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Island Fantasy

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“It’s all right.” The voice was just as sexy as the man. Shayna tried her best not to look at him. “You called for our help. That was smart. Very smart.”

Isaiah nodded bravely, and the sexy man clamped his hand down on his shoulder in a gesture of support.

And that’s when Shayna realized she shouldn’t still be standing there. That she was observing—intruding—when she should have moved back already.

She turned and started walking away. She didn’t get more than two steps before she felt a hand on her arm.

“Hey,” came the deep voice. Shayna turned, her heart thundering as she did. Piercing brown eyes met and held her gaze. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I did what anyone else would do.”

“No, thank you,” the man insisted. “My niece was drowning—and we can’t thank you enough for your quick action.”

His niece?

“Yes, thank you.” The man holding the little girl spoke now. The young girl, maybe three, was wailing and coughing. More frightened than anything else, Shayna knew.

But thank God she was okay.

“You’re welcome,” Shayna said. “I’m glad I could help.”

Then she headed back to her lounge chair. Her dress was soaking from the chest down, and she pulled it over her head. That’s when she noticed him. Walking toward her.

The look in his eyes made her stomach flutter, which was completely inappropriate. Even if he wasn’t the young girl’s father as she’d assumed, he was likely still the father of at least one of the children. Or at the very least, married to one of the three women who were nowhere in sight.

Shayna pretended not to notice him and instead concentrated on laying her dress over the back of the chair to air it out.

“Sorry you got your dress wet,” the man said.

“It’s perfectly okay,” Shayna told him, hoping her voice was as flat as possible. “It’ll dry.”

The man was near her now, only a couple of feet away. He extended his hand, “I’m Donovan.”

Shayna hesitated. She almost didn’t say her name. What was the point? But she decided that simply stating her name was not an invitation to begin an affair.

“I’m Shayna.”

“Nice name.”

Shayna almost rolled her eyes, but she didn’t. Instead she glanced around, looking to see where the three women were. She’d assumed they’d gone for a bathroom break or perhaps to the nearby bar.

She saw no one.

“I’m sorry,” Donovan said. “Are you expecting someone?”

“No. Just…checking the place out.” She paused a beat. “Which children are yours?”

Donovan seemed momentarily confused. Then he said, “Oh. None. But I’m a proud uncle.”

“Are you trying?” The question came from Shayna’s lips before she could stop it. It was none of her business, of course, but she was trying—as eloquently as possible—to let this man know that she wasn’t the least bit interested in someone who was married.

“Trying to have children?” Donovan once again sounded surprised at her question.

“You seem to be a very loving family,” she said, gesturing to the children and other men. “And you’re clearly an attentive uncle. I’m sure you must want kids with your wife.”

Donovan’s eyes widened in slight surprise. Then he nodded in understanding. “Aah. Well, I suppose if I had a wife I’d be trying. But I’m single.”

Now it was Shayna’s turn to look surprised. “You—You’re not married?”

He flashed his naked left ring finger. “Nope.”

“But I…Who are those women you’re with?”

“My sister, my brother’s wife and my cousin’s wife. Two of the kids are my brother’s, three are my sister’s and one is my cousin’s. Another cousin just got married yesterday. You haven’t seen her yet because she and her new husband are…well, they’re spending a lot of time indoors. Anything else you want to know?” Donovan added, a warm smile playing on his lips.

“No.” Shayna shook her head briskly. “I’m sorry…I had no right to be nosy.”

“But you thought I was married.”

Shayna glanced away. “To be honest, yes.”

“Now you know I’m not.”

The way he said the words made Shayna’s eyes jerk to his. And when they did, something in his gaze made her pulse race.

Donovan wanted her to know he wasn’t married. And there could be only one reason for that.

He was interested.

The charge she’d felt as she’d looked at him the night before had come not just from her appreciation of his good looks but also from his attraction to her.

“Is this your first time in Jamaica?” he asked.

Lord, but the man was fine. Shayna allowed herself a moment to stare at him without guilt. At his broad shoulders and perfectly sculpted chest.

But that was all she would allow.

She looked away. “Yes. It’s my first time here.”

“Mine, too,” Donovan said. “Beautiful place for a wedding.”

“Right.” Shayna smiled tightly. The last thing she wanted to think about was how perfect the place was for a wedding.

“So, where are you from?” Donovan asked.


“Excuse me?” Donovan asked.
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