mosque–in foreign countries and perhaps with foreigners. You gravitate to foreign people these days–they are more exotic. Good education and refinement are also important to you. Love is seldom a smooth ride, but this year it seems even more bumpy than usual.

Those in, or working on, their second marriage also have a bumpy ride, as two dynamic planets–Saturn and Uranus–make stressful aspects to your love planet. Relationships are being tested.

Those working towards their third marriage have fabulous opportunities this year–it is likely to happen.

Friendships are much smoother and easier than romance. This, like last year, is a banner year for friends. New and prominent–high-status–people enter your circle of friends.


As mentioned earlier, spirituality is going to be very important in coming years. In 2010 you will only feel the first inklings–the first stirrings–of it, especially those of you born early in the sign. But in 2011 (and for years after) all of you will be deeply involved.

In fact we could go so far as to say that spirituality in coming years will be your single most dominant interest. For Uranus is your career planet–it is the planet of success on one level, but also the planet that shows your main purpose in life. His move into the 12th house, therefore, is very significant. There are many levels to this interpretation.

First off, you are going to be more idealistic about your career. You are going to want a career that helps the planet as a whole–something that blesses all of life. Career will not just be about personal success or ego gratification. (This has been happening in your life for some years and will only get stronger with time.) Second, even a mundane career will be enhanced by your involvement in charitable activities and altruistic causes. It’s a very curious thing: While you apparently deny yourself and help others–donate time and money for altruism–your career and public image are magically enhanced. There are all sorts of scenarios as to how this happens–you make important contacts as you do these things, you develop a good public reputation, superiors make note of your activities–perhaps most importantly, you pay off negative karma which might have been hindering you. When a person acts altruistically with no thought of personal gain, then, as Emerson said, ‘the universe conspires to make it happen’. All the powers of heaven will scramble to pay it, and if it can’t be paid in one way it will be paid in another.

For those of you already advanced on a spiritual path, this transit is showing something even deeper. That spirituality itself–doing your spiritual practices and exercises–is your career and purpose–everything else in life must be subservient to that. At first blush this seems outlandish. What do my breathing exercises, chanting, prayer, meditation or asana practice have to do with my career? Plenty. These spiritual practices change your whole vibration and atmosphere. This changes the vibration of all whom you contact or associate with. And this actually changes the world. Someone in trouble comes into your aura and you are able to dispense help and healing–and this can have huge ramifications. You walk into a shop where perhaps a robbery or murder is about to happen and, because of your positive energy, it doesn’t happen. You sit next to someone on a bus or train–someone who is perhaps ready to commit suicide–and your mere presence, just the vibrations that you emanate, heal and soothe this person. These events are not things you read about in the newspapers–the 12th house is all about secret, behind-the-scenes activities–but they are nevertheless real. It is the ‘secret service’ of life.

Uranus moving into your 12th house also has other messages. It shows dramatic changes in your spiritual attitudes, ideals and practices. Those not yet on the path will get on it. Those already on the path will change teachers and practice. Easterners might choose a Western path. Westerners might switch to the Eastern path. It also shows that the ‘spiritual side’ of astrology will become more interesting (Uranus rules astrology).

There are many, many valid paths to ultimate reality. But with Uranus in the 12th house you need a more scientific and rational approach. Mere faith (though important) and emotional exaltation (also important) will not be enough for you. You need to understand what is happening on a scientific level. There are many paths that deal with this–esoteric astrology, hermetic science, kabbalah (in the Western tradition) and jnana yoga (in the Eastern tradition). These will be things to explore in the years to come.

Month-by-month Forecasts (#ulink_6220caa3-95e5-5137-974b-a62a514284ec)


Best Days Overall: 4, 5, 13, 14, 23, 24

Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 8, 9, 16, 17, 30

Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 26

Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

Best Days for Career: 1, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19, 20, 28, 29

You begin your year with 70 to 80 per cent of the planets above the horizon–the ‘day’ side of your year. Not only that, but on the 20th you enter a yearly career peak, as your 10th house becomes ultra-powerful. Family is always important to you, but you can serve them best by succeeding in your outer ambitions–being the good provider. Focus on your career and de-emphasize home and family. Interesting, the family seems supportive in your career goals–this is what they want from you. It’s also good to focus on the careers of individual family members in a supportive way. The status and prestige of the family as a whole get elevated this month.

