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The Texas Shifter's Mate

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June’s eyes welled up again at his words, making Ion curse. He gathered his wife close, murmuring soothing words to her. Zach took that opportunity to leave the room.

Stepping out onto the patio, he stared into the darkness. Nantha was somewhere out there, scared and worried, held captive by some fools with insane ideas about sacrificial virgins. He wondered if she knew that one thing had apparently been what saved her—that she wasn’t a virgin.

Shaking his head, he dug his phone out again and punched in Shayla’s number. She answered on the second ring and listened intently while he told her about the letter. “It’s true, what your stepfather said,” she told him. “Centuries ago, virgin sacrifices were a thing. Or so the legends go. The humans claimed it was to appease a dragon or, even earlier, various gods and goddesses. Under the sea, the dragon usually was a giant squid. Once in a while, in really ancient times, I’ve read about an angry sea god, Poseidon or one of his demigods.”

“But those were all ancient tales. Some of them might have even been myths,” she continued. “I’m not sure why someone would be trying to resurrect those stories in today’s world. Poseidon has a temper, but even he’s moved beyond asking for virgin sacrifices.”

Poseidon? He decided not to ask.

“Maybe someone is trying to start a new religion, or a cult?” he asked. “Have you heard anything about something like that?”

“No. But not only will I let the Pods know, I’ll definitely ask around when I go visit again. Which will be soon. I plan to put up those missing person posters you gave me and visit the neighborhoods where she went to school and worked.”

“Good.” He told her about Ion’s request for a meeting with the Shadow Agency.

“That’s fine,” she immediately said. “As long as you’re okay with it. You are the client, after all, so what you say goes.”

“Tomorrow night?” he asked. “Say around eight, at Broken Chains?”

“Let me get with the others, but I’m sure that’ll be fine. I’m going to call and see if I can reserve a private room for a few hours. It’ll be easier to talk that way.”

Once he agreed, she ended the call, promising to let him know if anything changed.

He wandered back inside, noting his mother and Ion had disappeared to their bedroom. He knew he should head back home to Texas City, but it had been a long day, and his mother kept the guest bedroom bed made up for situations like this. He grabbed a bottle of water and went to bed early.

* * *

When he woke the next morning and wandered out into the kitchen to grab some coffee, his mother had started frying up some bacon. The smell made his mouth water.

“Good morning,” she said, smiling, her posture relaxed. “I’m glad you decided to spend the night. I know it’s a lot farther for you to go into work, so I figured a good breakfast would help.”

She seemed so pleased with herself and so much happier than she’d been the previous night, that he didn’t have the heart to tell her he’d taken two weeks’ vacation. Plus, if he told her that, she’d want him to hang around the house most of the day. He needed to get back to the heart of the island as well as make a few phone calls. He hadn’t yet informed the Pack Protectors about the note, and he knew they’d definitely want to know.

Dutifully, he took a seat at the table, happy to eat his mother’s cooking. It revived his spirits to see her looking so much better.

“Where’s Ion?” he asked, once he’d cleaned his plate and pushed it away.

She smiled. “He headed out at first light to talk to his contacts in his underwater city. He’ll be back by afternoon. He also wanted me to tell you he’s sorry, but considering what’s happened, he’s going to have to postpone your meeting with Teredia.”

Teredia. He blanked for a second before remembering she was the Mermaid Ion had wanted Zach to marry. Though Zach hadn’t met her yet, Ion had claimed the alliance would help Nantha tremendously, by virtue of family connections. In the photo he’d shown Zach, Teredia was stunning.

When Zach had asked why someone who looked like that would need an arranged marriage, Ion had laughed. “It’s complicated,” he’d said. “I’ll let her tell you, if you’ll agree to do this for your sister.”

Zach had given his tentative agreement, with the caveat that he could back out if Teredia and he weren’t a match. He didn’t have much of a social life—engineers weren’t known for their scintillating conversational skills—so he’d told himself it wouldn’t hurt to try and be open to new experiences. Then he’d promptly put it to the back of his mind. Clearly Ion hadn’t.

“That’s fine.” He waved his hand dismissively. “I can’t even think about that right now. But I’m glad Ion’s going to be back tonight.” He told her about the meeting at Broken Chains that night at eight. “Can you make sure and let him know?”

