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Fun Start: An idea a week to maximize your baby’s potential from birth to age 5

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awareness of tactile perception

auditory stimulation

Observe your baby’s eye responses. Does the baby fix his eyes on you? Hold a rattle or other object in front of the baby’s line of vision. Does the baby look at it? Move the rattle from left to right. Do the baby’s eyes follow from left to right?

If your baby’s eyes do not react to the stationary or moving rattle, do not be concerned. Infants do not develop at the same rate in all areas. However, be sure to repeat this activity many times throughout the days and weeks to come, and observe the baby’s reactions. This is the beginning of left-to-right eye movement training. This is a prerequisite for reading.

Repeat the exercises suggested in week 1. Touch and move the head from side to side gently. Touch and move the left and right arms. Place the palms of the hands together. Touch and move the left and right legs. Touch and move the left and right feet. Also repeat the eye/light exercises from week 2 and remember to talk, sing, hum or play soft music.

Make a Cradle Gym (#ulink_b6c81584-2d0c-5604-a674-425d8b1ebb41)

This activity develops

parental bonding

awareness of moving objects (visual stimulation)

awareness of the bell sound (auditory stimulation)

Cut a piece of one centimetre-wide elastic about 10-20 centimetres longer than the width of the baby’s cot. Tie three knots loosely in the elastic, approximately 10 to 15 centimetres apart, before tying each end to either side of the top rail of the cot. Cut and slip three shorter pieces of one centimetre elastic through the loose knots. Loosely tie two of the short pieces and retain these for later use. Tie a coloured cotton reel (or colour one with a red felt marker) securely to the other loose knot. Pull the elastic and tighten the knot. The cotton reel and the other two objects that will be attached should hang low enough so that the baby will be able to reach them when he is ready.

The first day, try to interest the baby by moving the cotton reel back and forth. Observe the baby’s eyes. Does he watch the cotton reel swing? Does the baby attempt to grasp the cotton reel? Does your baby smile? Talk to your baby while you interact with him.

The second day, attach a plastic lid that has been covered with shiny household aluminium foil securely to the knot beside the cotton reel. Follow the same procedure for the lid as was done with the cotton reel. Observe the baby’s reaction. Then move both the cotton reel and the lid back and forth. Observe to see if the baby responds in any way.

The next day, attach a large jingle bell or rattle securely to the third loose knot. Move the bell to make a sound. Observe the baby’s reaction. Does the baby attempt to touch the object that makes a sound?

For the remainder of the week and later, repeat the procedure with the reel, lid and bell. The baby will soon discover that the cotton reel and lid make no sound when moved, whereas the bell makes a sound. This activity may serve to entertain the baby briefly at various times.

Observe your baby and become aware of any changes in his responses or movements. Have your baby’s arms and legs straightened out? Does he turn his head more easily? Does he lift his head slightly? Does the baby follow a moving object? Does he tend to turn his head when you move throughout the room? Does the baby’s whole body seem to lean in the direction that you move, the direction of light or sound?

Repeat all of the activities that have been suggested. Remember to begin on the left when moving the body parts so that body laterality continues to be established. Also continue to move the baby’s entire body gently from left to right at various times to reinforce this. It is also important to repeat the light and eye exercises and to talk, sing, hum or play music to keep the baby’s senses keen.

During the first month of life, a baby is adjusting to his new environment. The key point is the baby’s sense of touch, which needs much stimulation. The beginning activities deal with touch in relation to body parts. The light and sound activities initiate the stimulation of the eyes and ears.

At various times, all of the first week’s activities should be repeated to reinforce the baby’s awareness of his whole body, body parts, left and right laterality, as well as his sensitivity to light and sound.

Periodically, you should move your baby from his stomach position onto his back. Also, alternate positions by laying the baby at the head and foot of the bassinet or cot. This further stimulates the baby’s sensitivity to his new environment.

Mirror and Pendulum (#ulink_246caf24-5428-5add-8868-86ed432163ad)

These activities develop

a baby’s awareness of his own image

beginning listening skills

a baby’s interest in making sounds by watching

visual stimulation

an awareness of movement initiating a response

Use a mirror (preferably non-breakable) or hold the baby close enough to look at himself in a large mirror. Does the baby smile or coo? If he does, smile or coo back. Talk to the baby and call him by his name as you both look in the mirror. Does the baby reach out for the image in the mirror? Use an expressive voice when you talk to your baby.

Prop the baby up in an infant seat or chair. Be sure to support the baby’s head with an infant collar or rolled blanket. Hang a cotton reel, funny face drawn on a paper plate, or any safe object, from a string or use a piece of one centimetre-wide elastic that is attached to the top of a door, doorway, ceiling fan or something high. This must be in clear view of the baby’s eyes.

Push the object on the string so that it swings back and forth like a pendulum. Try to encourage the baby to watch it move back and forth.

Repeat some of the first week’s activities.You may be tired of them, but a baby needs much repetition for awareness and association.

The cradle gym used in the week 4 activity can be hung across a play pen. The pendulum can also be hung above the play pen or cot. These activities should serve to interest the baby for brief periods of time. However, do not offer both activities at one time. The baby needs only one activity at a time to avoid over-stimulation and confusion.

The Sock Ball (#ulink_865f4c09-e738-52cd-8782-70b7def6f61b)

This activity develops

beginning steps in eye-hand coordination

an awareness of the sock ball and the movement of it

an enhancement of the sense of touch

a stimulus to encourage eye-hand movement

Take an old sock and fill it with polystyrene, newspaper, rags or old stockings. Tie it securely to make a sock ball. Attach it very securely to the side top rail of the cot or play pen with string or sew a Velcro strap to hold it. With the baby lying on his back, move the attached sock ball back and forth from left to right and in clear view of the baby’s eyes.

Does the baby look at the ball and watch it move? Does he attempt to touch or move it, or does he just ignore it? If the baby is not interested, try again later. Do not forget this activity. Keep trying each week until you meet with success. If the baby is interested, encourage the sock ball activity, but remember a baby’s attention span is very brief. Be patient. Keep the sock ball; it can be used again later in another activity.

Throughout the week, reinforce the activities that you have done before. Observe your baby’s responses. Can your baby raise his head slightly while he is resting on his stomach? You will notice that the baby’s neck is stronger. Pat the baby’s back and talk to him. Remember to use good voice inflection. This stimulates the baby’s hearing. As you talk to the baby, turn his body over several times and observe his head and neck. Throughout the ensuing weeks you will notice how much stronger your baby is becoming.

Response to a Noise Maker (#ulink_50a6b94f-9d94-554f-abdc-0a05f4247122)

This activity develops

the baby’s listening awareness

eye-hand coordination and association (this will be noted when the baby responds to the sound direction)

Make a sound with a noisy rattle or bell. Does the baby turn his head, eyes or body in the direction of the sound? Then make the sound on the left of the baby and observe. Next, move to the right of the baby and make a sound. Do this several times. Move it first to the left of the baby, then in front of the baby, and then to the right of the baby. Let the baby touch the rattle or bell. Hold the rattle or bell in front of the baby. Does the baby reach for it? If so, let the baby touch or attempt to grasp it. If the baby does not reach for it, move to the left and make a sound with the rattle or bell. Does the baby’s head turn?

Be sure to repeat the previous weekly activities. These activities are necessary for sequential learning.

Awareness (#ulink_dd49f91d-8d32-52ee-8b8e-86cc08c9c744)

This activity develops

an awareness of the source of sound
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