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Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign

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This was the true purpose of this transit: to transform, detox and purify the family relationship and the domestic situation–to make it more ideal and perfect. But while the process was happening it wasn’t pleasant.

Most of the rough spots are over with. Saturn left the 4th house on October 29th of 2009. But this year it returns for a few months–from April 8th to July 22nd–so that you can tie up loose ends and deal with things that you haven’t yet dealt with.

Saturn, as mentioned earlier, also brought increased family responsibilities and burdens. While these were probably unpleasant, you emerged from it a better person–a stronger character. You have a few more months of this in 2010.

Moving was not advisable for the past few years, nor does it seem advisable this year. Though you feel cramped in the home as it feels that you don’t have enough space, the fact is that you do if you organize the space better.

Many of you made major renovations in the home in the past 2 years, and if not it can happen this year as well. We’re not talking about superficial things–like repainting or buying new curtains–but heavy construction–ripping out wires and plumbing, knocking down walls and the like.

With the ruler of the 8th house in the 4th house, the symbolism suggests getting rid of old household possessions, selling them or giving them away. A thorough house-cleaning should be done. Be ruthless. If it is something that you don’t use or rarely use, get rid of it or give it to charity. (By the way, this will liberate much needed space in your home.)

Those of you who understand psychic energy will go further than this–you will not only do a physical house-cleaning, but a psychic/spiritual house-cleaning as well. You will clean the home of negative geo-pathological fields, negative energy vortexes or disembodied entities that might have been attracted there. When you do this, the whole atmosphere of the house will change. There are many ways to do this and those of you who are psychically aware know them. But if not you can call professionals–shamans or priests–who will do it for you. There are many dowsers who specialize in this sort of thing as well.

A parent or parent figure has been having a rough 2 years–perhaps it is depression or ill-health, or just feeling their age. But this is mostly over with. Another parent figure has been restless and nomadic–needing to explore his or her own personal freedom. This other figure is having a very prosperous year and will be travelling much. A sibling is making major renovations in the home and would also benefit from both a thorough physical and psychic/spiritual house-cleaning. Children too. (This seems to run in the family these days.)

Finance and Career

Your 2nd house of finance is not a House of Power this year, Gemini, thus you basically seem satisfied with the status quo. Normally this would show a status-quo kind of year, but with two eclipses happening in your money house–one, the lunar eclipse of December 31, 2009, very much in effect this year, the second a solar eclipse on July 11, 2010–there will be many a financial change. Forced change.

These changes will ultimately be for the good, but while they’re happening they tend to be unpleasant. Sometimes these things involve mere inconvenience–you have to change banks and thus change all your direct debits and BACS payments, or you change brokers or accountants. But sometimes the disruptions are more than that–a sudden expense comes that you weren’t ready for. Or perhaps you decide on a big purchase that forces you to rearrange your investments or planning.

Overall, though, earnings will be status quo.

The main headline this year is your career. Jupiter crosses your Midheaven on January 18th and will be in your 10th house of career most of the year ahead. This brings outer success, promotion, elevation, honour and glory–each according to their stage in life. Most of you will not become ‘household names’ in the year ahead, but for sure you will be better known and regarded than in the past year.

When career is going well, pay rises also come. Elders, authority figures, parents and bosses are supportive of your career goals. Partners and friends likewise.

Career has been unstable for many years, with many shifts and sudden changes, but this year (and in coming years) you seem to have found your niche–your groove. You have less need for change. You are on a path and sticking to it.

Jupiter is your love planet. His move through your 10th house shows many interesting things. First off that you have friends in high places who are helping you. You can advance (and probably will advance) your career through social means–through attending or hosting the right kind of parties and through meeting people who can help you. Your social grace, your ability to get on with others, your personal likeability are probably playing more of a role in your success than your actual abilities. In the year ahead these qualities are prized by the powers that be. Keep in mind that social connections can open doors for you, but in the end you have to perform.

One parent or parent figure is prospering greatly this year (and seems supportive of you), the other parent or parent figure is more tight financially–reorganizing finances in the year ahead. If these two figures are together (which is not always the case) they are in conflict about finances–and how to manage them. One wants to spend, the other wants to conserve.

