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Twin Expectations

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“So it seems.”

“For that matter, though you might regret some elements of your childhood, you seem to have turned out okay, too.”

He sighed deeply. “Some might argue with you there.”

“No family is perfect. But if you raise a child with love, whether you’re one parent or two or ten, that has to be enough.”

“I hope you’re right.” He was silent for a few moments, during which he seemed to close down. The bitter emotions flashing across his face faded until he could look at her impassively. “Tomorrow, same time?”

“Yes. That will be fine.”

Bridget couldn’t help thinking about their discussion during her drive home. There were lots of single mothers in the world. Some of them provided good homes for their kids; others didn’t. Most of them hadn’t chosen to raise kids by themselves, but somehow they coped, and the kids survived. Some thrived, like her and Liz. But what if she wasn’t as good a mother as her own mother had been? What if the child, despite her hopes, wasn’t good at coping with the stresses of a single-parent household?

Was it selfish and unfair of her, wanting to bring this child into the world without a father?

Nick Raines seemed to think so.

Chapter Four

“You are definitely showing,” Liz observed as Bridget examined herself critically in the dressing room mirror.

Bridget sighed, plucking her loose-fitting denim dress away from her abdomen. “I was hoping this one would hide it a while longer, but I guess there’s no denying it. I look pregnant. Time to put away the jeans and invest in some tent dresses.”

“Hey, this is what you wanted, remember?” Liz groused. If she were pregnant, darn it, she would be flaunting it, not trying to hide herself away.

“Yeah, but the deal was, you and I were going to do it together. Look at you in those size six jeans. I wouldn’t be able to get my big toe in those.”

“Just wait a few months. I haven’t given up,” Liz said, studying a ragged fingernail. She pulled a nail file from her purse and went to work, casually adding, “I have a date tomorrow night with Ted.”

Bridget gasped. “Ted, the gas station attendant at the corner by Mom’s house?”

“Yeah, anything wrong with that? He’s cute, and he worships the ground I walk on. You’re being an elitist.”

Bridget unzipped the denim dress and stepped out of it, tossing it onto the “yes” pile. “I have nothing against a man who works with his hands for a living. However, I do think the father of your child should have an I.Q. a bit higher than an iguana’s.”

Liz snorted. “Find me one.”

“You never like the suggestions I make.”

“That’s because your idea of a hot date involves poetry readings and sipping hot chocolate. Next time you set me up with a guy, would you at least check first to see if he has a pulse?”

“Okay, so maybe setting you up with my accountant wasn’t such a hot idea.” Bridget stepped into her jeans, which she couldn’t snap, then pulled on a sweatshirt that hung almost to her knees. As she pulled on her sneakers, she paused and yawned. Twice.

“You okay, Bridge?” Liz asked, concerned by the shadows under Bridget’s eyes. This pregnancy hadn’t been easy for her. She was finally past the morning sickness, but she still seemed extremely fragile.

“Just tired, is all. I never realized how exhausting a baby could be before it’s even born. I don’t know how I’m going to make it to that party tonight.”

Liz’s senses went on alert. “Who’s having a party that I didn’t get invited to?”

“The costume party. I told you about it.”

“That’s tonight?” Liz had been pure green with envy when her twin had told her about the society party she’d been invited to.

“Yeah.” Bridget just sat there.

“You don’t seem very excited about it.”

“I’m not. You know, my priorities have really changed. All I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep. Besides, I’ll feel awkward. It was nice of Geraldine Statler to invite me, considering I’ve only met her once. She seems to have taken an inordinate amount of interest in the painting. But I doubt Nick wants me there.”

“Oh, so it’s Nick now, is it?” Seeing that Bridget didn’t welcome any teasing, Liz backed off. “Funny, I could have sworn you liked him. You light up like a meteor shower every time you talk about him.”

“Yeah, well, you’re wrong. He thinks I’m a terrible person for having a baby with no father. He’s cordial enough, but we’re very tense around each other.”

“Tension can have a lot of sources,” Liz murmured.

Abruptly Bridget sat up straighter. “Hey, I’ve got a great idea. Why don’t you go to the party in my place?”

“Bridget! We haven’t pulled a switcheroo like that since college! Besides, the minute anyone sees me, they’ll know I’m not you. I don’t look like I swallowed a cantaloupe.”

Bridget looked more animated than she had all day. “I’m not implying we should perpetrate a hoax. Just go to the party, introduce yourself to Geraldine Statler, and explain that you’re my proxy. I guarantee she’ll welcome you with open arms. She’s very nice.” Bridget gathered up the clothes she’d tried on, shouldered her purse and headed for the cash register.

“Uh-uh, no way. I’m not going near those Statler people ever again.” At the same time, Liz felt a little thrill at the idea of seeing Eric Statler up close once more. Ever since their ill-fated meeting at the Oilman’s Ball, she’d devoured every news story she could find. She’d even gone to the Statler Enterprises Web site to gawk over pictures of Eric like an infatuated teenager.

“Chicken,” Bridget murmured under her breath as she paid for her purchases.

“I am not. It’s just…what kind of costume do you have?”

“I was planning to dig out my old Queen Elizabeth costume from when I was in that play in college, remember?”

“Hey, that’s a great idea. All those yards of fabric will completely camouflage your stomach.”

“Not my stomach,” Bridget said, giving Liz’s hair a playful tweak. “Yours.”

Liz shook her head, even as she tried to picture herself decked out like a queen. “No way. I don’t want to have to explain to Nick Raines why I’m not you.”

“Nick won’t come anywhere near you. He can hardly stand to be around me as it is.”

Liz saw the hurt in Bridget’s eyes and felt a pang of pity for her sister. Bridget had never been able to hide her feelings very well, and it was obvious from the way she talked about Nick that she had a thing for him, despite her protestations. Unfortunately, the guy was apparently a closed-minded jerk.

“I’ll try on the costume,” Liz finally said. “Just for fun, though. I’m not going to any party.”

SEVERAL HOURS LATER, Liz found herself swathed in the most ridiculous brocade gown. The thing squashed her breasts so that they nearly spilled out of the stiff square neckline, and the skirt was so heavy she could barely walk. No wonder women were repressed back in the fifteenth century. They couldn’t move.

Liz had been right about one thing. She could be ready to deliver a full-term baby under all that fabric and no one would know it.

She’d put a red rinse on her hair for a touch of authenticity. Then she’d added some pale makeup and painted on heavily arched brows. Even people who knew her wouldn’t recognize her.

“Remember, introduce yourself to Geraldine Statler first,” Bridget said, pressing the invitation into Liz’s hand. “You won’t have to do much more than say hi to her. She’ll be much too busy for a long gabfest. I heard Nick is going dressed as a highwayman, so you can steer clear of him.”
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