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Desert Heat

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She smelled foul play at her expense. There was more going on here than she suspected. She pointed to Butler. “Dad, what is he doing here?”

Still wearing her riding clothes, Barbara Flores sat straighter, if possible. With her silver-streaked black hair pulled back in an elegant chignon, her blue eyes a striking contrast to her hair, her mother was a woman of sophistication who always stood her ground, especially in the world of academia, where she’d made a name for herself. She would not tolerate Meg’s impoliteness, unless she understood her daughter’s reasoning.


Meg didn’t want to cause a scene, but really? Did she have to come home looking for help, only to find the root of her problem charming her parents before she even had the chance to talk with them?

“I don’t mean to be rude, but I can’t think of anything else to say.” She gestured to Butler. “We met today and do not get along. I can’t understand why he is here.”

Don Francisco stood. At sixty-four, of medium height and build, he was every bit the dark, handsome Mexican aristocrat in his jeans, boots and crisp white cowboy shirt. He’d worked his way up from the streets to earn his fortune and carried his success with pride. He took Meg’s hands, kissed her cheek. “It distresses me to see you upset.”

Her father’s patronizing tone was way too familiar. “You haven’t answered me.”

He ignored her prod. “Detective Butler told us about the meeting this morning. We understand your concern.”

“But that doesn’t explain why he’s here.”

“Because I invited him to dinner.”

Meg looked from her father to her mother, who didn’t look happy with Meg. At all. “You what?”

Tico stood, placed his beer on the low table. “I don’t want to cause any trouble. I’ll be happy to take a rain check on dinner.”

Don Francisco held up a hand. “Unnecessary, Tico. Meg will regain her manners, and we shall continue our conversation.”


Don Francisco signaled to Ana, who hovered in the doorway. “The beer is ice-cold. I think you can use one.”

Ana acknowledged Don Francisco’s request for Meg’s beer and shot Tico a smile before leaving.

Barbara tapped the orange cushion on the wicker chair next to hers. “Sit down, Meg. We were having an interesting conversation about horses.”

Tico’s easy grin did nothing to sway her. Meg understood exactly why Butler had arrived on horseback, and it was for no one else’s benefit but his. “Maybe another time, Mom. I won’t stay. I’ll catch you in the morning.” She turned to go.

“Meg, stay. You most certainly do not want to miss our conversation,” Don Francisco said.

Her father’s displeasure wasn’t lost on her. He was a man of few words, but when he spoke, he made his point. “Why not?”

“Because it concerns you.”

Tico was still standing, watching her. He stood maybe three or four inches taller than her, but his strong physique made him seem bigger. He’d lost the goofy vest, and she couldn’t help but notice how his denim shirt fit the planes of his tanned chest.

The curiosity in his eyes was unsettling. He lifted a hand as if in a gesture of peace. “I’m not the enemy, Meg. I swear.”

Oh, hell, no. He wasn’t going to win her over with false sincerity in front of her parents. “Yet you questioned my integrity in the presence of my boss and my team?”

Barbara frowned. “Meg, is this necessary?”

Her mother’s soft voice made her uncomfortably aware of the venom in her own words. She released a breath. “Look, everyone. I apologize. I’m a bit keyed up. Women are missing, and we’re getting nowhere because everyone is trying to prove who is tougher. Meanwhile, those women could be suffering. I don’t like seeing important business neglected while everyone jockeys for control. I just want to get back to work.”

Her father gestured to the seat his wife had offered Meg. “Sit. Let’s talk.”

Reluctantly, she took the seat as Ana returned with a frosty mug of beer on a tray. Meg took a long draft of the cool amber liquid and let her gaze fall past the veranda to the acres of open land framed by the mountains. The lowering sun cast a golden glow on the arid ground and low trees, the cattle in the north acres settling in for the evening. Two ducks paddled across the still lake bordering her own two acres on the back lot. The sun reflected on the windows of her cabin nestled among paloverde trees at the lake’s edge. She’d love to take Whisper on a run before sunset, but not tonight.

When she turned her focus back to the veranda, Tico was watching her. Again.


“I’d heard this land was beautiful, but I never imagined how much.”

Adobe Creek didn’t need another resident, especially one whose rugged sex appeal was derailing her intentions. “Don’t get too comfortable.”

“Meg! I’ve never heard you be so unkind.” Barbara fanned herself.

Don Francisco sat once more. “No more of this nonsense, Meg. You will have to find some common ground with Detective Butler. He came to Adobe Creek at my insistence. It doesn’t help anything to have my own daughter disrespect his ability to get the job done.”

Meg’s jaw dropped. So, once again Mitchell Blake was right. “You brought him here?” She blew out a hot breath. “I can’t believe my ears! What makes you think my team can’t do our job?”

“Mi hija, in my life, I’ve already lost two sisters to human trafficking. I will not stand idle at the possibility that you could be in harm’s way, expressly because someone may want to target me to stop this investigation.”

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself!”

Don Francisco nodded. “I believe you are, but you are my only daughter. I will not take the chance.” He gestured to Tico. “I believe with Tico’s help you will not only be safer, but more efficient.”

“I don’t need a chaperone. That’s why I became a police officer in the first place. God knows you hammered self-defense into my head since I could walk.”

“In this situation, your training does not matter.”

She knew what was coming but had to stop it. “Dad, nothing will have me taken off a case faster than insinuating to Eric that I can’t handle this task on my own. If there’s any doubt whatsoever, I’m removed. You know this.” She pointed to Butler. “He knows this. Do you want me to lose my job?”

Don Francisco grew silent. Her mother said nothing.

Her parents’ silence said it all. Holy crow. The two of them had been reluctant to support her decision to become a detective because of the dangers involved, but they had supported her. From their grim expressions now, they were about to betray her. They’d never been comfortable with the fact that she put herself in harm’s way, but they were never ones to dissuade her from her vocation. Now, because of the abductions, Don Francisco was panicking based on his own personal losses.

She scoffed. “You can’t be serious.”

Barbara laid a hand on Meg’s knee. “We don’t want you to lose your job, honey. It’s just this case. It’s too dangerous.”

Meg could have been hit with a wrecking ball. She sat back in her chair, using every ounce of willpower to keep her cool. One glance at Tico and she saw he’d already had this conversation with her parents. A single line furrowed the brow on his poker face. Was that concern about her reaction? Did he like the idea of taking over her case? Was that why he was here? Was that why Eric hadn’t defended her against Tico’s question at this morning’s meeting? Was the plan to remove her already in place? How could Butler sit there so cool and unflappable? What would he do if he was in her situation?

Inwardly shaking herself, she leaned forward to keep her mother’s attention. “Mother, this is my job. I am completely qualified, with or without this so-called expert.” She hoped Butler saw the anger and distrust burning in her eyes.

His voice gentle, Tico said, “I can help, Meg.”

She sat back in her chair. He actually sounded as if he cared. What a load of horse manure. Refusing to look at him again, she glanced from her mother to her father. “I can’t believe you two have turned on me like this. What is wrong with you?”

Don Francisco expelled a breath. “I have every confidence in your ability as a law enforcer, Meg. But the Carlito cartel? They are arrogant. Ruthless. They will think nothing of infiltrating your unit and hurting everyone they can possibly reach. I already told you. Because I am mayor and I lead the Mexican task force, you are a prime target for revenge. This group has deep pockets and moles everywhere. I’d rather you step aside this one time and let Detective Butler do his job.”
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