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A Woman’s Fortune

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Not long after Brendan came over, Jeanie had been persuaded to come downstairs and she’d brought the boys down with her to join in the discussion.

‘They’re in this with us. It affects all of us, and Peter and Robert need to know what’s going to happen … and why,’ she said, looking at Michael with her eyes narrowed.

‘You’re right, lass,’ said Michael. ‘It’s all going to be an exciting adventure, eh, fellas?’

Robert nodded dumbly, not really understanding. Peter, his mouth a tight line, looked away, ignoring his father.

Brendan had brought a couple of bottles of Guinness across with him ‘to help things along’, which pleased Michael, who emptied and refilled his own glass with remarkable speed.

By the end of the evening Sue’s bold handwriting covered several pages of the writing pad and the plan for the Carters to move had a timetable. Fergus Sullivan, Brendan’s cousin, was bringing the van at dawn on Sunday morning and the family were to have everything they wanted to take packed ready and piled by the front door, to be loaded quickly and discreetly.

‘I’ll come over and give you a hand,’ Billy said. ‘It’s my day off and I’m used to getting up early.’

‘Thank you,’ Jeanie said. ‘What will we do without you?’

‘Oh, Mum …’ Evie’s heart was heavy with her grief. ‘We’re going to have to find out, that’s for sure.’

Now, as she climbed into bed in the stuffy attic room and wished Grandma Sue a goodnight, she felt hot tears running down her face. One more day in this house, the only home she had ever known. Even now she could hardly believe it. And in about … she totted it up quickly … thirty hours she would be parted from Billy.

Please, let it not be for ever, she whispered.

CHAPTER THREE (#ulink_c7d5fa64-3903-53c6-bc9b-29d941fe929d)

‘It’s here,’ said Peter, who had been looking out of the front window for Fergus Sullivan’s van.

It was four o’clock on Sunday morning, the summer daylight pale. To the Carters, the air felt unusually clear. All the previous day they had packed their belongings, choosing carefully what was essential and what could be left behind. Even some of the furniture was to remain here because, as Sue reminded her family, the van would need to be loaded as fast and as quietly as they could do it so they could make their escape.

‘Escape’ – as if from a prison, Jeanie thought. As if staying here would be a punishment instead of the life she had made for herself and her family. She was finding it difficult to be civil to Michael even now, though she’d tried to encourage her children to pack up their belongings and clothes with light hearts and a sense of adventure. Evie and Peter were old enough to pretend they were excited for Robert’s sake, but as Robert was not a naturally light-hearted child anyway they soon abandoned this pretence.

Evie was in charge of extracting suitcases from under beds and she helped Robert to fold his clothes into one of them. There was so much to do in so little time, and keeping busy helped prevent her from becoming more upset. She knew Mum and Grandma Sue were furious about the move but it was no good stoking the flames of their anger with her own.

Peter had been very quiet since the decision to go had been made. He’d packed a duffel bag with his few treasured possessions, and silently helped bring items downstairs until the front room was full of boxes, cases and bagged-up bits and pieces, mainly chosen by his mother.

Sue, with Evie’s help, had been busy finishing the washing. Luckily, it was the end of the week, so they weren’t due to take in any new bundles. All that remained was collected by the owners, who came to the back door, so there was no need to hide the evidence of the approaching early morning flit piled high in the front room. It was an uncomfortable lie to call a cheerful ‘See you next week’ to loyal customers, but there was no alternative.

Now, as a large dirty white van pulled up in front of the house, it was time to move. Evie had imagined a huge removal lorry but this was half the size and had no name painted on the side.

Fergus was let in through the front door and greeted Michael, Jeanie and Sue with a friendly handshake and a smile.

‘Right, let’s be having you,’ he said, speaking softly so as not to disturb the quiet of the sleeping street. ‘Beds first and we’ll see what else we’ve got room for after that.’

