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Operation Soldier Next Door

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“So, that’s the pot?” she asked, looking at it where it sat innocently on the counter.


“Doesn’t fit with the rest,” she said with a glance at the overhead rack his grandmother had so loved, but that he was seriously considering taking out now that he’d banged his head on the low-flying skillet once too often.

“No.” She just looked at him, waiting. You and your dog, he thought, his mouth quirking. Finally he gave in. “It belongs next door.”

“Ah. Your charming neighbor.”

When she wasn’t sniping at him for his bad manners, Tate thought. Rightfully so, his conscience nudged.

“He probably wants you to take it back to her, then.”

For a third time Tate blinked, this time long and slow, and with a shake of his head.

“Dog,” he said—unnecessarily, he thought.

“Yes,” Hayley agreed. “And I would have thought you, of all people, would realize some dogs are different than your run-of-the-mill house pet.”

She had him there. And, judging by her expression, she knew it.

He was saved from trying to answer by yet another knock on the door. He stifled a grimace.

“Grand Central Station here this morning, huh?” Hayley said with a grin.

“Seems like,” he muttered, and wasn’t really surprised when he opened the door and found his charming neighbor on the porch.

“Sorry to bother you,” she began.

“That ship already sailed this morning,” he said, gesturing at the dog, who had suddenly abandoned his obsession and had come trotting happily out to greet the clearly very welcome Lacy Steele. As if the dog lived here, and not him, Tate thought wryly.

“Well, hello there, furry one,” Lacy said, reaching to pet the dog then scratch behind his ears. Cutter sighed happily and leaned in as Lacy looked up and smiled at Tate. He was still taken aback at the jolt that had given him when she looked past him and said, “And you, too,” telling him Hayley had followed her dog out of the kitchen.

“Good morning,” Hayley said. “I’m here to retrieve my dog. Again. Before Tate’s patience runs out.”

“Might be a bit late on that,” Lacy said, without looking at him.

“I got that feeling,” Hayley agreed.

“He’ll get over it. Nobody could stay mad at this sweetie.”

“Unless they’re really mad at something else.”

“Standing right here,” Tate pointed out, feeling a bit aggrieved.

“So you are,” Lacy said. She sounded as cheerful as Hayley had. None of them—including the dog—had any qualms about intruding or interrupting, obviously. “And speaking of retrieving, I need to retrieve my stockpot, if you’re done with it.”

“Stockpot,” he repeated, the memory coming back now.

“The pot the stew was in?” she explained.

“I know, I just couldn’t remember what it was called. I don’t cook much.”

“Well, I do, and I need it for spaghetti sauce tonight. My tomatoes aren’t ready yet so I had to buy some, but I’ve got some other veggies I need to use up.”

“That garden looks like you’d have enough to feed my entire squad.”

“Invite ’em over,” she said.

She was kidding, of course, but as he looked at her serene expression he had the oddest feeling that if he did just that, she would welcome them. And deal with the influx graciously and feed them well.

“I’ll leave you two to it, then.” Hayley glanced at her dog, who had inexplicably given up his fascination with the stockpot and was at the front door, clearly ready to leave, and added, “Since it appears his work here is done for the moment.”

Tate’s brow furrowed. What was that supposed to mean? But before he could ask, both woman and dog were out the door and headed home at a steady run.

“Seems you’re making friends in the neighborhood whether you like it or not,” Lacy said when they’d gone out of sight.

That stung, although not as much as her manners comment. “Why wouldn’t I like it?”

“Just saying you don’t go out of your way to be welcoming.”

“Doesn’t seem like I have to, with everybody showing up, anyway.” What was it about this woman that had him snapping like this? Maybe he wasn’t an easy charmer like Cav, but he’d never turned into a grouch at the sight of a beautiful woman. And Lacy Steele was certainly that, as his body kept reminding him. He sucked in a breath, willing himself to speak evenly. “Look, I only meant I thought it would be...slower here. Small-town slow. And I thought I’d left stuff like middle-of-the-night explosions behind for good.”

“I’m sorry,” she said immediately. “Of course, you’re right. And you have every right.”

Her instant contriteness, so obviously sincere, made him feel even worse. As if he’d somehow traded on his service to get out of a situation his own rusty social skills had gotten him into.

“I’ll get the pot,” he said, turning to go to the kitchen before he could make things any worse. When he brought it back, feeling he had to say something, he handed it over with what he thought should be safe enough—a sincere, “The stew was great. Really. Thank you.”

The smile she gave him then made him forget the awkwardness, and all the irritation he’d been feeling over his disrupted morning. It did nothing, however, to remove that uncomfortable awareness that had him so edgy.

“You’re more than welcome. And if you like, I’ll save some spaghetti sauce for you. I always make a ton so I can freeze some for later.”


“Just say ‘yes, thank you.’ It’s easier.”

He lowered his gaze and let out a rueful chuckle before echoing her suggestion. “Yes, thank you.”

Her smile widened. “All right then.” She looked around, her nose wrinkling. “That smoke smell is still pretty strong.” He nodded as she pointed out the obvious odor of burned materials. “It would give me a headache.”

It had, in fact, given him a headache the one time he’d tried to sleep in the house. Not to mention nightmares. “That’s why I’ve been sleeping out in the shop.”

She nodded in understanding. “Fresh paint’ll fix that when you get there.” She grinned at him, as if he were the friendliest guy in town. “Whole different kind of headache.”

He smiled back. He couldn’t seem to help it. It even lasted a second or two. It seemed enough for her, because she turned to go, stockpot in hand. Then she turned back.

“Anything more on your explosion?”
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