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The Spanish Doctor's Love-Child

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‘Something to dance to. Now, let me see.’ He glanced along the rack of CDs.

The sound system in his living room was seriously expensive, Becky noticed. Given those chocolates, Leandro was a man who clearly liked the best. And expected the best.

So this idea of dancing was a really bad one. Especially as he hadn’t listened to her warning that it wasn’t her forte.

But then she didn’t have the chance to think any more as the music flooded the room: a soft intro, and then a really sexy, haunting voice singing in Spanish. She had no idea what the man was singing about, but she loved his voice. ‘Who’s this?’ she asked.

Leandro named a Spanish singer she’d never heard of. ‘He’s popular in my country,’ he added with a smile. ‘Now, the dance.’ He took her hands and placed one on his shoulder and the other on his waist. ‘This is for balance. Just follow my lead, and you’ll be fine.’ He smiled at her. ‘The rhythm is slow, slow, quick, quick, slow.’

Oh-h-h. She remembered a chick-flick she’d gone to see with a crowd of her female friends. ‘Is this the tango?’

He inclined his head. ‘It doesn’t have to be as showy as the ones you see in films. I’m not going to bend you over backwards or place your cheek next to mine so we’re facing the same way and stalk down the room. Just relax, feel the beat of the music and trust me to guide you.’

Before she knew it, they were dancing. It felt as if she were floating. Not stumbling, as she had before.

‘Two left feet? I don’t think so,’ he whispered, holding her close.

Probably because he was an incredible dancer and she was simply following his movements.

She could feel the warmth of his skin through his thin cotton shirt, and she was so aware of the way he was holding her, one hand resting on her shoulder and the other on her waist. Holding her close. Moving as one with her.

‘You have beautiful eyes,’ he said softly. ‘Like the colour of a sky on a late spring evening, just as the stars are starting to come out.’

Flattery, she knew. But it sent a little flutter through her. ‘Thank you.’

They danced in silence a while longer, then she felt his lips brush lightly against her cheek. Just once. And then he paused, clearly waiting for her signal.

She could drop her hands and take a step back. Thank him for the evening, and call a taxi.

Or for once she could live dangerously.

How long had it been since she’d found a man as attractive as she found Leandro Herrera? How long since she’d felt that spark?

She turned her head, just slightly, so she faced him. Saw understanding dawn in those gorgeous dark eyes. And then his mouth touched hers. The lightest, sweetest contact. It made her mouth tingle, made her want more.

She moved a little closer, and felt his breathing change.

And then he was kissing her again. Tiny, nibbling kisses, persuading her to open her mouth and let him deepen the kiss.

She completely forgot the music. Forgot to dance. Forgot to move. The only things she was aware of were the feel of his mouth against hers and the desire scorching through her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt like this—maybe since the early days with Michael. Although she’d dated a couple of times since her divorce, she’d never wanted it to go further than a goodnight kiss, and a chaste one at that.

With Leandro, she wanted more. A lot more.

And she wanted it now.

From the feel of his hard body against hers, she knew it was completely mutual. That he wanted her just as much.

At last he broke the kiss. ‘Em sap greu. Sorry. That wasn’t supposed to happen.’

She felt her face heat. And the way she’d reacted, kissing him back… He must think she was a complete tart. They were almost strangers, and she’d practically thrown herself at him. ‘I’m sorry.’ She swallowed hard. ‘I’ll go.’

‘I don’t want you to go. I didn’t mean that.’ He stroked her cheek. ‘Just that when I invited you to dinner, I didn’t expect you to sleep with me in return.’

Her face heated even more.

‘Which isn’t a polite way of saying that I’m not attracted to you. I want you, Becky. Very much. But I don’t want you to feel that I’m pressuring you. So I’ll call you a taxi.’ He moistened his lower lip with the tip of his tongue. ‘Because if you stay here for much longer I’m not going to be able to be an honourable man. My self-control will splinter and I’ll end up carrying you to my bed.’

The idea made her whole body quiver; she could feel her nipples hardening at the thought. Being carried to Leandro’s bed. And he’d be as good a lover as he was a dancer. Looking out for her, making sure her pleasure was as great as his.

But there was a problem. A huge one. Because she didn’t want her heart broken again. She’d been there when her marriage had broken up—and then, just when she’d thought she’d reached the lowest point, she’d discovered she could hurt even more.

And she was never, ever going to take that kind of risk again.

Work, at least, was safe. Something she was good at. Something where she could make the world a better place.

She dragged in a breath. ‘There’s something I should tell you. I’m not looking for a relationship.’

‘I’m not looking for a relationship either. I’m about to start a new job.’ He spread his hands. ‘I don’t have time for anything except my work.’

So if they did this, it would be for one night only.

One perfect night with a stranger.

Tempting. So tempting. But even if this was going to be just for one night, she didn’t want him thinking badly of her. She didn’t want him thinking that she made a habit of going off with complete strangers. ‘I don’t do one-night stands, as a rule.’

He inclined his head. ‘Then I’ll respect your wishes and call you a taxi.’

It would be the sensible thing to do.

But after the days she’d spent in London and the miserable day at work, Becky needed warmth. Needed to feel.

She shook her head. ‘I don’t want you to call a taxi.’

Her words came out in a whisper, and Leandro’s pulse quickened. ‘You want to stay here with me?’

She nodded.

‘Just for tonight.’ He needed this to be clear. He’d already seen what relationships did to people—he’d grown up knowing that his mother’s heart was cracked in two. And he wasn’t going to let that happen to him. So he’d concentrated on work: keeping his relationships for fun and his heart intact. Despite the physical pull he felt towards Becky Marston, that wasn’t going to change. His focus was on his career, and it was going to stay that way.

‘Just for tonight,’ she confirmed.

Heat flared at the base of his spine. ‘You’re sure about this?’

She lifted her chin. ‘I’m sure. Very sure.’

He bent his head and kissed her. Hot and hard. And when he lifted his head he could see desire reflected in her eyes. ‘Ets molto atractiva.’

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