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Texas Bride

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“Name’s Lopez,” the sheriff announced, removing his wire-rimmed sunglasses and hanging them by one earpiece from his starched shirt pocket. “And you are?”

“Josh Walker...and wife.”

After a brief, searching look, Lopez said, “Quite a storm last night. Been out since dawn, checking on damage. That your car down in the creek?”

“Yes. My wife and I barely got out in time. We took refuge here last night.” Josh did his granite-jaw exhibition again. “Hope that isn’t a problem, Officer.”

The sheriff shrugged. “Real problem’s gonna be gettin’ yore vee-hicle outta that arroyo,” he drawled. “Don’t know if Vern can get his tow truck close enough to—”

Dani didn’t hear the rest. A fresh fist of pain hit her, then—a gush of warm wetness between her legs. Her knees threatened to go on strike and she blindly clutched at Josh for support.

His arm instantly wrapped around her. “Wh-what is it, Dani? What happened?”

Before she could answer, Lopez chuckled. “As the father of five, I’d say the lady’s water broke.” Pushing the brim of his Stetson up with his thumb, he addressed Dani. “You havin’ pains yet, ma’am?”

She managed to nod. “I—I guess I’ve been having them since I woke up this morning, b-but...” She bit her lip.

“But what?” Josh demanded.

His arm still crushed her against his side. Dani didn’t resist; she needed his strength right now. She wanted this baby so much, but—“Th-the pains aren’t right!”

The sheriff whipped his sunglasses out of his pocket, snapped them open with a flick of his wrist and slid them on his face, his sleepy demeanor instantly replaced by cool efficiency. “They got a clinic in No Lake. I’ll hustle on down to the car and radio the doc. You bring yore wife.”

As the sheriff spun on his heel and disappeared down the trail, Josh turned to Dani. “What do you mean, not right?” he demanded, his hands wrapped around her upper arms, his azure eyes hot and intense.

“They’re in my back, not here.” Dani’s hand covered her abdomen.

Josh’s grip eased. “My sister-in-law had back labor,” he said. “Twice. And both babies were perfect.”

This is normal. Relief dissolved the fear washing through her, and without thinking, Dani aimed a thank-you kiss at Josh’s cheek.

As her lips neared the beard-roughened surface, she caught a faint whiff of pine and a unique male scent she instinctively recognized as his. Then Josh turned his head and mouth met mouth—one warm and soft, one cool and firm. A momentary hesitation...then someone deepened the kiss. Stars exploded. Volcanoes blew apart. The earth shifted on its axis—and babies and back pains were forgotten for one eternal second while heat and passion consumed her. Someone moaned, the sound deep and throaty. Dani thrust her fingers into Josh’s thick, silky hair. He wrapped her braid around his wrist—

Reality finally intruded. I’m having a baby. Jimmy’s baby. “I—I’m sorry,” she whispered as she pulled back. “I just... Thank you for telling me about your sister-in-law.”

“Any time, lady.” Josh gave a ragged laugh as he raked shaking fingers through his hair and let out a deep breath. “Except now, that is. We’ve got places to go.”

His briskness told Dani that the errant kiss hadn’t affected him. A tendril of pain helped her ignore the desire still racing through her veins. “I n-need to get the b-baby’s things,” she said.

Josh growled. “Where?”

She pointed to a yellow quilted bag; he snatched it up. Then the darned man scooped her up, too. He carried her out of the cabin and down the path with long, swift strides, placing her in the sheriff’s car as if she were fine Austrian crystal.

He balked, however, when the sheriff ordered him into the back seat, too. “Look, I’m not—Just take her to the doctor, okay? I’ll, er, wait here.”

“You’re the reason she’s in this condition, son,” the sheriff snapped. “Seems to me, you oughta finish what you start.”

Josh scowled. Dani wasn’t his woman; her “condition” wasn’t his fault. And Carrie had never given him the chance to finish what he’d accidentally started.

Dani groaned.

Instantly, Josh was beside her in the car. “Another pain?”

She nodded, her face pinched and tight, those sensual lips pressed into a thin line.

Which left nothing to do but—“Shh,” he murmured, pulling her onto his lap. “I’m here, Dani. I won’t leave you.” He wrapped his arms around her, held her tightly against his chest. It feels right. As right as that spine-tingling kiss a minute ago.

All of which was completely wrong. Dammit, he didn’t respond like this to a woman, any woman—especially one having another man’s baby!

“Thank you for not giving me away,” Dani whispered as the sheriff eased the patrol car onto the road. “I owe you.”

Josh just snorted at that nonsense. Of their own accord, his arms tightened around her.

“I don’t mean to tell you your business, Lopez,” he snarled, “but floor it, will you? The woman’s having a baby!”

“I ain’t licensed to fly, son. We’ll get there. Don’t worry.” The damned fool slowed down then, just to go through a blind curve.

At last, they reached a town. The sheriff spun the steering wheel, then stood on the brakes and screeched to a halt in front of a metal prefab building.

“Here y’are,” he announced. “No Lake Medical Clinic. Told ya we’d get here in time.”

“Thanks, Sheriff.” Josh jerked open the car door. “I, uh, I—”

Even Lopez’s laugh had a Texas twang. “’Pology accepted, son. Best get yore wife inside now. The doc’ll take it from here. And good luck to ya.”

Josh kept his hands steady and gentle as he eased Dani out of the car, and carried her carefully up the clinic steps.

The place was deserted—except for one small, mahogany-skinned, too-damned-young man wearing a white knit shirt, nylon shorts and striped kneesocks. “Good Sunday morning to you,” he said as he directed Josh to an examining room and helped him settle Dani on the table there. “I am Dr. Ravjani, playing soccer only moments ago.”

“Josh Walker. This is Dani.” Josh watched her anxiously. Her eyes were closed again as she rode out another contraction, breathing deeply.

“Very happy to be meeting you.” Ravjani grinned as he began taking Dani’s blood pressure. “I am guessing first baby. Right?”

“Yes,” she exhorted. “But my due date isn’t for two more weeks.”

“Oh, first babies are notorious for not heeding the calendar,” the doctor said cheerfully.

When Dani offered a tentative smile in response, Josh turned to leave.

“Good idea!” Ravjani crowed, grabbing Josh’s arm. “I will help Mrs. Dani into a sterile gown while you are washing up to your elbows.” For a small man, Ravjani had a tenacious grip. Josh found himself being hustled from the room and down a hallway. “Then I will examine your wife while you are comforting her.”

Josh shook his head. Tried to free his arm. The little man’s grip tightened.

“This was not a question, Josh Walker. My nurse is barbecuing her boyfriend today, so I am needing your help.” The doctor shoved him into a tiny bathroom. “Mrs. Dani is already afraid of what she isn’t knowing. Now I am an excellent doctor, you understand, but my English—I may not be saying the comforting clichés correctly to keep her focus off the pain. I tell you—thinking about it will only make this delivery harder.” The little man shook a finger under Josh’s nose. “For the baby’s sake, you must be helping me.”

With that, Ravjani disappeared.

Well, hell. Josh reached for the soap. He’d spent six years mourning his lost baby. As he scrubbed his hands and forearms nearly raw, some scorekeeper in his head observed, Helping Dani deliver her baby will give you part of what Carrie denied you.
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