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The Perfect Location

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‘Yes, yes, hi again,’ he heard himself saying. He remembered Calypso was gorgeous but had no idea how beautiful she really was till he saw her dressed in gold and so luminous. The light of the candles lit the shadows under her cheekbones and made her hazel eyes almost seem yellow in the light. He felt a chill run down his spine.

Calypso smiled and took a sip from her glass and remained silent. When she was nervous she said too much, and right now, she was really, really nervous. Any minute he’ll find out I’m an imposter, she thought.

‘How’s things, Cal?’ asked Kelly. ‘How’re you settling into bella Italia?’

‘Great. I slept for nearly eighteen hours, I think, then woke up and went to dinner and ate the most amazing pastry and met a boy.’ Calypso stopped, aware she had just run on and then swore in front of her director again, just like in the audition. I must look like a kid to them, she thought as she felt them staring at her.

There was no judgement from her audience though. Chris was thinking: I can’t wait to shoot her. She is gorgeous.

Kelly was thinking several things: She met a boy? Already? Well played, Calypso. And then looking at Calypso’s slender figure, she thought incredulously, she ate carbs!

TG didn’t hear a word Calypso said. He just watched her mouth move and the way the light flickered over her face and shoulders. He felt himself mesmerized and tried to pull himself together.

A boy? he wondered. Man, she was fast. Lucky bastard, he thought. Shit, TG, you just broke up with an actress. You know what they’re like! The last thing you need is a distraction. Get your head in the game, boy, he admonished himself. Smiling thinly at Calypso, he turned his back on her and walked towards the bar.

Calypso felt her cheeks flush with shame. He thinks I’m an idiot, a silly little girl, she thought as she watched him walk away.

The inadequacies she felt always came back, leaving her feeling stupid and uneducated. She watched TG as he chatted to someone by the bar. He was probably one of those uptight intellectual New Yorkers, she thought and immediately decided to hate him. Partly because this was her normal reaction to someone when she felt less than them, but also because it protected her. Leeza had drummed into her: ‘If they don’t like you, then fuck them, you didn’t like them first.’

For all the self-help and self-improvement books she had read over the years, when Calypso felt threatened, everything she thought she had learned went out the window and she returned to being Leeza’s daughter again, defensive when doubted or questioned.

Kelly watched TG’s reaction and Calypso’s response to him carefully. Knowing TG as she did, he was clearly attracted to her. Yet this is what he always did, she thought. He runs away, afraid of his feelings, and the woman always has to chase him. Looking at the young girl in front of her, she reached out and touched her arm, her skin soft beneath her hand. ‘He’s a little wound up, always like this before a shoot. He really is a great guy, you’ll see.’

‘Whatever, it’s cool,’ Calypso said to Kelly but inside she was fuming.

Looking around for any other faces she knew, she saw Rose Nightingale had arrived. She hadn’t seen her come in but couldn’t miss her now. Tall and slender in a peach georgette chiffon, halter-neck Chloé gown, Rose was beautiful. Her shoulders and arms were lily white, and she wore a gold Etruscan cuff on one arm and matching gold hoop earrings, which showed off her long neck.

Her brunette hair was swept up into a ponytail and she had applied her make-up in such a way that it looked as if she had barely any on but her features were perfect. Calypso knew this kind of make-up took over an hour to apply and she was a little star-struck. Rose was an icon and had the power and respect in the industry that Calypso hoped to one day have herself.

Seeing the girl in the gold dress staring at her, Rose made a beeline to her. ‘Hello, I’m Rose,’ she said with a smile. ‘I’m thrilled to be working with you. I saw your film on the plane on the way over. You were great, well done.’

Rose had a way of instantly putting people at ease. After her experience at drama school in London, she worked hard to make women at ease with her. Her warmth and kindness, just when Calypso felt so vulnerable, was exactly what was needed.

‘You’re very funny, it’s so hard to be funny. I can’t ever do it. It’s easy to cry on set, just think of your dog dying or something and then the waterworks start. But to make people laugh, well, that’s hard.’

Rose was so sincere and earnest that Calypso believed her immediately and decided to like her straightaway. Seeing her relax in her presence, Rose touched her arm. ‘Let’s sit together at dinner, shall we? I want to hear all about you.’

Calypso nodded eagerly. Rose’s motherly instinct was exactly what Calypso needed at that moment.

TG walked over and kissed Rose on both cheeks. They had known each other through the industry A-list parties and events and Rose was thrilled to be finally working with him.

‘Well, hello there,’ he said. ‘I see you’ve met Calypso.’

Calypso glared at him. If Rose noticed any tension she didn’t let on, instead she talked about how happy she was to be in Italy and how she hoped her family would come and visit her here.

While she spoke, TG did not look at Calypso once, even though Rose included her in the conversation several times. Calypso was becoming more and more incensed. This guy is an asshole, she thought, wishing she had taken the action film instead.

