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Special Deliveries: Wanted: A Mother For His Baby: The Nanny Trap / The Baby Deal / Her Real Family Christmas

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Blake’s pulse hitched at how close he’d come to losing his son. “What stopped you?”

“I thought I was ready to do anything to keep him until I came here and spent those two weeks with you...and Victoria. I couldn’t put my happiness above yours.”

He sensed she hadn’t included Vicky in her deliberations. “Thank you. The gift you’ve given me is something I can never repay.”

“You’re welcome.” A ghost of a smile flitted across her lips. “But you’re wrong. The money you paid me saved my parents’ farm.”

“You never told me what you did with the money.”

Her eyes glittered. “And from your tone, I gather you thought I blew it on stupid things like clothes and partying?”

“New York can be an expensive place to live and you did give me the impression you’d been sucked in by the glamour.”

“I’ve always valued my privacy. When you live with nine other people, it’s a rare commodity.”

“So your parents kept their farm and I have a wonderful son.” His anger at her deception about being Drew’s biological mother was tempered by yet another example of her generous nature. “How exactly did you benefit from our arrangement?”

Her eyes widened at his question, as if she’d never thought to include herself in the equation. “I guess what I got out of it was a wonderful new life in New York City. I never would have stayed here if we hadn’t met. The couple I originally came out here to meet chose a different surrogate and I was on the verge of returning to Iowa when I got a call from the clinic about you and Victoria needing a surrogate.”

She appeared perfectly happy with how things had turned out, but Blake couldn’t help but believe she deserved more.

“I think you are the most unselfish person I’ve ever met.”

“I’m not as altruistic as you believe.”

“Really?” He recalled the bits he’d overheard from her phone conversations over the last several weeks. “What did you do with the salary advance I gave you?”

“I gave it to my sister Kate for her semester studying abroad in Kenya.”

“And the money you gave to Sean?”

“Repairs to the truck he just bought.”

“A truck you helped him buy?”

“He got a job in town this summer. If he doesn’t have a car, he won’t be able to get to work. He’s planning on going to college after high school. He’ll need to save as much as possible. If I can help in this small way, it will make things a little easier on him.”

“Does everyone in your family turn to you for financial help?”

“My parents do the best they can. Mom promised Sean six hundred dollars toward a truck, but then the tractor needed repairs.” Bella looked resigned. “There’s always something that needs fixing on the farm.”

“I was wrong earlier,” Blake said, amazed how she downplayed the number of sacrifices she made on behalf of her siblings. “You’re a saint.”

She laughed. “Hardly.”

It seemed as if her family didn’t hesitate to ask for all sorts of help. He considered how easy it would be for people to take advantage of her generous nature. Obviously Vicky had. He was beginning to understand why she’d be so reluctant to take on more responsibility with a family of her own.

“So who takes care of you?”

Her brows came together at his question. “I guess I do.”

Blake picked up her hand and carried it to his lips. Kissing her reverently, he declared, “You deserve someone who is willing to put you first.”

“I wouldn’t know what that’s like,” she admitted, tugging to free herself. “I’m compulsively drawn to people who need my help. It’s a pattern I’ve had no luck breaking. All my life I’ve taken care of my brothers and sisters. I don’t know how to do anything else.”

“That changes now.” Blake saw the sign for the Rosewood Winery and braked. “From this moment forward, I’m going to satisfy your every whim. It’s time you see what you’ve been missing.”

* * *

While the car rolled along a long driveway lined with neat rows of grapes that stretched endlessly in either direction, Blake’s promise reverberated in Bella’s mind. He was going to satisfy her every whim? Did he have any idea how incredibly tempted she was to let him do just that?

What would it be like to have Blake spoil her rotten? Just being with him brought her a joy she’d never known before. At the deepest level, his strength lulled her anxieties. Bella knew that if she stopped pushing him away, he would make her deliriously happy. But for how long? What he wanted for himself and for Drew was someone who would be completely dedicated to being a wife and a mother.

Long ago Bella had promised herself if she ever married it would be to someone who didn’t want to be tied down with kids. She wanted the freedom to travel, to be spontaneous, to not constantly worry about money. To put herself first.

The way Blake’s ex-wife had.

There were many things to criticize about Victoria’s behavior, but sometimes Bella envied the ex-model’s capacity for guilt-free self-indulgence. It would be nice to keep the money Blake was paying her instead of doling it out to her siblings. At the rate things were going back home, would her nest egg still be intact when it came time for the winter trip to the Caribbean?

“I need to warn you,” Blake said as he stopped the car in front of a house straight out of the Tuscan countryside. “If Sam starts talking about making wine, he will not stop unless you tell him to. I think I mentioned that he’s been obsessed with wine as long as I’ve known him. The same thing goes for growing grapes.”

“But we’re here to visit his winery.” Bella stepped out of the car and stretched. The drive had taken a little less than an hour, but their conversation hadn’t been an easy one and all her tension had sunk deep in her muscles. “Won’t he expect us to be interested in it?”

Before Blake could answer, the front door opened and a woman appeared. While Bella unfastened Drew’s car seat, the leggy redhead threw her arms around Blake.

“How wonderful to see you,” she cried. “And you brought Drew.”

“Julie, this is Bella.”

“What a pleasure to meet you,” Julie said.

Bella couldn’t help but like the woman’s energy. “Likewise.”

“Where’s Sam?” Blake asked as Julie coaxed a smile from a suddenly shy Drew.

“Do you really need to ask?” Julie hitched her head toward a group of buildings. “Why don’t you go say hello and tell him lunch will be served in fifteen minutes. Bella, Drew and I will go get acquainted.”

Julie led Bella around the house to a shady patio where several wicker chairs had been placed to take advantage of the views of the surrounding gardens and the acres of neatly planted grapes.

“I can’t get over how beautiful it is,” Bella exclaimed. “It looks just like the pictures I’ve seen of Italy. How big is your property?”

“About a hundred acres. Fifty-five of it is planted with grapes. The rest is pasture and my training facilities.”

“Blake mentioned you train horses. How long have you been doing that?”

“Professionally for about five years, but I grew up competing in dressage and eventing. It was Sam’s idea. I don’t know if Blake mentioned to you how obsessed my husband is about his wine.”

“He said Sam would talk my ear off if I let him.”
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