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Bachelor By Design: Bachelor By Design / Too Hot For Comfort

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The doorbell rang, forestalling Ramon’s reply. But she could see by the mottled flush on his cheeks that she’d hit a nerve. “That must be Trace.”

“I’ll get it,” Ramon said, moving down the hallway.

Chloe picked up a pair of gold hoop earrings off the marble vanity top and hooked one through her ear. “Tell him I’ll be down in a minute.”

“I will,” Ramon called over his shoulder. “As well as a few other things.”

She stuck out her tongue at his retreating back, then walked down the hallway into her bedroom. After slipping on a pair of red leather flats, she took a long look at herself in the full-length mirror that hung on her closet door. Not quite satisfied with her appearance, she pulled the elastic band of the peasant blouse off her shoulders. Then up again. Then down again.

Her gaze fastened on her hair. Pulled back, it looked awful. Unfortunately, it looked even more awful flopping in her eyes after she took off the clip. Picking up a bottle of hair spray off her dresser, she feathered her bangs back with her fingers, then sprayed them into place. Not perfect, but definitely an improvement.

Chloe took a deep breath, surprised by the fluttery sensation in the pit of her stomach. She hadn’t been on a real date in months. Between getting her business off the ground and keeping a watchful eye on Ramon, she simply hadn’t had any time left over for romance.

Only this wasn’t a real date. And Trace Callahan had made it clear he wasn’t interested in a romance. Especially with her.

Good thing, too.

Because despite her skepticism about Madame Sophia’s talents, she couldn’t deny the pull between them. There was something about Trace that brought out the flirt in her. Something that almost made her forget she didn’t even like the man.

TRACE BROKE OUT in a cold sweat as he stood waiting on the dilapidated porch of the rambling Victorian house. He’d been restless all day, wavering between apprehension and anticipation. The prospect of a date with Chloe D’Onofrio intrigued him, aroused him and terrified him all at the same time. Now that the moment had finally arrived, he didn’t know whether he should ring the doorbell again or run screaming in the opposite direction.

Noah’s warning echoed in his mind. Be afraid, Trace. Be very afraid. Then he shook off the words as well as his sense of foreboding. Trace Callahan had never let fear dictate to him before, and he wasn’t about to start now.

Besides, it was only one date. How bad could it be?

The front door swung open and Ramon stood on the other side, a scowl on his face and a six-inch carving knife in his hand. “It’s you.”

“Put the knife down, Ramon.”

Ramon held the knife up in the air, the blade glinting in the glow of the porch light. “This little thing? I was just using it to slice up a roast.”

“Put it down, Ramon.” After almost losing his big toe, Trace wasn’t about to take any chances.

Ramon tipped up his chin. “And if I don’t?”

“Then I’ll have to take it away from you, and you won’t like the way I do it.”

Ramon hesitated a moment, then dropped the knife into the potted plant just inside the front door. The hilt quivered slightly as the blade pierced the soil. “All right, have it your way.”

“Thank you.” Trace waited for him to move away from the door. “May I come in now?”

Ramon stood with his hands on his narrow hips, blocking the doorway. “Could I stop you?”

“No,” Trace said genially, pushing past him as he stepped across the threshold and into the living room. “Is Chloe ready to go?”

“Depends.” Ramon turned to face him. “Exactly what are your intentions toward my sister?”

“I intend to buy her dinner.”

“I’m not worried about dinner. I want to know what you have in mind for dessert.”

“Something sweet and soothing, which pretty much rules out your sister.” Then he smiled. “Don’t worry about it, Ramon. I’m not interested in Chloe that way.” Which wasn’t exactly the truth, but he didn’t like the way Ramon was eyeing that knife.

“I hope not.” Ramon moved a step closer to him, the top of his head barely reaching Trace’s chin. “Because otherwise you’ll have to answer to me.”

“Thanks for the warning,” Trace said dryly.

“Remember it.” Ramon gave him one last glare, then turned on his heel and strode out of the room.

Trace watched him leave, grudgingly impressed with Ramon’s efforts to defend his sister. The man might be a fruitcake, but he was a loyal fruitcake.

Left on his own, Trace could finally feast his eyes on the exquisite and spacious living room. Evidence of fine craftsmanship was everywhere. Intricate crown moldings lined the high ceiling. The large picture window was a showpiece in itself, accented with rose, amber and green stained glass. Marble insets flanked the hand-carved windowsill.

Trace stared in wonder around the rest of the unique room. Chloe obviously wasn’t his perfect match, but he was falling hard and fast for her house.

He had to give her credit, though. She’d decorated it just right. The simple, tasteful furnishings and decor enhanced rather than detracted from the nineteenth-century grandeur of the setting. He just hoped she could do half as well with Café Romeo.

Saving the best for last, he moved toward the open spiral staircase. He’d never seen a staircase like this one before, although he knew a handful had been built in St. Louis sometime around the turn of the century. It was in amazing condition for its age, the wood gleaming and polished to a high sheen. With a feeling of reverence, he reached out one hand and ran it down the carved balustrade. He didn’t know enough about real estate to guess the value of the house, but the staircase itself had to be worth a fortune.

He wondered who had built it. One of his hobbies was studying the techniques of local craftsmen from the nineteenth century. They had built some of the finest houses in the city. He bent down to look at the underside of the staircase, hoping to find a find a date or even the initials of the man responsible for this masterpiece.

He saw something far different.

“What the hell…” he muttered, angling his head for a better view. Then he heard footsteps behind him. But before he could turn around, something solid and heavy struck his temple. He blinked in surprise as a blinding pain streaked through his head.

Then everything went black.

CHLOE GAVE HER BANGS one last spritz of hair spray for good measure, then headed for the stairs. A loud thud made her pause at the top of the staircase. “Ramon?”

No answer. It was quiet down there now. Too quiet. She hoped Ramon hadn’t scared her date away. Or maybe Trace hadn’t shown up at all. In the past twenty-four hours, she’d wondered more than once if Callahan would really go through with this fake date.

Her doubts turned to uneasiness when she reached the landing. The living room was empty, but the front door stood open. She walked toward it and looked outside. The wide porch stood empty too, although a strange black Chevy Blazer was parked by the front curb.

Chloe closed the door and turned back into the living room. That was when she saw the knife sticking out of the potted plant. It looked as if someone had tried to murder her philodendron.

“Ramon?” she called again, picking up the knife, then walking toward the kitchen. “Where are you?”

She moved through the kitchen door and her gaze settled on the oak pedestal table in the center of the room. It was set for one. The pot roast sat congealing on the counter, two thick slices of meat lying on the platter beside it. She set the knife in the stainless steel sink, then looked out the kitchen window at the driveway. Her brother’s beat-up ’83 hatchback was still there.

“Ramon?” she called, louder now as she walked down the long hallway, checking all the other rooms on the main floor. Could he possibly have gone upstairs without her seeing him?

Chloe moved back into the living room and headed toward the spiral staircase, a vague uneasiness settling over her. She’d just set her right hand on the newel post when she saw the shoes. She blinked in surprise, then leaned over the right side of the banister. Sticking out from under the staircase were two feet, wearing brown leather loafers, their toes pointing up toward the ceiling. She leaned further and saw that the feet were connected to a pair of long legs clad in tan Dockers.

“Omigod!” She rounded the newel post, and her knees hit the hardwood floor right next to the shoes. Bending down far enough to peer underneath the staircase, she saw Trace Callahan crammed in the narrow space between the floor and the bottom of the staircase.

His face looked pasty-white in the shadows.

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