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A Kiss in the Dark

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Lacey recoiled as the dog shook its head, flinging long ropes of saliva against the back of the seat. “Oh, my,” she said, laughing in spite of herself, “you weren’t kidding. He really does slobber!”

“Sorry,” Cole said, sounding anything but apologetic as Lacey drew closer to him in an effort to avoid being splattered. “Once we get going, he’ll hang his head out the window, so you’ll be safe.”

At least from the dog, thought Lacey. With Copper taking up more than his fair share of the seat, it was nearly impossible to maintain a respectable distance from Cole. She could feel the heat that radiated from his lean body, even as he reached over and flipped on the air-conditioning and a blast of lukewarm air billowed her skirt up over her thighs. Lacey pushed it back down and placed her purse over her knees in an effort to keep the fabric firmly where it belonged.

“Here,” said Cole, “let me adjust those vents.”

He extended one arm across her knees and flipped the louvers upward. His shoulder pressed against hers and his arm brushed against her breast as he pulled back. It was purely accidental, but Lacey was helpless to prevent a swift intake of breath at the intimate contact. If Cole noticed her reaction, he gave no sign, but Lacey thought he reversed with slightly more force than necessary, the tires churning up loose gravel before he changed gears and headed out of the parking lot.

As Cole had predicted, Copper heaved himself to his feet and happily thrust his head out of the open window, his long ears streaming behind him. His hindquarters were dangerously close to Lacey’s face, and when his tail started to knock steadily against her chest, she gave a soft exclamation of surprise and gingerly swatted at the offending length.

Cole laughed, the sound sliding over Lacey’s senses like warm honey. “That dog,” he said ruefully, “has no sense of personal space.”

Neither, apparently, did Cole as he leaned suddenly across Lacey’s body and with one hand pushed gently but firmly on the dog’s rear, forcing it into a sitting position. “There,” he said, and his glance slid over Lacey as she pressed herself against the seat. “You okay?”

Lacey met his gaze. Even in the darkened cab, there was no mistaking the expression of taut awareness on his face. In that instant, Lacey knew he wanted her.

The knowledge thrilled her.

Terrified her.

Caused her heart to slam against her rib cage so that she was sure he would hear its betraying rhythm. “I’m fine,” she finally managed, hating the way her voice sounded breathless, even to her own ears.

“Where are you staying?” he asked. “Mozelle or Cumberland?”

Lacey looked at him blankly. “Are those hotels? Because I checked and—”

Cole laughed softly again. “No, ma’am, those are towns. The closest ones with decent hotels, at any rate. Unless you’re staying with friends here in the Gap?”

Lacey peered at him suspiciously. “Just how close are those two towns?”

Cole shrugged. “Well, they’re in opposite directions from here, but I’d guess they’re both about an hour away.”

Lacey gaped at him. “You’d be willing to drive me all that way?”

He turned to her then, surprise evident on his face. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”

Lacey stared at him for a long moment before dragging her gaze away. Of course he was willing to drive her that far. He probably thought he’d be well rewarded for his efforts. After all, she’d done nothing but ogle him since she’d first laid eyes on him. For a moment, Lacey battled with herself, torn between doubt and anticipation, because a part of her wanted him to want her. But she didn’t want him to think she was an easy conquest.

His lips tightened before he returned his attention to the road. “I see. You think I’ll want some sort of payment in return for the lift.”

“No—” Lacey began, ready to deny what she had, in fact, been thinking.

But Cole held up one hand, forestalling any further words. “It’s okay,” he said. “Because you know what?” He slanted her one long, meaningful look. “You’re right. I’d be lying if I said the thought hadn’t crossed my mind.” He gave a low, self-deprecating laugh. “Hell, it’s been the single thing on my mind since I first saw you.”

Lacey’s breath hitched. His husky confession caused a liquid heat to slip along the underside of her skin, and her pulse began a heavy, languorous thudding. She focused on the dark road, watching as the truck swallowed up the pavement, unable to think of an appropriate response.

“However,” he continued easily, “I don’t need to use coercion or guilt to get a woman to sleep with me. It’s either completely mutual, or it doesn’t happen. So you can relax, okay?”

Relax? Was he kidding? Lacey thought she might spontaneously combust. Of course he didn’t need to use coercion—he was the kind of guy women fantasized about. Not only gorgeous, but considerate, too. In that moment, she made up her mind. Her friend Julia was right; she’d denied herself for way too long, always putting the needs of others before her own, always conscious of what her mother might think. But out here, there was just her and this man. She was only going to be in Black Stone Gap for ten days. Why shouldn’t she do as she pleased? Lord knew when she’d have another opportunity.

She glanced over at Cole. “I’m actually staying here in Black Stone Gap,” she ventured, “so you won’t need to drive me too far.” To collect your reward.

He tilted her a questioning look. “Oh, yeah? Where?”