This is a month where a shift in the planetary power is happening. By the 20th the Eastern (sunrise) sector of the horoscope becomes stronger than the Western, social sector. This creates psychological changes for you. You are becoming more independent and more in charge of your life. You have less need of other people. You can achieve your goals independently if they don’t co-operate. You are in a period where you have the power to create circumstances as you like them.

There is a solar eclipse in your 9th house on the 15th. This eclipse seems benign for you–it actually makes nice aspects to you. Still, it won’t hurt to take a reduced schedule anyway–people in general are not up to par during an eclipse–why expose yourself to this when you don’t have to?

This eclipse will bring up the dirty laundry in the family circle, and family members are likely to be more temperamental. Be more patient and understanding. With knowledge of what is going on, we can’t always stop events but our understanding makes us more philosophical about them–and we don’t make matters worse. This eclipse (and there will be others in the year ahead) will test your religious and philosophical beliefs–a process that is going on all year. This is good. It tests your faith. Many people claim that they have faith until a big situation comes along–then, suddenly, they discover they had none. The good thing here is that once you understand your weakness you can correct it. For university or graduate students this eclipse brings changes in their educational plans or within their school (shakeups in the school’s hierarchy, and rules). Sometimes heavy construction goes on that disrupts your normal study or routine. A legal matter (if you are involved in this kind of thing) will take a dramatic turn.

Though you are honoured and successful in your career, your financial planet, Mercury, is retrograde until the 15th. This won’t stop earnings but will probably create weird delays and glitches. Avoid major financial decisions until after the 15th.


Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 28

Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 12, 13, 26, 27

Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 14, 15, 19, 24, 25, 28

Best Days for Money: 1, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24

Best Days for Career: 6, 12, 13, 16, 25

Overall health is good, but try to rest and relax more until the 18th. The demands of career are taking all your energy. Delegate tasks where possible. Enhance health by paying more attention to your spine, knees, teeth, bones, gallbladder, skeletal alignment, hips and kidneys all month. Until the 11th pay more attention to your ankles and calves (massage them and give them more support when exercising) and to your feet from the 11th onwards (foot massage will be unusually powerful).

By the 18th, most career goals (at least of a short-term nature) are attained and your focus turns to friendships and group activities. This is an exciting and happy area of life all year, but especially during this period. You are meeting new and significant friends now, friends who are almost ‘like family’ to you.

There is a nice financial windfall on the 27th and 28th as the Sun and Jupiter travel together (this can happen a few days before or after as well). Your spouse, partner or current love also has a windfall. This period is also good if you are negotiating a loan or mortgage or want to attract outside investors to your projects. Seems like you are spending more on the home or family during this period as well. During this period Mercury and Neptune are travelling together, suggesting an excellent financial intuition. A flash of insight and inspiration comes to you.

On the 10th Mercury, your financial planet, crosses your Midheaven. This shows that money comes to you through a pay rise or through your good professional reputation. Parents or parent figures seem unusually supportive, too.

Love is happy this month. Jupiter is making fabulous aspects to your love planet all month, bringing love opportunities with friends or at group activities or organizations. When Mercury crosses the Midheaven there is a non-serious romantic opportunity with a boss or person of power. There is another happy love encounter from the 15th to the 17th as Venus and Jupiter travel together. This encounter seems sexual in nature but could lead to more than that. A friend either gives you a good financial idea or provides some opportunity on the 27th-28th. Your financial intuition is very sharp during this period.

The New Moon of the 25th occurs in your 10th house and is going to clarify your career, your relations with your bosses and with your parents or parent figures.


Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 19, 20, 27, 28

Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 11, 12, 25, 26, 31

Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 7, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27

Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31
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