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The Sister’s Secrets: Rose

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Even though she felt at home in the water, the creepiness of the situation snapped her back to reality.

What am I doing out here?

Her heart hammered in her ears as she kicked her feet to find the ledge again. The second her toes brushed against what she thought was the ledge, she cupped her hands, pushing forward.

As soon as she touched the sandy ocean floor, something slick wrapped around her ankle and pulled.

Rose’s entire body went under, and water flooded her mouth and nose. Pumping her arms, she was desperate to find the surface. Her hand broke through, and she kicked as hard as she could.

When the night air touched her cheeks, she gasped. She barely had time to fill her lungs before she went under again. Her lungs burned as she fought against the force that threatened to pull her further into the water.

Whatever held on to her was strong. Brackish water filled her vision. Black spots blinked in her eyes, and she needed, more than anything, to find the strength to swim to the surface. Her life depended on it.

The slick seaweed tightened around her ankle, searing her skin. Since it wasn’t letting her go, she reached down to try and snap it from the root.

Her body stilled, frozen by the icicles in her veins as realization flooded her.

It wasn’t seaweed.

The scaly and cylindrical rounded object burned against her leg and it was about to drag her to the watery depths of the ocean.

Her pulse spiked. Instead of fighting it, she tried to untangle it from around her ankle. Fire raged in her lungs. She kicked with all her might, attempting to get to the surface.

Swimming was something that Rose knew how to do. Growing up on the beach had honed her skills. It was hard to focus under duress, but she tried.

Grasping her last bit of energy before the blackness took over, Rose pushed once more for the surface. But it was futile. She was going to die in the ocean. Her mind went hazy for a moment as she started to give up, allowing her arms and legs to still.

That was until two arms wrapped around her and hoisted her to the surface. The first thing she did was inhale the salty air. Water crashed around her, but something splashed nearby. It was coming back for her.

‘Swim, honey,’ Mom said.

Rose’s legs were weak, and her ankle throbbed. She wanted to check herself out, but instinct won. Even though she didn’t have much strength left, she clawed for the shore.

Once Rose collapsed on the sand, a figure came into view. It was Mom, walking out of the ocean, wearing her now see-through nightgown. It clung to her body as if it were a part of her skin.

Mom knelt next to Rose and pulled her onto her lap.

Rose trembled in her mother’s arms. How did she know I needed help?

Mom’s eyes bulged, and she drew Rose up against her chest, squeezing out most of the air in her lungs. ‘I’m so sorry, Rose.’

The weight of almost drowning pressed against Rose’s body, and she choked out a sob as she fisted the wet fabric of her shirt.

I’m alive.

The lapping water reached Rose’s feet, and she curled her legs closer to her body.

Hot tears flowed down her cheeks, but they weren’t hers.

Chapter 1 (#ulink_8f9928b4-fed4-5d9d-b057-6aa6c4023681)

The shrill brrring of Rose’s phone cut through the otherwise silent kitchen. Her hand shot out, nearly spilling the coffee from her mug.

Two brown dots marked her khaki pants. ‘Dammit!’ So much for enjoying a quiet breakfast. Shuffling across the room, she grabbed her phone from the counter by the door.

The second she saw the name, her heart sank. Quickly swiping the screen, she brought the phone to her ear. ‘Hello?’

‘Rose Barros?’ the nasally voice enquired.

Rose placed her clammy hand on her forehead. ‘Yes, this is she.’ There’s a problem. If they’re calling me, there must be.

‘This is Jessie. I’m a CNA at the Whinding House.’

‘What’s wrong?’ Rose asked.

‘I wanted to inform you that your mother had a fall this morning.’

A breath caught in Rose’s throat.

‘She’s okay,’ Jessie continued before Rose could ask. ‘But we’re required to inform you.’

‘Was she injured?’ Rose asked.

‘Nothing life-threatening,’ she said. ‘A sprained wrist. One of our staff was helping her out of bed, and she lost her footing.’

Thank God she’s not hurt too badly. The digital clock on the microwave read 8.15 a.m. ‘Should I come over there?’ It would have to be a quick visit before her shift started.

‘There’s no need, I –’

‘I’m on my way,’ Rose said, hanging up.

Flicking her finger across her phone screen, she went to her Favorites and pressed her thumb over Missy’s name. While the dial tone trilled in her ear, Rose grabbed her half-eaten slice of toast and stuffed another bite into her mouth before rinsing off the plate.

Missy’s voice came after the fourth ring. ‘Hello?’

‘Hey, it’s me,’ Rose said through the food in her mouth.

‘Don’t tell me you’re going to be late,’ Missy said.

Rose cringed. ‘Mom had a fall last night.’

‘Shit,’ Missy said. ‘All right, I got you covered.’

‘I’m going to try and make it in time. As long as traffic isn’t bad –’

‘Take your time, Rosie,’ Missy said.

Rose sighed. ‘Thank you.’
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