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The Greek Tycoon's Mistress

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She felt better now, on a full stomach. The last of the drug seemed to have cleared from her system and her headache was gone. Maybe her mood was better because this time tomorrow she’d be back in London—to sanity.

A shudder went through her. The whole thing had been the most hideous ordeal! Now, calm and well fed, with a large glass of wine inside her, she was filled with incredulity that Demos’s grandfather should have committed a criminal act and had her kidnapped.

Even so, her sense of fairness interposed, and she had to concede that no actual harm had come to her. Maybe, she thought unwillingly, she had overreacted when Theo had stepped out of that helicopter. She squirmed mentally as she recalled how she had gone berserk at him. After all, she thought grudgingly, he had flown straight out to take her back to London, and he did seem pretty appalled by what his grandfather had done.

‘Mr Atrides,’ she began, her voice slightly husky with nerves, ‘I want to apologise for the way I behaved when you arrived. I…I was…very frightened…very confused…I…I didn’t know what had happened to me…’

She trailed off. There was a closed look on his face—as though, she thought, he was evaluating what she had said. No, she amended, as if he were evaluating why she had just said what she had.

It confused her, making her stare at him wide-eyed, wondering what was going on in his mind.

Then, in a very foreign gesture, he gave a shrug, his broad shoulders moving with perfect musculature beneath the material of his polo shirt, stretched tautly across his chest. The movement distracted her, making her realise just how very perfect that pectoral musculature was. No running to seed for this captain of industry! However he kept fit, he kept very fit indeed…

She snapped her mind back to what he was saying.

‘Please, do not apologise. It was perfectly understandable.’

The handsome acceptance of her expression of regret was so astonishing that Leandra simply stared at him. There was something different about him suddenly, she realised, and then worked out what it was. The cynical look in his eye had disappeared. The expression in it now was bland.

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