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In Sunny Spain with Pilarica and Rafael

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Consolation; comfort. Many a Spanish girl is called Consuelo, the full form being Maria (Mah-ree´-ah) del Consuelo, Mary of Comfort, one of the names of the Madonna.

Copla. (Co´-plah.)

A stanza, usually a couplet or quatrain.

Coronela. (Co-ro-nā´-lah.)

Derived from corona (co-rōn´-ah), meaning crown. In this story, a mule of crowning excellence.

Cubilon. (Coo-be-lōn´.)

See pages 235-236.


A deep-gorged river dividing the Alhambra hill from the hill where the gypsies of Granada live in caves.

Diego. (Dee-ā´-go.)

James. Jacob. A boy’s name meaning the Supplanter. St. James the Apostle was for centuries the Patron Saint of Spain.

Dolores. (Dō-lōr´-es.)

Sorrows. The full form of the name Dolores, common among Spanish girls, is Maria (Mah-ree´-ah) de los (lōs) Dolores, Mary of the Sorrows.

Don. (Dŏn.)

A title of respect for a man; Mr., but used only before the Christian name. See Señor.

Doña. (Dō-nyä.)

A title of respect for a woman; Mrs., but given to unmarried women as well as married, and used only before the Christian name.


Ernest. A boy’s name meaning Earnest.

Estremadura. (Es-trā-mah-doo´-rah.)

A tableland in the west of Spain, lying north of Andalusia and between New Castile and Portugal.

Fiesta. (Fe-es´-tah.)


Francisco. (Frän-thēs´-co.)

A boy’s name, meaning Free, common in Roman Catholic countries, for there are at least five saints of this name. The dearest of them all is the gentle Italian, St. Francis of Assisi (As-see´-zee), who loved the poor so well it was said he had taken Lady Poverty for a bride, and who looked upon all beasts and birds as his own brothers and sisters.>

Giralda. (He-rahl´-dah.)

The bell-tower of Seville cathedral. See page 58.

Granada. (Grah-nah´-dah.)

The meaning of the word is pomegranate, and this fruit is emblazoned in the arms of the Andalusian city of Granada, the last Moorish stronghold in Spain.

Guilindon. (Gee-lin-dōn´.)

See page 165.

Hilario. Hilary. A boy’s name meaning Merry.


Isabel; Elizabeth; Betsy. A girl’s name meaning Consecrated to God.

Isabelita. (E-sah-bel-ee´-tah.)

Little Isabel.


Joseph. A boy’s name meaning He Shall Aid. St. Joseph, the husband of the Madonna, is very popular in Spain and many boys bear his name. Girls are often called Josefa. (Hō-zāy´-fa.)

Juan. (Hoo-ahn´.)

John. A boy’s name meaning The Gracious Gift of God. In this story, it is on the Eve of St. John the Baptist, June 24, that Pilarica finds the baby, not on the Eve of St. John the Evangelist, which falls in the winter, December 27.

Juanito. (Hoo-ahn-ee´-to.)

Little John.


A musical group of syllables for a ringing refrain, as Tra-la-la or Trolly-lolly.

Leandro. (Lay-ahn´-dro.)

Leander. A boy’s name meaning Lion-Man.

Leon. (Lay-ōn´.)

The name of a province lying west of Old Castile and also of its capital city.

Lobina. (Lo-bee´-na.)

She-wolf. See pages 235-236.
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