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Hers To Remember

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CLOSING THE DOOR softly behind him, Sam stood for a moment, listening. For what, he didn’t know. Maybe just the sound of his name. Spoken by a woman who knew him and shouldn’t have to ask why he was there.

Impatient with himself, he crossed to the nurse’s station. Kathy, the young, red-haired nurse he’d yelled at earlier, looked up from a chart as he approached. Taking in her wary expression, he spoke quietly. “Is Dr. Yamana back yet?” Once he’d calmed down, he’d realized it hadn’t been the nurses’ fault Amy had escaped.

“No, she’s not, Mr. Delaney.” She smiled tentatively. “Why don’t you go get yourself something to drink? We’ll let you know as soon as she returns.”

Sam appreciated the suggestion, but he wasn’t leaving the floor. “It’s very important that I speak to her. I’ll be in the waiting room.”

He walked to the small room at the end of the hall. Glad to see it empty, he slumped onto a barely comfortable cranberry-colored couch. The relief he’d felt at finding Amy safe and sound had worn off. Now he just felt tired. He rubbed a hand across his dry eyes. What was he going to do? He had to think.

“The nurse said I’d find you here.”

Sam looked up at his brother. “Where else would I be?”

Casey sat on the couch opposite him. “Where did you find her?”

“At the diner down the block. You were right. She didn’t get far.” Sam sat up, leaning his elbows on his knees. “What about you? What did you find?”

“Nothing yet. Damian’s still looking into this Adrienne Winston. But that doesn’t mean she exists. She could have gotten the name from a book she’d been reading before she fell.”

Sam rubbed his eyes. “I don’t understand it. It’s as if she’s made up some secret life. She keeps talking about some guy named Vaughn.”

Casey sat forward. “Did she give you a last name?”

Sam shook his head.

“How is she?”

“Exhausted. I managed to convince her to get some rest. It wasn’t easy. She’s scared, Casey. The fear’s eating at her.”

“Does she know who you are?”

He shook his head. “There’s not one bit of recognition in her eyes. Why, Casey? Why is she calling herself this strange name? Why is she afraid of this Vaughn person? Why is she afraid of me?”

“There’s something you have to consider, Sam.”

The seriousness of his brother’s voice spurred him from his seat. “She’s not crazy!”

Casey stood up. “I wasn’t going to suggest she was. In fact, I have a hunch it’s the opposite.”

“What are you talking about?” Sam demanded.

“Maybe she really is Adrienne Winston. Maybe she has been all along.”

Sam couldn’t believe his ears. “You said it was a long shot.”

“That was before I knew she’d been talking about this Vaughn guy. I can see someone with a head injury picking up a name from a book. But to be afraid the way you say…”

“Stop!” Sam wouldn’t hear another word.

Casey put a hand on his shoulder. “I wish I could have spared you this.”

“Me? I don’t give a damn about myself. It’s Amy I care about. If all this stuff she’s been coming up with is true, it’s possible she’s in very real danger. I need to see her.” He strode out of the room.

Halfway down the corridor, Casey caught up with him, grabbing his arm.

Sam glared at him. “Let me go.”

“You’re too worked up. You think going in there like this is going to help her?”

His brother was right. He had to be strong now. And calm. He had no idea what he was dealing with. “It’s been three years, Casey.”

“I know, Sam.”

Sam winced at the compassion in his brother’s voice. Hearing it scared him. Casey was a cop. A cop whose hunches were always on target. “Learning about the baby, we were so happy. How are we supposed to deal with this?”

Casey put an arm around him. “I don’t know, Sam. But you will. You’re the strongest man I know. Besides, if Amy really is Adrienne Winston, the fear she’s experiencing comes from three years ago.”

Sam shot him a grateful look. “I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe I should go tell her.”

Casey half laughed. “Tell her what? We still don’t know anything yet. Why don’t we go get some food instead?”

Sam shook his head. “I’m not hungry.”

“My treat,” Casey said.

That surprised him. “Your treat?”

“You’re looking at me as if I’m some kind of tightwad or something.”

Sam managed a smile. “Or something.”

Casey laughed. “Then you’d better take me up on it. It’s a one-time offer.” His demeanor turned serious. “You have to eat, Sam. You can’t—”

“Take care of Amy if I don’t take care of myself. All right, Mom, you win.” He glanced at the closed door of her room. “I just hate to leave her alone.”

“She needs to sleep. The nurses will keep an eye on her. Especially after what happened earlier. And once Dr. Yamana has had a chance to completely examine her, we’ll have a better idea what we’re dealing with.”

Casey’s words echoed Sam’s own thoughts. After dropping by the nurse’s station, they headed down to the cafeteria.

WHEN ADRIENNE WOKE for the third time, she felt as if she’d been asleep for weeks. A glance at the clock on the bedside table told her it had only been thirty minutes. The pain in her head had faded to a dull ache.

The panic she’d felt had faded, too. Once she told the people here about Vaughn, they wouldn’t have him near her. And even if they didn’t believe her, once she told Vaughn about her proof, he wouldn’t dare hurt her, despite what he’d threatened.

The door opened. Adrienne tensed, then relaxed when Dr. Yamana stepped into the room. So much for my new confidence, she thought wryly.

“Well, you look like you’re feeling better.” The doctor moved to her bedside. She took out the same black instrument and once again shined the light in Adrienne’s eyes. “How’s your head?”

Seeing this as her chance to get herself released, Adrienne smiled. “The pain is all gone.”
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