“The Blackwater Inn.”

“What?” He bit the word out, his face incredulous.

“There were no other hotels,” she said defensively. “The Blackwater Inn is a little grungy, but otherwise it’s fine.”

He gave a snort of disgust. “Yeah, if you’re an itinerant coal miner or a horny barfly.”

Lacey looked at him in dismay, recalling the men she’d seen at the motel earlier that night. “I did try to make other arrangements, but there wasn’t anything else even close.”

Cole ran a hand over his hair. “Hell,” he muttered. “If anyone sees you, every guy who’s staying there’ll be panting at your door. I’ll walk you to your room. Once you’re inside with the door locked, you should be okay.” He shook his head again. “The Blackwater Inn?”

When they pulled into the motel several minutes later, Lacey saw that the bar across the street was doing a brisk business. The parking lot was completely full and the overflow had spilled into the motel’s lot. As Cole parked the truck, the door of the bar opened and a man and woman lurched outside, briefly illuminated by the shaft of light from inside the establishment.

Hanging on to each other, they made their way across the darkened street. As they approached the Blackwater Inn, they stopped to exchange a deep kiss. They swayed, stumbled, and then laughingly broke apart to stagger over to one of the guestroom doors. Lacey watched as the woman fitted a key into the lock. The man was groping her from behind. He bent his head and nuzzled her neck even as one hand snaked around to fondle a breast. The woman laughed again and they all but fell through the open door. Lacey caught a glimpse of the two coming together for a passionate embrace before the man kicked the door closed with one booted foot.

Lacey found she couldn’t look over at Cole. The raw sexuality she had just witnessed too closely mirrored the fantasy she had briefly entertained about him.

“C’mon,” he muttered. “Let’s get you to your room.”

Opening his door, he slid out and stood back to wait for her. Copper drew his head in from the passenger window and flopped down on the seat once more, staring at them with an expression that stated clearly he was accustomed to being left in the truck. Cole retrieved her gear from his lockbox and indicated she should precede him.

“I’m in the back,” she said, aware of his eyes on her as she led him around to the rear of the building. A group of men had pulled several of the plastic patio chairs around a small table on the walkway and were playing cards. Beer cans littered the grass and cigarette smoke hung heavy on the humid air. They paused when they saw Lacey, and the nearest one leered appreciatively at her from over the rim of a beer can.

“Evenin’ boys.”

Cole’s voice was cordial but cool as he hefted Lacey’s presentation case over one shoulder and took her elbow with his free hand, propelling her along. Lacey cast a wary look at the men, noting the sullen, almost defiant manner in which they watched her. Despite Cole’s casual attitude, she sensed he was on full alert, every muscle in his lean body tightly coiled. He was staring at the men, his eyes challenging them to say something, anything. Two of the men mumbled a greeting and one by one they lowered their eyes beneath Cole’s unwavering glare.

“I’m in here,” Lacey said when they reached her door. Would he expect her to invite him in? Or would he simply say goodbye? She glanced up at him. He was so close that one small step back would bring her smack up against that tautly muscled chest. He was crowding her, his larger physique shielding her from the nearby men.

“Get your key out and open the door.” His voice was low in her ear, brooking no argument.

Turning the knob, she pushed the door open, startled when he hustled her inside and closed it behind them. In the sudden and complete darkness of the room, her chest constricted and she couldn’t control her suddenly rapid pulse or the perspiration that popped out along her hairline. She closed her eyes and dragged in several deep breaths, telling herself there was nothing to be afraid of. She heard Cole set her cases down on the floor. When he flipped on the overhead light, she blinked and exhaled in relief, and then sank down on the edge of the bed. Cole opened the door an inch or so and examined the broken deadbolt, testing it. Then he fingered the dangling chain.

“This lock is broken.” He slanted her a questioning look. “Did you realize that?”

Lacey swallowed, momentarily unable to form a response. She thought she’d gotten a good look at him in the truck. She’d thought him gorgeous then, but by the glaring light of the overhead fixture she realized she had been wrong. The man wasn’t just gorgeous.

He was magnificent.

His face was a masterpiece of lean, chiseled features paired with a sensuous mouth. For an instant, Lacey imagined feasting on those lips with her own. His blue eyes were fringed with thick, dark lashes and his short hair was a deep, rich brown. His skin was bronzed by the sun and his arms were an incredible mix of bulging muscles and lean sinews. Her hands would probably be incapable of spanning those impressive biceps. When he wasn’t smiling, like now, he had a decidedly dangerous aura. In the confines of the room, he seemed inordinately large. Lacey should have been nervous, but she wasn’t. She’d been an apt self-defense pupil, and if things began to turn sour, she was more than capable of defending herself.

“Yes.” She nodded. “I notified the front desk, but apparently there aren’t any other rooms available.”
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