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Back To Luke

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“White would be a striking contrast.”

“In case you didn’t notice, I’m going for the fitting-in look with slate-blue.”

“Too much fitting in is boring.”

“Concentrate on those flowers, will you?”

Turning back to her plants, she picked up a trowel and began to loosen the dirt around the base of one. The rich loam of the earth was cold as it sifted through her fingers. She hadn’t put on gloves because she liked the texture of it.

Luke sighed. “I wish Jess had made his plane connection in Atlanta this morning.”

“He could still get back today.”

“I know. Eleanor’s keeping watch just in case.”

Her head down, Jayne wiped her hands on the jeans she’d cut off to work out here. She’d borrowed some old work shoes she’d found in Eleanor’s downstairs closet. “I love how close Eleanor and Jess are.”

Before he could comment, someone called out, “There she is!”

At the sound of the voice, Jayne glanced up and saw Jess standing at the base of the porch steps. He looked so good, so safe and unbreakable, that she threw the shovel to the ground, stood and ran toward him. Jess met her halfway, picked her up and whirled her around. When he stopped, one arm banded her around her waist and his other hand went to her head to bring it to his chest. Jayne was so grateful for the embrace she wanted to cry. But she hadn’t shed one tear since college and had vowed, with this very man during the ordeal at Cornell they’d shared, that she’d never cry again.

Luke watched the reunion. Jess held Jayne as if he’d found gold, and she clung to him like they’d been lovers separated for years. And goddamn it, sparks of jealousy shot through him and he hated feeling that way about his best friend.

Then he caught sight of Naomi. The kids must be in the house, but Jess’s wife had accompanied him back here and was standing behind him. Her face was pale, despite her tan, and her brow was furrowed.

As Luke witnessed the reunion between the two college friends and Naomi’s devastated expression, he cursed Jayne Logan’s return to Riverdale. Especially after he’d found out on his sister’s computer that the woman had botched her last job and might be permanently available to wreak more havoc in Jess’s life.

WHEN JAYNE OPENED her eyes and saw Naomi staring at her and Jess as if they were embracing naked, she immediately drew back. Damn it, why had she been so spontaneous in greeting Jess? And what had he been thinking? She looked at him and saw that he wasn’t thinking. Tears clouded his warm hazel eyes. Naomi obviously caught on to her husband’s sentimentality, because she paled. Jayne tried to pull away from Jess completely, but he slid his arm around her and held her close to his side.

Jayne was the one to acknowledge the other woman. “Hi, Naomi.”


Spinning around, Jess got a glimpse of his wife. “I thought you were in the house.”

“Obviously. I’m going to take the girls home.” Naomi added brusquely, “They’ll be getting cranky.”

Jess frowned. “But I want Jaynie to see them.” When Naomi simply stared at him, he added, “We agreed on that.”

“Jaynie can do that tomorrow.” She glanced behind them. “Hey, Luke.”

Luke crossed to the group but went straight to Naomi, hugged her and whispered something into her ear. Then he turned to Jess. “Hey, buddy.”

“Man, hi. I missed you.”

“You’ve only been gone two weeks.”

Jess let go of Jayne to give Luke a quick hug. “But I’ve gotten used to you being around.”

Luke smiled. “I missed you, too.”

Grabbing Jayne’s hand, Jess tugged her forward. “I take it you got reacquainted with our girl.”

“Yeah.” After glaring at her, Luke pivoted. Naomi had already started to walk away. “Wait up, Nay, I want to see the girls.”

She glanced at her husband, then at Luke. “Maybe you can give us a lift home. Goodbye, Jayne. Jess, I’ll see you…whenever.”

When the two of them disappeared into the house, Jayne faced Jess. “Why don’t you go with Naomi and we can catch up tomorrow? She’s not happy about you staying with me.”

“Hush, it’s the same old, same old.” His features took on a hard edge. “And damn her for it. We had an agreement six years ago.”

Again, he took Jayne’s hand and they walked to Luke’s gazebo. Inside, the scents of paint and fresh wood enveloped her; they made her think about working on a construction site. Once they were sitting on a curved bench, she told him about the collapse of the walkway in the Coulter Gallery.

“I’m so sorry, Jaynie.”

She swallowed hard. “Sometimes I still can’t believe it.”

“Why didn’t you call me when it happened? This is the kind of emergency we agreed to contact each other about.”

“I didn’t want to burden you.”

“Tell me about the collapse.”

Because he’d been an architectural student, he understood the logistics. “You know the walkway circles the second floor of the gallery.”

“I saw pictures on the Internet. It’s beautiful.”

“It was. Other galleries have done the same thing, so it wasn’t that risky. But something went wrong, and a portion of it just…fell.”

“How much?”

“Maybe twenty-five feet. Thankfully it was at night, so no one was hurt. I don’t know what I would have done if…” She shivered and Jess squeezed her hand.

“Don’t think about that.”

“You’re right. There’s enough to worry about.” She told him the staggering cost of the damage. She had insurance, thank the Lord, but her reputation could be in tatters if she was somehow found at fault—or even if she wasn’t. Bad press could ruin an architectural firm. She might not even keep the jobs already contracted.

When she finished with the details, Jess sighed deeply. “It is what it is. If you made a mistake, which I’m not saying you did, there are ways to deal with it.” He added soberly, “You can do anything you have to, honey, you know that. Just like the Snyder incident.”

Al Snyder had been their third-year design teacher at Cornell. He’d based a major portion of the grade for the semester on a group project. Though Jayne hated being evaluated on others’ efforts, she’d felt comfortable that time because the members of her group were Jess and their two housemates—Ben, her boyfriend of two years, and Sally, a close girlfriend.

At least Jayne had thought they were her friends, until their part of the project came under scrutiny. When it was discovered they’d cut corners by falsifying data, Ben and Sally blamed it on Jess and Jayne. Jayne ended her relationship with Ben, but her confidence had been shaken. If he could betray her so badly, had he ever really cared about her? Had she ever been enough for him?

That event had touched off Naomi’s animosity. Jess had called Naomi, his fiancée at the time, to tell her what had happened. Without informing him of her plans, Naomi had driven up to Ithaca to comfort him. Instead, she found him, literally, in bed with Jayne. Jess was bare chested and in boxers; Jayne wore a skimpy tank top and short pajama bottoms, so the scenario was incriminating. But it was totally innocent—they’d both been devastated after the betrayal of their housemates and Jayne had gone to Jess’s room for comfort. Naomi never believed it, though. And in subsequent years, she’d found more and more reason to be jealous of any time her husband spent with Jayne.

Hurt all over again by her recollection of the devastating event, Jayne shook off the memory. “I know I can get through it. But I never thought I’d have such a monumental thing to deal with again. And I hated that the first one caused you to leave school.”
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