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Diamonds are for Deception: The Carlotta Diamond / The Texan's Diamond Bride / From Dirt to Diamonds

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‘It’s already starting to feel like home,’ Charlotte said simply.

Satisfied, Sojo nodded.

When they reached the library, Simon rose from behind his desk and joined them in front of the fire.

Waiting on the low table was a tray that held everything needed for tea, including dainty sandwiches and buttered scones.

As soon as the two women were seated side by side on the settee, Simon reached for the silver teapot and began to pour.

Sojo’s sigh of relief was audible.

He glanced at her, one eyebrow raised.

‘I dread the question, who’s going to be mother?’

The phrase was delivered in such mincing tones that Simon threw back his head and laughed. ‘Do people still say that?’

‘One of my boyfriends did. That’s why he’s an ex.’

‘Milk and sugar?’

‘Just milk, please.’

‘Speaking of boyfriends,’ Simon pursued, ‘I hope this invitation hasn’t ruffled any male feathers?’

‘Nary a one. I’ve gone off men for the moment.’

‘Any particular reason?’

‘The last two have been nerds.’

‘Oh? In what way?’ Simon asked interestedly.

As though wondering if she was hogging the conversation, Sojo glanced at her friend.

But, only too happy that the liking appeared to be mutual, and the pair were getting on so well, Charlotte was content to sit back and listen.

Seeing this, Sojo continued, ‘Mark, the latest, was totally boring. He had only one thing on his mind, and hands like Velcro.’

His face straight, Simon commented, ‘A very descriptive phrase. What about the previous one?’

‘He didn’t live in the real world. Mind you, with a name like Tarquin, who could blame him? Thank you…’

When she and Charlotte had both accepted a cup of tea and a plate, Simon drew the table closer so they could help themselves. Then, his tawny eyes sparkling with laughter, Simon remarked, ‘I can quite see why you’ve gone off men.’

‘Not all men.’ An inveterate flirt, she fluttered her new false eyelashes at him shamelessly.

‘I’m flattered,’ he assured her gravely. ‘Though I’d rather like to know why I’m an exception.’

‘Well, for one thing you’re obviously good for Charlotte. I’ve never seen her look so happy…’

Just for a split-second he appeared to be disconcerted, then his expression cleared, and, one eyebrow raised, he queried, ‘And?’

‘And I wondered, if I said pretty please, if you would show me round the Hall some time?’

‘I’d be delighted.’

‘Providing, of course, that you’re not too busy running the Bell-Farringdon business empire?’

So Sojo had been checking up, Charlotte thought, and hoped Simon wouldn’t mind.

But he was answering calmly, ‘From now until the wedding’s over I’m leaving Michael Forrester, my right-hand man, to deal with everything and taking a complete break.’

‘Wonder of wonders! A top businessman who’s willing to delegate.’

‘I admit to having been a workaholic in the past, but no longer. From now on I intend to work much shorter hours. I want time to relax and have fun, time to spend with my wife and family.’

Sojo gave Charlotte a speaking glance. Didn’t I tell you a man of his class would want a family to inherit things? Aloud, she remarked, ‘That sounds too good to be true.’

‘Not a bit of it. I’ve started as I mean to go on… Now, if you’ve finished your tea I’d be pleased to give you the Grand Tour. That is, if Charlotte doesn’t have any objections?’

‘Of course not,’ Charlotte said. ‘In fact I’d love to come with you.’

‘Then we’ll leave the Long Gallery until last, and I’ll point out the more interesting portraits.’

Apparently stunned by the height and grandeur of the Great Chamber, and the beauty of the house itself, Sojo followed in awed silence while Simon provided a wealth of interesting historical details.

Finally, he remarked, ‘Well, that’s about it; apart from the Long Gallery, which is on your right, you’ve seen all the rooms of any interest.’

Sounding disappointed, Sojo asked, ‘Don’t you have a haunted room?’

‘Not really.’

‘But surely you have a ghost?’ she persisted hopefully.

‘Not one you need worry about,’ he said smoothly.

‘Oh, I’m not worried. Just fascinated.’ She gave an excited wriggle. ‘There’s nothing I enjoy more than a nice spooky ghost.’

Simon laughed. ‘Sorry to disappoint you, but it isn’t the kind that wanders about moaning and rattling its chains.’

‘What does it do?’ Then, aware she must have appeared flippant, she said quickly, ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that like it sounded. What I meant to ask is, what kind of ghost is it? Someone who was walled up? An ancestor who died in battle?’

He shook his head. ‘Nothing so exciting, I’m afraid. If it exists at all, it’s just the spirit of a young girl…’

As they turned into the Long Gallery, he invited ironically, ‘Come and meet the ancestors.’

Gazing at the portraits in amazement, Sojo asked, ‘Do all these belong to the Farringdon family?’
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