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The Daddy Dilemma

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Grateful for the hint, Mackie did just that. Ashley got back up beside her on the couch mesmerized by the purple dinosaur on the television. Mackie sat watching Barney for the first time in her life and then, entranced, watched Ashley swaying to the music and clapping her hands enthusiastically.

In a few minutes, Gordon reappeared in jeans and a jacquard-weave sweater, his hair damp from his shower. “Now to get Ash ready,” he announced. “Or would you like to be the one to give her a bath?”

“Funny man,” Mackie answered. “I’ll just wait here for the two of you.”

At Gordon’s suggestion, they agreed to pass the time till Beth’s scheduled appearance tending to weekend errands. First picking up photographs at the camera shop, then a visit to an open-air mall to purchase shoes for Ashley, after that a stop at the pet store to buy cat food for Cleo.

It wasn’t yet one o’clock but Mackie was ready for a break. This routine was daunting. She stretched within the confines of her seat belt.

“Bored?” Gordon asked.

“More awed than bored. And maybe a tiny bit fatigued. I do these same sorts of chores every Saturday, but a child definitely adds a...um...a new dimension.” She glanced at Ashley in her car seat punching the buttons of a toy mobile telephone, causing a racket of beeps and bells.

“‘New dimension.’ That’s a diplomatic turn of phrase. You mean new dimensions like packing the car safari-style with toys, snacks, diapers, what have you... then buckling her in a car seat, arriving at your destination, unbuckling, getting out strollers, putting back strollers...whew, makes me tired just to think of it.” He grinned. “If I didn’t love having her with me so much, I’d give in to exhaustion myself.” Glancing at his watch, he said, “It’s lunchtime. What say we grab a bite somewhere? Preferably a place where we can order something speedy. Ash has a short attention span in restaurants.”

“Sounds good. Do you have a restaurant in mind?”

He thought for a moment. “There’s an Italian place in Highland Park Village where we can dine alfresco. She likes that.”

The day was crisp but not cold, perfect weather for eating outside. After getting a table and a high chair for Ashley, they ordered salads and pizza.

“Who takes care of Ashley while you work?” Mackie asked.

“A part-time nanny. I have an arrangement with a wonderful lady who comes to the house three days a week. She adores Ashley and vice versa.”

“And the other two work days?”

“I don’t have classes then so I take care of her myself.”

“That doesn’t leave much time for a social life, or for going out.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Fishing for some tidbit to use against me? Like my admitting to having a different woman over every night?”

“It was a simple observation,” Mackie said grumpily. “Next you’ll be accusing me of taping our conversations for evidence.”

“Sorry. But it’s hard not to be paranoid. You and I do have conflicting interests.”

“Believe it or not, I care about Ashley’s welfare, too.”

“If you did, you’d be fighting for me. For a family rights champion, you’re on the wrong side in this one, Mackie. That woman—”

Mackie held up a hand. “—is someone who deserves a second chance. She’s really turning her life around—counseling, college courses, a hostess job at Café Maurice, even joined a church—”

“Gee, a regular saint. Probably be selected Dallas Mother of the Year,” Gordon sniped.

“Why don’t we just focus on our salads instead of on the case?”

Both were silent for a time, then the tension was lifted by Ashley, who began acting like a little coquette. First flirting with the man at the adjoining table, grinning every time he looked her way, then with the waiter whom she cast her eyes at while trying to heist pencils from his apron pocket.

Gordon and Mackie couldn’t help but laugh at his daughter’s outrageous ways. “I pity the boys when she gets older,” Mackie said.

“I pity me.”

The pizza arrived and they ate and talked, both trying to keep the conversation innocuous. The food was delicious and none of the other diners seemed offended by the mess Ashley was creating. A flock of birds could have feasted on the leavings beneath the child’s high chair. Broken saltines, a tomato slice, chunks of pizza crust. A line was crossed, however, when Ashley tossed her cup down and splattered Mackie’s shoes with milk.

“That’s it—time to go,” Gordon said, signaling for a check. “She always starts clearing the table when she’s getting restless.”

Once they were back in the car, Gordon said, “In answer to your question at the restaurant—after being married to Beth, I’ve pretty much cooled it on socializing with the opposite sex.”

Mackie was surprised, and strangely elated, that he’d bothered to explain. So Gordon Galloway was not only single, but available. She tried to squelch the pleasure she felt at that bit of information, deciding it was safer to keep feuding. “Some people would say you’re a cynic.”

“And some people would be right. Since news spread of my inheritance, the number of women lining up to be the next Mrs. Galloway is enough to make any man cynical. I never had to beat off women with a stick before.”

I find that hard to believe. Money wasn’t Gordon Galloway’s main draw. Not with that killer grin and those clear blue eyes that called to mind a mountain lake. Mackie caught herself, appalled by her own thoughts. This was totally unacceptable...engaging in such musings about an opponent. An opponent who was the biological equivalent of pond scum according to his ex-wife. “So why beat them off,” she persisted. “Don’t you think Ashley needs a mother?”

Gordon gave her a chiding, “Tsk, tsk.” “And here you’ve been telling me she already has a mother, a dear loving one, in Beth. Or was your question whether I plan to remarry? Ms. Smith, you’re getting very personal. Are you interested?”

Mackie fought back an embarrassed flush. “Don’t flatter yourself. I couldn’t get interested in you even if I wanted to. Ethically you’re a no-no. Besides, I’m not one of those predatory women who favors a man solely because he happens to have a big bank balance.”

Gordon chuckled. “So a man’s money doesn’t appeal. What would it take to get you to the altar?”

“I’ll pretend you didn’t ask that.”

“Oh I see, your personal questions are acceptable, mine aren’t.”

“OK, if you must know...marriage really isn’t on my agenda.”

“Not concerned about your biological clock?”

“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. The truth is the only clock which concerns me is the one which wakes me up in the morning. I like my life. Among other advantages, it’s nice to sleep through the night without being awakened to tend to someone else’s needs. Now take your best shot.”

“What’s that?”

“Accuse me of being selfish and self-centered.”

“Actually there’ve been a few nights when I’d probably agree with you. But what about a lover awakening you to cuddle?”

“I thought we were talking about children.”

“You were the one bringing up sleeping undisturbed. Sounds like someone used to sleeping alone.”

“Who I sleep with is—”

“Out! Out!” Ashley shrieked, rescuing Mackie from completing her answer. The baby’s rebellion against the car seat and tearful whining and crying consumed Gordon’s attentions during the rest of the drive.

The crying didn’t abate until they arrived back at Mackie’s. Worn from her tantrum, Ashley settled into her makeshift crib, stuck her thumb into her mouth and fell sound asleep. Mackie stared down at the little girl, amazed this could be the same impossible child of moments ago and thinking how enchanting she looked in sleep, how lovable. For the first time in ages, Mackie fantasized about having a baby of her own, then quickly shook her head, disowning such craziness.

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