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Her Honourable Playboy

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Alyssa wasn’t sure whether she was more relieved or disappointed. Relieved that he wasn’t expecting her just to fall into his bed, and disappointed for exactly the same reason.

‘Pudding?’ He handed her the menu.

When had the waiter appeared? She hadn’t noticed. Oh, no. Please, don’t say he’d overheard the conversation she’d just had with Seb.

I’m not going to push you into having sex with me.

Her skin burned with mortification.

‘I,’ Seb said, keeping his gaze firmly fixed on hers, ‘am having crème brûlée.’

Crème brûlée. Celtic skin that looks like fresh cream. He was doing this on purpose.

She glanced at the menu. ‘It’s not on the list.’

He smiled. ‘They’ll do it for me.’

His arrogance was breathtaking. On the other hand, if he was a regular customer—a very regular customer—the staff probably indulged him.

That was Seb’s trouble. He was over-indulged.

‘Not by everyone,’he said, and her hand flew to her mouth.

‘I didn’t mean to say that out loud,’ she muttered. ‘Sorry.’

‘If you were anyone else, I’d demand a kiss as a forfeit.’ He leaned back in his chair and gave her a lazy grin. ‘But you’re not interested.’

‘Quite right.’ A kiss as a forfeit. Her whole body tingled at the idea, but she forced herself to sound cool, calm and collected. ‘I’ll have the lemon posset, please.’

Though when their desserts came, she wished she’d asked for crème brûlée as well. It looked gorgeous. The perfect caramelised crust—and with a raspberry on the top, dusted with just a smidgen of icing sugar and decorated with a tiny fresh mint leaf.

Clearly her longing showed on her face, because Seb scooped the raspberry from the top of his pudding, and leaned over towards her. ‘Open wide.’


Another hint of that, oh, so sexy smile. ‘You know you want to.’

Oh, yes.

She opened her mouth and allowed him to feed her the mouthful of fruit, caramel and cream.

‘My turn,’ he said softly.

He wanted a taste of her pudding?

Oh, Lord. If this was ‘not pushing’, she hated to think what he’d be like when he was trying to persuade someone into having sex with him.

Frankly, he wouldn’t even need to try. If they weren’t in the middle of a restaurant, she knew she’d be taking her clothes off right now and letting him do whatever he liked. Because she knew he’d make it good for both of them.

Embarrassed, she scooped a spoonful of the lemon posset and fed it to him.

He licked a smear from his lower lip, making her temperature rise a notch. ‘Creamy and smooth, with a hint of tartness. My idea of perfection,’ he said.

He was talking about the dessert. So why did she want him to be talking about her?

Somehow she managed to keep her composure during the rest of the meal. Coffee and tiny petits fours. When they’d left the restaurant, Seb switched on his CD player and she pretended to listen to Mozart so she wouldn’t have to make conversation on the way back to her flat.

And then a car overtook Seb in the middle of a roundabout. A small, bright yellow car—at least, the bits that weren’t rusty were yellow. The exhaust sounded illegal and the music pumping from the car was so loud that they could actually hear it above the music in their own car—and their windows were closed.

‘Idiot!’ Seb yelled, then glanced sideways at Alyssa. ‘Sorry.’

‘It was a stupid place to overtake,’ Alyssa said. ‘But let it go. Don’t get into a boy racer match.’ She could imagine Seb chasing after the yellow car and overtaking it, just to prove that he could.

‘I’m not that immature,’ Seb said. ‘I get it all the time in this car—people either want to drive it or want to beat it. But I also know this car could take on just about anything on the road and win. I don’t have to prove anything.’

All the same, when they came to the next set of traffic lights, the yellow car was next to them.

The driver—who looked young enough for it to be his first car, if he was even old enough to drive it—spread his hand as widely as he could and waved manically at them—with the kind of wide smile Alyssa associated with the more over-the-top children’s TV presenters. What was going through his head was obvious: Look at me! I’m king of the road—I overtook you and your flash car!

Seb revved his engine.

‘As you said, you’re not that immature,’ Alyssa reminded him.

‘Yeah.’ He grinned. ‘Though if you weren’t in the car with me, I’d be tempted.’

She could just imagine it. ‘Well, don’t.’

Seb pulled away sedately, but the young driver of the yellow car wasn’t going to let it go. He screeched in front of Seb without indicating, jammed his brakes on—hard enough that Seb had to brake sharply, too—then roared off.

Seb swore. ‘Teenage showing-off I can ignore—but that was downright dangerous. I need a word with that kid.’

‘Leave it, Seb. Walk away.’

Seb shook his head. ‘I don’t care if he’s got a car full of yobs with him. He needs to know that what he’s doing is going to end up in an—’

Just as he was about to say the word, it seemed to happen in slow motion. The yellow car was still speeding, and the driver appeared to be concentrating more on what was going behind him. That, or he just didn’t see the red light.

Or the lorry pulling out of the junction.


ALYSSA was already reaching for her handbag as Seb said, ‘Call the emergency services.’

She gave the operator their location, then explained what had happened. ‘Collision between a car and a lorry. Four in the car, not sure about the lorry. They might need to be cut out, so we’ll need the fire brigade as well as at least two ambulances and the police.’ She finished giving the necessary details and followed Seb over towards the crash site—he’d already taken a bag and a torch from the boot of his car.

‘That isn’t a trauma kit, by any chance?’ she asked hopefully, as she caught him up with him.

‘First aid only.’ He blew out a breath. ‘The best we can do here is triage and sort out minor wounds until the paramedics get here.’
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