TG was aware of Calypso next to him though. Her presence was electric and whatever perfume she was wearing was driving him crazy. He knew if he turned to face her he would want to touch her face, her hair, her body. Oh my God, he thought, as Rose kept talking, I’m insane. I’m tragic. What kind of a guy falls for a woman he has just met? This isn’t right. It must be the candles and the fact that I haven’t had sex for five months.

Gun-shy from his experience with the ambitious starlet, he made a vow he would never date an actress again – until he met Calypso. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and saw her looking at Rose as she spoke. She seemed tense; maybe she was nervous. Perhaps he should say something to relax her, he thought.

Racking his brain he said the first thing that popped into his head. ‘Calypso ate a pastry.’ The shock of this sentence ran through his body and he felt himself cringing.

Calypso shot a deathly stare at him. Was he worried she was going to get fat in Italy? Was he making fun of her? I’ll have to ring my trainer and get her to send me a DVD tomorrow to do while I’m here, she thought. Fuck, what the hell does that comment mean?

Rose clapped her hands, her gold cuff catching the light. ‘Oh God, the food here is wonderful. I plan to get really fat after filming! I want my family to come over and we’ll go on a gastronomic tour of the region. What sort of pastry did you have?’ she asked.

Calypso’s mouth was set in a straight line. ‘Berries, chocolate.’ she answered through gritted teeth.

TG saw her face set and knew she thought he was a dick. Oh well, at least I won’t have to worry about my crush if she hates me, he thought.

Giulia walked over and suggested to TG it was time to sit down for the dinner as the chefs were getting worried their feast would be spoiled.

‘Is Sapphira here yet?’

‘No, not yet but she’s on her way. I rang her driver,’ Giulia replied.

‘Great, we’ll start to get everyone to the table and begin without her.’

‘Excuse me,’ he said to Rose and Calypso, and walked towards a group of people, gesturing at the table.

Rose and Calypso wandered over, setting down their glasses. Rose pulled out her chair and sat down before the waiter standing behind her had time. Patting the chair next to her, she looked up at Calypso, who was debating whether to run away. ‘Come on, sit next to me. This’ll be fun.’

Rose’s enthusiasm was infectious and Calypso decided things would be all right if she stuck with her for the shoot. The party sat down, and TG stood and tapped his champagne glass with his fork. As he did, Sapphira arrived and the whole table fell silent. She stood in the doorway of the courtyard, wearing a white leather Pucci mini dress, with a huge silver and black eagle on the front looking as if it were about to land on its prey. She wore no jewellery and long black hair hung loosely down her back. Her legs seemed to stretch forever, ending in a pair of Balmain suede calf-high boots, with five silver buckles up each side. Her entrance stunned the room; it was dramatic and powerful, not unlike Sapphira herself.

TG spoke, breaking the moment. ‘Well, I was about to make a speech but one of our stars took the words right out of my mouth,’ he said, laughing.

The table joined in his laughter and Sapphira smiled at the group, getting the joke. She felt good tonight; she had slept this afternoon and had a gorgeous swim in the pool. She had lain in the sun and was instantly sun kissed. She looked great and she knew it. Looking along the table, she recognized Rose. Everyone knew Rose, but she didn’t know the young girl sitting next to her looking anxious. Sapphira didn’t watch television or films, preferring books and providing her own entertainment. The industry did not interest her but the craft of acting did, so she tried to read and experience as much as she could so she would have emotions to draw on when she was working.

Rose waved at her and smiled. They had met at a few Women in Hollywood functions and while it was only small talk, they had found each other pleasant. Sapphira didn’t have girlfriends. In fact, she didn’t have any friends; she only had lovers or ex-lovers.

Friendship was not something she’d had growing up. Her mother hadn’t had friends and her father only had people who used him for drugs and parties at his house. The pack she ran with in her teenage years had not stayed together; drug overdoses, rehab and prison time had split the group up and then Sapphira became a star. It was problematic enough trying to maintain a steady sexual relationship, let alone an emotional one.

Walking towards Rose, Sapphira hoped she would be easy to work with and not get too close. People always tried to be her friend but she would have none of it. Besides, she didn’t want people to know her secret. Better she spent her time alone. It had worked for her fine, so far.

‘Hello there,’ said Rose. ‘You look amazing! Well done, you. That dress looks as though it was made for you.’

‘It was,’ said Sapphira, without any arrogance. Designers made her outfits all the time and she chose the ones she could wear, instead of the dress wearing her. She had seen too many celebrities on red carpets overdressed and struggling with their trains and fussing over a lost Harry Winston earring on loan for the night.

‘This is Calypso Gable, our other actress. We’re the three amigos, I guess,’ laughed Rose.

‘Hi,’ said Sapphira.

‘Hello,’ answered Calypso, intimidated by Sapphira’s sexual presence and beauty.

‘Calypso has just made a big impact in her new hit film. Have you seen it?’

‘No,’ said Sapphira, sitting down. ‘I don’t watch films or television,’ she shrugged unapologetically.
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