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The Wrong Man For Her

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“Joe?” The macho paramedic who’d dated Maddie before Nick.

“No, somebody else. Somebody serious.”

Did the lights dim? “Who?”

“A nice guy. Professor at the University of Rockford where she did her doctoral work. Lucy and I spent some time with them.”

“Huh!” His stomach roiled. “Well, I’m glad for her.”

“You should be. He worshipped the ground she walked on.”

“You talk in the past tense. What happened?”

“He got a job at American University in D.C. before Maddie came back to the Center. He wanted her to go to Washington with him.”

Couldn’t be she cared about him enough if she’d passed on that. “Why didn’t she?”

“I’m not sure.”

John waited a beat. “What about you? Any women in your life?”

“No. There was someone, but…”

She was married. Still, his relationship with Katie Gardner had been comfortable and easy. Probably because there was no danger of commitment. She’d loved her husband, but he was absent and neglectful. They’d even separated a time or two, though they always got back together again.

“But what?” John asked.

Because he was embarrassed by the affair, Nick couldn’t tell his friend the truth. “It didn’t work out. End of story.”

“All right. But I’m here if you need to talk about it.”


“And do me a favor? Be careful with Maddie. Don’t oppose her on everything.”

“I— You’re right. This has all been a shock to me. And I was blindsided by the changes around here.”

“They’re solid ones.”

“Maybe. I don’t know how I’m going to manage that support group thing. The thought of spilling my guts in front of people I don’t know well, especially my colleagues, makes me crazy.” He sighed. “And, yes, I do get the irony. I ask clients to do exactly that. It’s the old ‘physician heal thyself’ cliché.”

John chuckled. “You’re not alone. A lot of mental-health workers find opening up difficult. The first time I talked about Zoe and what her death did to mine and Lucy’s marriage, I broke down.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

“So, young man, if I can put it out there, you can, too.” He stood. “Now grab your car keys.”

“Why? I want to make some informational posters to put up on the walls temporarily.”

“Not now. Our church members are still bringing us food every week and there’s a spaghetti dinner waiting as we speak. Lucy would hit the roof if she knew I’d left you working here. You’re coming home with me.”

“Like the prodigal son?”

His friend’s face sobered. “Nick, why do you continue to see yourself like that?”

“Like what?”

“You know.” He nodded to the door. “And in case you don’t, Lucy will fill you in while she stuffs you with pasta.”


NICK STARED at the eight young faces in the room and felt a surge of adrenaline rush though him. “Hi, everybody. Thanks for getting here on time.”

Some of the kids said hello. A couple watched him with suspicious eyes. A boy in a beanbag chair, which he’d dragged to a far corner, was reading the posters Nick had tacked onto the wall. Another, in a wheelchair, doodled in a notebook on his lap. A girl, who’d taken the futon, appeared to be text messaging on her cell phone.

The door behind him opened before he could continue, and Nick sighed. It must be the new counselor. Though Maddie hadn’t mentioned a name, she’d assured him someone would be here. This morning they’d had a row about his paying for the furniture and he hadn’t seen her since. He pasted on a phony smile and glanced over his shoulder.

“Hi, sorry I’m late.”

“Hi, Madelyn.” He cocked his head. “What do you mean, you’re late?”

“I’m your second counselor.”

Like hell. On Monday, he’d wondered how this situation could get any worse. Now he knew. He’d had a bad enough time being around her for the three days he’d been back at the Center. There was no way he was going to share counseling duties with her.

She smiled at the kids. “Hello, everyone.”

Nick was about to ask to speak to her in the hall when he noticed the expression on the face of one of the girls. She’d yet to take a seat and had been wandering around the room as if she was going to bolt. When she saw Maddie, the stiffness seemed to leave her body. “Dr. Walsh, hi.”

Maddie walked over to the girl. “Hi, Kara.” She sat in a director’s chair and Kara followed suit in one close by.

Nick gave them a weak smile. “Obviously, I’m surprised we have another counselor. But glad for the help. Welcome, Madelyn.”

She nodded.

Stretching his legs, Nick addressed the group. “So, here we are.” He pointed to the food he’d set out on a low table—chips, cookies and some fruit. “Help yourself to snacks first and there’s soda in the fridge by the door. I’ll give you a few minutes to get what you want before we start.”

When the kids began to mill about, he stood and crossed the room. Kara had gone to get a soda, so he took her chair and leaned in close to Maddie. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

The red tunic and pants she wore darkened the color of her eyes. “Just what I said.”

“Maddie, no. This is a bad idea.”

“It’s the only idea.” Her jaw tightened. “Do you think I’d be here if it weren’t?”

“Why didn’t you warn me?”

“This isn’t the time to get into that, Nick.”
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