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The Perfect Audition

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‘My tribe is full of shit.’ He said. TG was tired of LA and it’s celebrity worship.

The assistant left the room for a moment and then popped her head around the door again.

“Rose is here.” She said.

“Great,” said TG and stood up as Rose Nightingale walked into the room.

“Hello darls.” She said and kissed both TG and Diana on the cheek.

“Thanks for coming,” said TG slightly embarrassed that Rose Nightingale was auditioning for him. Rose had stopped auditioning years ago, after the Oscar and the BAFTA but he wanted to be sure he had the dynamic right.

“No problem, its fine. Good to be out actually.” Said Rose in an English accent that could cut glass.

Diana smiled, this was why she had suggested Rose, even though she was on a supposed sabbatical. Rose was a good sport, her fame had never taken over her personality. She was guarded in many ways but had an English elegance and warmth that endeared her to audiences and most of all, she was never afraid to be silly and make fun of herself.

Classically beautiful, she looked just a few years younger than her real age, unlike other actresses her age filled with Restolane and Botox. A brunette Grace Kelly lookalike, what stopped her from being too perfect was the slight smattering of freckles across her nose from the years of horse riding.

“Drink?” Asked the casting assistant but Rose shook her head. “If I drink now I’ll need to go to the loo. I’ve a weak bladder when I’m nervous.” She smiled genuinely at TG and he smiled back. Rose was exactly as he had hoped when he saw her audition tape.

“So, the role we are thinking for you in The Italian Dream is of Mary Ann. She is the painter who has gone to Italy after separating from her husband after finding out he has had an affair. Her parents were originally from Italy but she has never been there herself. She’s fluent in the Italian language and immerses herself in Italian life, staying at Isabel’s villa and pretending she is someone else. Eventually her husband comes looking for her, trying to win her back. They work through their issues in the marriage and come to a better place than they have ever been before. She and her husband stay in Italy and slowly and surely their marriage is mended by the beauty and romance of the country.”

Rose nodded as TG spoke. She understood the role more than TG realised and her thoughts wandered to Paul but she pushed them away and remained focussed.

“Shall we do the sides?” Asked TG referring to the pages of the script that he wanted to use for the audition.

Rose smiled and nodded. The assistant turned on the camera and TG watched as Rose went through the lines, perfectly.

God she was a talent, thought TG as he watched her work with the lines. They did the scene a few times and then TG stopped her.

“Rose, I just want to say how much I appreciate you auditioning for this, I know an actress of your talent is often above auditions.” He said honestly.

“Not at all. We are all just working actors at the end of the day. I’m just happy to have a chance at this, the script is one of the best I’ve read in ages.” She said laughing away his concerns.

“I’m glad you said that.” Said TG sitting forward. “I love it also.”

Diana moved her papers signalling the audition was over and Rose stood, knowing when to make an exit.

“Good luck with whatever happens TG, thanks for seeing me.” She said and smiled at them both and swept from the room.

TG turned to Diana, “She’s amazing.” He said.

Diana nodded, she only brought the best talent to TG and was confident in her choices.

‘Rose is amazing but she needs this role. She’s critically acclaimed but needs a hit to ensure bankability,’ said Diana leaning back in her chair. ‘I think we could knock her price down if you want her.’

‘You’re the Svengali of casting you know that?’ TG exclaimed half admiringly to Diana who just shrugged at him.

“Jessica’s here,” said the assistant putting her head through the door just before Jessica McClure walked into the room. It was obvious before she spoke that she felt that auditioning was beneath her and that she should be just offered the part. She sighed and placed her Jimmy Choo bag on the table in front of Diana, who moved it to the floor with a steely look on her face.

“Hi,” she smiled at TG and Diana but there was no warmth behind her eyes. She flicked her tawny hair over her shoulders and TG could see a small weave on her neck were the hair extensions were sewn in. She picked up a bottle of Fiji Water and opened it and drank from it, smearing her lipstick.

“So before we start, I want to know how you feel about improv on the set?” ‘I’m feeling this script is a little dry, it needs some fun, you know, it’s just so soppy.’ Inside TG groaned, there was no need for improv with a script this good.

Jessica was talented but she was unpredictable. Sometimes she would bring gold and other times she was shamefully bad.

He tried not to glare at Diana who seemed to be deeply involved with a blank piece of paper in front of her.

“So you understand the character?” TG asked, ignoring the question about improvisation.

“Yeah, although I thought I might be better suited for the role of Isabel.” Jessica remarked, looking down at the pages of the script in her hand.

“OK,” Said TG, silence then hanging in the air as Diana and TG looked at each other horrified. The role of Isabel was ten years younger than the role Jessica was reading for. Oblivious to the awkwardness in the room Jessica then went on reading the lines of Isabel.

TG let her read the lines, afraid of what might happen if he interrupted her. She seemed wired and panicked and he felt sorry for her. Ageing in Hollywood wasn’t kind and TG understood her denial of the inevitable. The parts became older and fewer and soon drastic measures were taken to their faces and their bodies courtesy of a Bevery Hills surgeon on speed dial.

He knew it was pointless to even continue with the audition and as she finished the lines for the wrong character he smiled at her kindly.

“Thanks Jessica,” before proceeding to look down at the papers in front of him.

Jessica sat waiting for him to continue.

The silence enveloped the room again and TG stood up and walked over to her, “So, we’ll let you know.”

“You’re not going to tell me now?” She pouted her lips a little and TG frowned. What had happened to this wonderful, talented actress? When had she become a caricature?

“No Jess, I think its best we leave it to the casting gods, ok?” he manoeuvred her out of the room and let the casting assistant take over as he shut the door behind her.

Turning to Diana he feigned a heart attack. “What the fuck happened there?”

Diana shook her head. “I don’t know, she was fine last week.” “I’m really sorry.”

“I know what happened,” he said. “Its classic audition panic. She gets the call-back and overreaches. Loses what she naturally has and tries to be something she isn’t.”

“I did notice her lips were fuller than last time I saw her,” said Diana archly.

TG slumped in his chair. No matter how much he liked film, he hated the bullshit that went with it and the desperation from the actors, no matter how big their star was.

“It’s kinda sad, actually,” said TG thinking of his ex girlfriend and Jessica and her overblown lips.

Diana scowled, “Sure, but who the fuck would want to be an actress anyway?” she asked.

TG laughed as the casting assistant bought the next woman in for the role of Isabel, not right thought TG as he watched her work. To comedic, no depth.

He worked with two more actresses when Sapphira De Mont stalked in and sat down without speaking. TG swallowed nervously. She was predatory and dangerous and he glanced at Diana who sat back in her chair, her face blank.

TG was familiar with Sapphira De Monts’ work, she was arguably the most famous and enigmatic women on the planet at that moment but they had never worked together.

“Thanks for coming.” TG smiled, his voice professional.
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