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Getting Some

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“Lishelle, this is Rugged. Obviously.” She grins and nods, her unkempt bangs bobbing with her bouncing head.

My God, what has gotten into her?

“Rugged, this is Lishelle Jennings.”

I close the tabloid and toss it onto my desk. Then I rise from my chair and cross the room with my hand extended. Rugged meets me, takes my hand in his and shakes it.

And surprisingly, when our hands touch, I feel a jolt of heat. Something about Rugged has sparked a sexual reaction in me, one I didn’t expect.

“Hello,” he says.

Swallowing, I pull my hand away. “Hello.”

I don’t miss the way his eyes skim over my body. How can I—the move is so bold.

And makes a sex-starved woman like me think about riding a large, hard cock…

I clear my throat and add, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m a fan.”

“I’ma fan o’ yours, too.”

Behind us, Carmen is standing stupidly, like she’s frozen in place. Of course, she wants an autograph.

“Rugged, would you mind signing an autograph for Carmen? She’s one of your biggest fans.”

Now Carmen’s eyes widen in alarm. Rugged glances over his shoulder at her.

“She’s much too modest to ask you,” I go on. “Isn’t that right, Carmen?”

“Um…well, I didn’t want to bother you.”

“No bother,” Rugged tells her. “You got a piece of paper? Or do you want me to something else—like your shirt?” Rugged’s eyes move to Carmen’s breasts, which look bountiful beneath her thin, cotton T-shirt.

“Um.” Carmen’s response is shaky. “My…my shirt?”

“I’ve got a Sharpie.” I go back to my desk, scoop it up, and pass the black marker to Rugged.

After Rugged signs his scrawling signature on her shirt, Carmen can’t stop saying thank you as she backs her way out the door. When she’s gone, I move to the door and close it.

“So,” I begin without preamble. “You’re interested in helping out with the pledge drive I’m planning.”

“Definitely. When Morgan called to tell me about it, I was excited, man. The city of Atlanta’s my home. And the people here, they been good to me. I wanna give somethin’ back.”

“Please, sit.” I gesture to the leather chair at my desk. As Rugged settles there, I sit in my own chair on the opposite side.

“Have you had any thoughts about how to participate? I’m thinking you could come into the studio, join me on TV as we appeal to people to open up their wallets.”

“That all you want? Yo, I was thinkin’ of doin’ a concert or somethin’.”

I perk up at that. “A concert?”

“Yeah, a summer concert. Maybe Labor Day Weekend, or wheneva you want. I’ll do a concert, and all the proceeds will go to the kids.”

The idea is so brilliant I could kiss this guy. “That’s fucking amazing.” I cover my mouth and mumble, “Excuse my Spanish.”

“And see, what I was thinkin’ was that some of my homies could hold concerts in other parts of the country. Maybe ten, fifteen major cities. One big ‘Give back to da kids’ event. Ya know? We could raise some serious fuckin’ cash.’ Scuse my Spanish.” He grins.

I am so excited by this idea, my heart is beating seriously fast. “You think it will work?”

“I’ma try my hardest to help out. We gonna do this, we do it big.”

“I like the way you think.”

There’s a pause, then Rugged asks, “What else you like?”

The question catches me off guard—but the slight upturn of the rapper’s mouth, plus the way he’s rested his thumb in the loose waistband of his jeans above his crotch, makes it clear I didn’t misunderstand the inflection in his voice.

He’s just propositioned me.

“Excuse me?” I ask. I try to sound appalled, but the truth is, I’m not. In fact, my panties just got wet at Rugged’s words. There’s something about a guy who goes for what he wants that is a huge turn-on.

“I’m a fan, Miss Jennings. I like you. A lot.”

“And how old are you?” I ask, my tone much like that of an adult questioning a child who’s been caught throwing rocks at her window. “Nineteen? Twenty?”


“Oh.” I force a laugh, trying, I guess, to hide my sudden sexual anxiety. “Like that’s old enough.”

“It sho’ is,” Rugged tells me confidently.”

My entire body flushes with carnal heat. My nipples ache and my pussy starts to throb. And I realize that the thought I had, that I wasn’t interested in a meaningless fling with some guy, is a lie. I’m more than interested.

Suddenly, my body needs sex.

I steal a quick glance at Rugged’s crotch, try to judge by the bulge how big his cock is.

I like.

“Old enough fo’ what you need,” Rugged adds, this time drawing his bottom lip between his teeth when he finishes his statement.

“And how do you know what I need?” I ask. My body is attracted to his, but I’m unwilling to let go. I don’t know why.

“I heard about how that guy played you.”

Great. “And you’re offering me what? Your penis as a way to solve all my problems?”

I expect Rugged to be offended by my comment. Instead he says, “If that’s what you want…”
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