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Приключения Пиноккио / The adventures of Pinocchio. Уровень 1

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“When the dead weep, they recover,” said the Crow solemnly.

“I am sorry to contradict my famous friend and colleague,” said the Owl, “but I think that when the dead weep, it means they do not want to die.”

Chapter 17

Pinocchio eats sugar, but refuses to take medicine

The doctors left the room. The Fairy went to Pinocchio’s bed and touched him on the forehead. A fever!

She took a glass of water, put a white powder into it, and handed it to the Marionette:

“Drink this, and in a few days you’ll be well.”

Pinocchio looked at the glass, made a wry face, and asked:

“Is it sweet or bitter?”

“It is bitter, but it is good for you.”

“If it is bitter, I don’t want it.”

“Drink it!”

“I don’t like anything bitter.”

“Drink it and I’ll give you a lump of sugar.”

“Where’s the sugar?”

“Here it is,” said the Fairy, and took a lump from a golden sugar bowl.

“I want the sugar first, then I’ll drink the bitter water.”

“Do you promise?”


The Fairy gave him the sugar and Pinocchio swallowed it. Then he took the glass in both hands and stuck his nose into it.

“It is too bitter, much too bitter! I can’t drink it. I want another lump of sugar, then I’ll drink it.”

The Fairy gave him more sugar.

“I can’t drink it like that,” the Marionette said.


“Because that feather pillow on my feet bothers me.”

The Fairy took away the pillow.

“I can’t drink it even now.”

“What’s the matter now?”

“I don’t like that door. It’s half open.”

The Fairy closed the door.

“I won’t drink it,” cried Pinocchio. “I won’t drink this awful water. I won’t. I won’t! No, no, no, no!”

“My boy, you are very sick.”

“I don’t care.”

“In a few hours you’ll die.”

“I don’t care.”

“Aren’t you afraid of death?”

“Not a bit. Better to die than drink that awful medicine.”

At that moment, the door of the room opened and four Rabbits as black as ink, brought a small black coffin on their shoulders.

“What do you want from me?” asked Pinocchio.

“We want you,” said the largest Rabbit.

“Me? But I’m not dead yet!”

“No, not dead yet; but you will be in a few moments.”

“Oh, Fairy, my Fairy,” the Marionette cried, “give me that glass! Quick, please! I don’t want to die! No, no, not yet-not yet!”

And he swallowed the medicine at one gulp. The four Rabbits turned on their heels and marched solemnly out of the room.

With one leap Pinocchio was out of bed. The Fairy said to him:

“My medicine was good for you, after all, wasn’t it?”

“Good indeed!”

“But you didn’t want to drink it.”

“I’m a boy, you see, and all boys hate medicine.”

“What a shame! Medicine can save them from much pain and even from death.”

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