“Of course.” She carried his plate and hers to the sink. “I’m looking forward to meeting your friends. I just wish it was under better circumstances.”

He started to point out that they weren’t exactly friends, but decided against it. Whatever she needed to believe to make herself feel better was okay with him.

“Thanks for breakfast, Mom.” He kissed her cheek. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you at Broken Chains, tonight.”

The sadness in her gaze echoed how he felt in his heart. He sighed and left. He knew the drive back to Texas City would feel twice as long as usual, but he wanted to go home and change before making those phone calls.

On the way there, his cell phone rang. Caller ID showed Unknown Caller. His heart skipped a beat. While it was possible someone was calling who’d seen his poster and had information about his sister, he had a gut feeling this was something else.

“Did you get the note?” a low voice growled. Masculine, he thought, though the voice-garbling software made it difficult to tell.

“I did.” He kept his tone even, stifling the rage that filled him. Somehow, he managed to keep it contained. “How did you get this number?”

“Never mind that,” the anonymous person said. “Have you considered my offer?”

Though there were many ways Zach could have responded to that, he knew he didn’t have time to waste. “Consider it? I have no idea where I’d find virgins, never mind virgin Mermaids.”

“Really?” The caller sounded unconcerned. “If you don’t, then my little captive’s father should know. Ask him. Otherwise, tell him his daughter is going to die. You have one week. No longer.” And then, with a click, the person ended the call.

Stunned, Zach stared at his phone. He punched Redial, but only got a recording stating that the call could not be completed as dialed.

Clearly, this meant the letter writer had been serious. While he could infer from this that Nantha was still alive and they might be able to save her, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he couldn’t be part of some sort of sacrifice. Two innocent lives for his sister’s? No.

But would Ion feel the same way? For the first time ever, Zach wasn’t certain his stepfather would do the right thing.

While this was something else he’d discuss with the Shadow Agency, he decided he wouldn’t tell June just yet. Due to the letter’s implications, he could only imagine her reaction. No, when and if he decided to fill Ion in, he’d need to catch the Merman alone before he went back to the ocean.

For the first time, he wondered why the captors had chosen to reach out to him rather than Nantha’s father, especially since they wanted virgin Mermaids.

Chapter 5 (#u4031e78b-261f-5601-8639-b2f5118eb58c)

Shayla got to Broken Chains early, before the place had even begun to fill up. The band hadn’t even arrived yet. Johnny, the bartender, looked up when she entered, his expression surprised. “You’re really early,” he commented.

“I rented a private room,” she told him, smiling. “Can I get a ginger ale?” The soft drink had become a favorite. And it was far too early in the day to drink.

“Of course,” he said, pouring the beverage into a glass without ice, just the way she liked it. He checked a clipboard. “You’ve got room three. I’ll start a tab.”

“Thank you.” Carrying her drink with her, she headed toward the back of the bar, where bright red double doors separated the main area from the private rooms. Rumor had it that all kinds of deals were conducted in those four windowless spaces. Shayla didn’t know for certain, as she’d never rented one before.

Lately, every time she set foot in Broken Chains she marveled at how this place—a bar, for shark’s sake—felt so much like home. But here was truly the first place she’d ever been where no one was judged for any reason. Talk about diversity—Shifters and Vampires and Merfolk, and who knew what else, all coexisted in harmony. The knowledge, as well as the experience of finally feeling as if she belonged somewhere, made Broken Chains her home away from home.

Once she stepped through the double doors, she stood in a short hallway that ended with a full-length mirror decorating the wall and reflecting her image back at her. There were two doors on each side, numbered. Number three was the last door on the right.

She went to it, grasping the knob. Giddy with anticipation, she opened the door and stepped inside.

The perfectly square room looked like a conference room. Beige walls, boring artwork framed in walnut, dark hardwood floors and a large round mahogany conference table with six upholstered chairs.

At first disappointed, she shook her head and laughed. What had she expected really? Red upholstered couches and gilt coated lamps? This wasn’t a whorehouse, after all.

For whatever reason, she thought of Zach. It had been a long time since she’d battled such a fierce attraction to a man. Of course, since he was her client, this was not only inappropriate, but dangerous. She needed to keep her full attention on the investigation.
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