‘What! I’m hoping to take the settee and the chairs and table, at least,’ said Jeanie. ‘And the mangle has to go.’ She was realising it was the size of the van that would dictate what went with them and what was left, not the speed of loading it.

‘I’ll do what I can, Mrs Carter, don’t you worry,’ beamed Fergus.

During the next hour it became clear to Evie that this was his answer to everything, and his smile never faded.

Brendan came over to help and the men began to load the heavy items while Sue supervised them and ticked items off her list. Evie packed up some smaller things that they’d needed the previous day, and Jeanie got weepy and wrung her hands.

As Evie was wrapping the last of the crockery in newspaper, being extra careful with Grandma Sue’s precious cup and saucer, there was a tap at the back door and Billy let himself into the kitchen.

‘Hello, Evie. Let me take that box through to the front,’ he said quietly, coming over and giving her a hug. ‘You all right?’

‘Oh, Billy, thank you for coming to help. I’m that glad to see you.’

‘Now don’t get upset. You know why this has to be done.’

‘We’re going away from everything and everybody that we know and care for.’ Her heart felt as if it was going to burst.

‘You’ve still got all your family around you. That’s what your grandma always says, isn’t it: it’s family that’s important. As long you have each other, nothing else matters.’

‘And you, Billy. You matter to me. I won’t have you where we’re going.’

‘I’ll be waiting for your return, never fear, Evie.’

‘You mean that, Billy? You’ll wait for me to come back? But what if I never do?’

‘You will. Here is where you belong, Evie. You’ll know where to find me when you come home to Lancashire. But even supposing you don’t return here, you can be sure that I’ll come and find you where you are. We won’t be apart for ever.’ He wrapped her in his strong arms and kissed her tenderly. ‘In the meantime, we can write to each other. We’ll write often. I’ve never been south and I should like to know what it’s like,’ he smiled.

‘Yes … of course. I’ll send a letter with the address when I know we’re going to be staying there and not moving on at once.’

‘Then do it as soon as you can, my darling, ’cos I’ll be looking for that letter every day.’

He gave her another hug and wiped a treacherous tear away from her face with his thumb.

‘Now, to work. As I came past I saw all the beds are stowed, and your gran and mum are organising the men moving furniture from the front room. I’ll take this box while you make sure you’ve got a couple of pans packed up, and the knives and forks.’

‘Gone already,’ said Evie with a brave smile. ‘Come on, you can help Dad, Brendan and Fergus with putting the big stuff in the van and I’ll help Grandma tick off what’s done on her list. Remember, keep your voice down. We don’t want half the road in on the act.’

As the van got ever fuller, final decisions were made about what had to be left, and the time to depart grew closer, Evie dreaded having to say goodbye to Billy. She was taking a last look round upstairs when she heard the voice of Brendan’s wife, Marie.

‘Just wanted to wish you luck, me darlin’,’ said Marie. ‘You’re in safe hands with Fergus. Don’t forget to let us all know how you’re doing. It won’t be the same round here without you.’

‘Thank you. We’ll miss you too, Marie,’ sniffed Jeanie, who was looking sadly at all the furniture left behind with no room in the van.

‘Thanks for everything,’ said Sue, hugging each of her neighbours, including Brendan. ‘You’ve been right good friends to us and I won’t forget that.’

‘Yes,’ said Michael. ‘Thank you. I’m sorry to have put you to all this trouble.’

‘Go on with you,’ said Marie, just as Sue said, ‘I should think so, too.’

‘Goodbye, Mary,’ Evie whispered to her friend, hugging her close. ‘You’re the best friend a girl could ever have – and the cleverest. I’ll write, I promise.’

‘Dear Evie, there’ll be a hole in my life when you’ve gone. I shall miss you dreadfully.’

‘And I’ll miss you, Mary.’ Evie tried to smile. ‘Who’s going to teach me long words now?’

‘Come on, we’d better get going.’ Sue gathered up her handbag, which was bursting at the seams. ‘We’d better get off now before we attract unwelcome visitors,’ she added meaningfully.
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