Your spouse or current love is supportive careerwise and seems very personally involved. He or she needs to be careful of debt and needs to follow the financial intuition. Children of appropriate age also need to cut down on debt and be more conservative financially. Siblings have passed through some major financial trials in the past 2 years and the year ahead looks much easier for them.

Love and Social Life

Your love and social life look happy and active in the year ahead. Very exciting. And there are periods in the year (as your love planet travels with Uranus) where it is like a soap opera or roller-coaster ride. It seems to me that you will have a successful social year.

Jupiter, your love planet, will be in your 10th house. This shows that love and marriage are very important to you. For many months in the coming year it will actually be the ‘most elevated’ planet in the horoscope–which shows your ‘highest aspiration’. This importance that you place on it–this interest–will enable you to deal with the various challenges that arise.

Your needs and desires in love are a bit complicated this year. Jupiter in the sign of Pisces would make you very idealistic. You would be more interested in the ‘pure feeling of love’ than in practical considerations. But Jupiter in the 10th house of career shows a practical side that is equally strong. So when you meet someone where the chemistry is good, where the love feeling is there, your practical side might not be happy–e.g. he or she has no status, no money, is not from the ‘right’ family, etc. Conversely, when you meet someone of high status–the good provider, etc.–your idealistic side complains ‘there is no passion here,’ etc. It is like having two people in the same body looking at things from opposite perspectives and arguing with each other–difficult to please both sides. Your ideal love this year would be someone who could please both sides of your nature–someone who is a poet, creative, spiritual, idealistic, but yet has money and status. This is not so easy to find, but this year you are likely to meet up with these kinds of people.

With Jupiter as your love planet you always like someone who is educated and refined. You are allured to academics, religious people and foreigners. You have a need for philosophical compatibility. And this year is no different. But as Jupiter moves through spiritual Pisces, the spiritual dimension becomes more important this year. You not only need philosophical compatibility but also spiritual compatibility–someone who is on your spiritual path, who shares your spiritual ideals and values. You can have great physical chemistry, but if the spiritual compatibility is lacking there will be problems.

Generally you find love and social opportunities in foreign countries or in religious or educational settings–at college or while taking courses or attending lectures, or at university functions or religious functions. Often love opportunities come through the matchmaking efforts of professors, priests or pastors. This is still true in the year ahead. But this year love opportunities happen as you pursue your career goals and perhaps with people involved in your career. This year you have the aspects for the classic office romance–a romance with a superior or boss. Status and power turn you on–but as mentioned there needs to be more than that.

Since Jupiter will be travelling with Uranus for many months in the year ahead, love can happen suddenly and out of the blue. A lightning flash from above. This is a year for ‘love at first sight’. The only problem with this is that love can end just as suddenly, too. It introduces instability in your love life. Existing relationships can suddenly break up due to meeting a special someone very suddenly.

Jupiter will be in your 11th house of friendships for a few months this year–from June 6th to September 10th. During this period love opportunities will happen at groups or organizations–and perhaps something that was just a friendship develops (suddenly and unexpectedly) into something more.

This is a good love year for those working on either their first, second or third marriages. Those in or working towards their fourth marriage have a status-quo year.


Saturn will be in two houses of your horoscope this year. Most of the time he will be in your 5th house of fun, creativity and children. But he will spend a few months–from April 8th to July 22nd–in your 4th house.

His return to your 4th house–where he has spent the last 2 years–shows that the reorganization of your home and family life (but most especially your emotional life) is still not over. You are in a situation where it is not safe to express how you really feel. You are between a rock and a hard place. If you express your true feelings, you will alienate family members. If you repress them, you run the risk of depression–or worse–physical pathologies that arise from depression. Worse, you probably won’t succeed in repressing your feelings for too long–and when they do get expressed it will be an avalanche–in many cases totally out of proportion to the event that triggered it.

