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When Opposites Attract...

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Even though her mom had been gone for a while, Tessa felt every day the indescribable void she’d left. There was always an ache, an emptiness in her chest that had settled deep when Rose had passed. Nothing and no one could ever fill that gaping hole.

She and her mother had shared so much. Rose had always stressed the importance of not giving away love or your body to just anyone. Both were too precious to throw around.

Tessa had always promised her mom she’d wait for the right man. He just hadn’t come along yet.

She highly doubted the man molded to her back was “the one,” but he certainly was more tempting than any other guy she’d ever encountered.

Tessa cruised over the rise and came to a stop so Grant could take in the view.

“Oh...that’s...wow. Tessa, that’s beautiful.”

Up ahead lay a valley with a large pond surrounded by evergreens. The water always seemed so vibrant and glistening. A part of her was thrilled that his reaction was all she’d hoped.

“I always ride out here to relax,” she told him. “It’s so peaceful.”

Turning slightly to see his face, she watched as his eyes roamed over the land, as if he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. She wanted to study him, memorize everything about him, but what would be the point? He wasn’t staying, and even if he were, she didn’t have time for a relationship, didn’t want a relationship and certainly didn’t intend to start one.

They’d technically just met, so all either of them was feeling was pure lust. Lust would get her nowhere but on a road to heartache. She was totally out of her element here.

Added to that, she highly doubted she was Grant’s type. He probably wasn’t too keen on virgins. Kissing was her limit until she found someone she truly felt a deep connection with, and if Grant ever knew that... Well, he would never know that, because this whole train of thought was coming to a crashing halt.

Seriously, this whole string of ideas only led down a path to a dead end.

“Want me to take you down there?” she offered.


She revved up the four-wheeler and took off down the slight slope toward the pond. Once at the water’s edge, they couldn’t be seen from the main house in the distance.

Grant slid off the seat first and offered a hand to help her. As much as she wanted to bat it away, she accepted it. Hey, if a sexy man was going to play gentleman, she was going to take full advantage of the situation.

He dropped her hand once she was on her feet, and Tessa smiled as his eyes roamed over the wide pond.

“My father used to bring my mother out here for picnics,” she related. “I remember her telling me and Cassie about them.”

Tessa glanced toward the water and sighed. “I never got tired of hearing about their romance. I think it’s important for children to see their parents in love, to know what they should look forward to, and not settle for anything less.”

* * *

Grant turned his attention to Tessa. The ends of her ponytail danced in the breeze, her eyes were focused off in the distance and her arms were crossed over her chest. He knew she was trying to visualize the moment her mother had told her about, knew Tessa was more than likely a romantic at heart.

“And is that why you’re single?” he asked. “You’re not going to settle?”

Glancing over to him, Tessa quirked a brow. “No, I’m not. I shouldn’t have to. I’m not looking to marry right now, anyway. I’m a little busy. What about you, Slick?”

Grant laughed. “I’d love to settle down. My parents aren’t much different from yours. And I agree it’s important for parents to show their love. I plan on having kids and I want them to see how much I love their mother.”

Tessa’s eyes widened, her mouth dropped.

“What?” he asked, stepping closer so that he could see the navy specks in her eyes. “Didn’t expect me to have goals in the marriage department?”

“Actually, no, I didn’t.” She stared at him for another moment before turning back to look at the lake. “I ride Oliver when I need to get away. I get on him and he just automatically comes down here. Recently...”

She shook her head, and Grant waited for her to continue, but she didn’t. He didn’t like the sadness that slid over her face as she gazed at the water.

“The racing getting stressful?”

“No more than usual. But it’s something I love, so the stress is mostly self-induced.”

Tessa eased down onto the ground, pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. “Go ahead and have a seat, Slick. Unless you’re afraid you’ll get a grass stain on your new designer jeans.”

He didn’t tell her his jeans weren’t designer or new, but he did plop right down next to her, a little closer than she was probably comfortable with. But she was trying to get under his skin, so he damn well would get beneath hers.

A smile spread across her face. “Spend much time in the country?” she asked.

He’d grown up in a modest home surrounded by fields and wildflowers in the heart of Kentucky, but she didn’t need to know that. She already had an opinion of him, and he’d break it down by his actions, not his words.

“Enough,” Grant told her. “Much more peaceful than the city. But there’s a reason for both, and some people just aren’t cut out for the other.”

“What about you?” she asked. “You’re all city boy. Are you going to be able to handle the next few weeks here with me?”

Unable to resist her jab, Grant reached up, slid a stray strand of her hair behind her ear and allowed his hand to gently roam back down her cheek in a featherlight touch. She trembled beneath his fingertips.

“I think I can handle it,” he whispered, purposely staring at her mouth, waiting for that dimple to make another appearance.

Her eyes widened before she turned back to the pond. She might be all tough exterior, but Grant had a feeling the lovely, intriguing Tessa Barrington had layers upon layers to her complexity. He wanted to peel each one away and find what she truly had hidden inside.

“Do you have other special areas on the property?” he asked, circling back to the fact he was indeed here to do a job, and not seduce.

“All of the estate is beautiful,” she told him. “There’s a wooded spot on the edge of the property that has this old cabin. It was the first home on this land, built long before my dad lived here. He never tore it down, and Cassie and I used to play there when we were kids. It’s also where my dad proposed to my mom.”

“Show it to me.”

Grant hopped to his feet and extended his hand to help Tessa up. She resisted for all of a second before slipping her delicate hand into his. Before she could fully catch her balance, Grant tugged her against his chest, causing her to land right where he wanted her.

What the hell was he doing? He knew better than to play games like this, but damned if his hormones weren’t trying to take over. That whole chat he’d had with himself about compartmentalizing had gone straight to hell.

But each time he was with Tessa something came over him, something he couldn’t explain, and he was drowning in confusion and...her.

Tessa’s breath caught, and those bright blue eyes held his. With her body molded against his, Grant had no clue what to do now. Well, he knew, but he was supposed to be a professional and not get tangled up in this world on a personal level. Mentally and emotionally, he couldn’t afford to.

Besides, the last thing he needed was to get kicked off the set before filming even started.

Yet, as usual, lust controlled his actions.

“What about you, Tessa?” he asked, eyeing her lips. “Are you all country girl or could you handle the big city?”

Something cold flashed through her eyes before she pulled away and glanced at her watch. “You only have twenty minutes left, Slick. Better go see that cabin.”
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