But there is a third way. Express you feelings, but in a harmless way. Write them out or talk them out into a tape recorder. Don’t hold anything back. When you have finished, erase the tape or throw the paper out (don’t play back what you’ve recorded or reread what you’ve written). You will feel much better and no one close to you will have been hurt or alienated.

This period is not only one for physically cleaning the house, as mentioned, but also for emotional house-cleaning. Old possessions (emotional patterns, memory patterns, traumas from past experiences) that are no longer serving you should go. They are just clogging up the works. This is really what the cosmos wants from you.

Saturn in your 5th house (where he will be for most of the year) has various interpretations. Much depends on how you view life. If you view the object of life to be pleasure–sensual pleasure and its pursuit–this transit will certainly be difficult. For it shows a need to limit these things–manage them better and get them under control. When you consider that you are in a very powerful career year, this need to limit recreational activities is understandable–you need to focus on serious issues like success.

But if you view life as a process of ‘character building’–of building a ‘temple’ that a higher power can use in the world–then this transit will actually be very helpful to you. You will limit certain kinds of sensual pleasures so that you can experience more refined, higher types of pleasure. The cosmos is not interested in having you walk around with a hair shirt or in sackcloth and ashes–it is the very antithesis of this. But it has more pleasures to offer you than the commonly accepted ones. So it might limit you on the sensual level in order to expand you on different levels. There is always a compensation in life.

For those of you in the creative arts this transit will force you to be more disciplined in your approach–it will force you to be more detail-orientated in your creativity–to create based on system and order and not solely on inspiration. You will learn to create regardless of the mood of the moment.

Learning to discipline children–in a right and proper way–will also be one of the lessons of this transit. To leave children without limits or to let them run the show (as is becoming the norm here in the US) could be considered a form of child abuse. To over-discipline them can verge on cruelty and create a generation of cruel people. There is a delicate balance here and you will learn it these next 2 years.

Month-by-month Forecasts (#ulink_3cd0344c-c38d-58b8-b6e9-b68c895909b1)


Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 16, 17, 25, 26

Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19

Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27

Best Days for Money: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28

Best Days for Career: 7, 17, 18, 19, 26

You are in the ‘day’ time of your year as the year begins. A stunning 70 per cent, and sometimes 80 per cent, of the planets are above the horizon. Your 10th house of career becomes very powerful after the 18th, while your 4th house of home and family is basically empty (only the Moon moves through there on the 4th and 5th). This is the time to focus on your career and outer goals and to pursue them with boldness and confidence. Let family and emotional issues go for a while–de-emphasize them. You are in a period of great outer success. Jupiter crosses your Midheaven on the 18th (and many of you will feel this even earlier than that), the classic signal of career success and ‘worldly favour’. You lead a charmed life careerwise. There are pay rises, promotions and even honours awaiting you.

Most of the planets are in the Western sector as the year begins, but this will change very soon. A strong social month as well. Jupiter is your love planet. His position at the top of the chart (the Midheaven) shows success in love as well as in your career. Your spouse, partner or current love is also prospering and successful–also elevated–and is supportive of your career goals. Singles have very interesting love opportunities with people ‘at the top’–people of power and status, bosses, people who can (and do) help your career. You have the aspects for ‘office romance’. After the 18th you can further your career through social means–through attending or hosting the right parties with the right people. You have a knack for meeting (socially) just the right people who can help you. Many a marriage will happen this month.

A solar eclipse on the 15th occurs in your 8th house. Your partner is prospering now, as we’ve mentioned, but will also make very important and dramatic financial changes. These changes will occur over a period of about 6 months–but they will be dramatic. Siblings and neighbours have dramas in their lives. The cosmos will make you aware of your mortality–this doesn’t mean literal death, just a kindly reminder that death does exist and is something to be confronted and dealt with. Students (younger than university age) will have changes of school or changes in their educational plans. Oftentimes there are shakeups in the school they are attending. Cars and communication equipment get tested.

Health is good and you can enhance it further according to the ways mentioned earlier. This hasn’t changed. Detox is unusually powerful during this period as well.

Finances are status quo–the real action is happening in your career.


Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 12, 13, 22, 23
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