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Английский язык.Тексты на английском.Уровень Pre-Intermediate

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Once upon a time, a brave space crew set off on a mission to explore a distant planet called Zogara. The crew consisted of Captain Alex, scientist Dr. Mia, engineer Liam, and pilot Jenna. They traveled in their spaceship, the Star Voyager, through the vastness of space.

After many months, they finally reached Zogara. The planet was covered in strange, glowing plants and had a mysterious, shimmering sky. The crew was excited to begin their exploration.

As they ventured deeper into the planet, they discovered ancient ruins and strange symbols carved into rocks. Dr. Mia studied the symbols and realized they were from an ancient extraterrestrial civilization. This civilization, long gone, had once thrived on Zogara.

Captain Alex and the crew decided to explore the ruins further. They found advanced technology and remnants of the aliens' daily life. Engineer Liam was fascinated by the alien machinery and started to study it closely.

Pilot Jenna, meanwhile, kept the Star Voyager ready for a quick departure if needed. She monitored the planet’s atmosphere and kept an eye out for any dangers.

One day, while exploring a large underground chamber, the crew found a powerful energy source. This energy source could potentially power the Star Voyager for years. However, it was guarded by a series of complex puzzles and traps.

Using their combined skills, the crew worked together to solve the puzzles and navigate the traps. It was challenging, but they were determined. Finally, they reached the energy source and safely extracted it.

With the new energy source, the crew returned to the Star Voyager. They had discovered incredible technology and learned about an ancient civilization. The mission was a great success.

Captain Alex, Dr. Mia, Engineer Liam, and Pilot Jenna became heroes back on Earth. They shared their discoveries with the world, inspiring a new generation of explorers. Their adventure on Zogara had opened up endless possibilities for future space missions.

The Detective's Investigation

In a small town named Willow Creek, a series of mysterious crimes had everyone on edge. The usually quiet town was now filled with fear and uncertainty. To solve these crimes, the town called in a famous detective named Sam Collins.

Detective Collins was known for his sharp mind and keen eye for detail. As soon as he arrived in Willow Creek, he began to gather clues. He interviewed the townspeople, inspected the crime scenes, and carefully analyzed every piece of evidence.

The first crime was a break-in at the local museum. A valuable painting had been stolen, but there were no signs of forced entry. The second crime was a fire at a small bookstore. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but many rare books were destroyed. The third crime was the disappearance of a well-loved school teacher, Ms. Johnson.

Detective Collins noticed a pattern in the crimes. Each incident seemed connected to the town's history. He spent hours in the town library, researching old records and piecing together the puzzle. His investigation led him to a series of old letters hidden in the library's archives.

The letters revealed a long-forgotten secret about a hidden treasure buried somewhere in Willow Creek. The treasure was said to be worth a fortune, and the crimes were attempts to find it.

With this new information, Detective Collins set a trap for the criminal. He spread rumors about finding a map to the treasure, hoping to lure the culprit out. His plan worked. Late one night, the thief, who turned out to be a local historian, tried to steal the fake map from the town hall.

Detective Collins caught the thief red-handed. The historian confessed to the crimes, driven by greed and a desire to uncover the treasure. With the criminal behind bars, peace returned to Willow Creek.

The town was grateful to Detective Collins for solving the mystery and restoring safety. As he left Willow Creek, the townspeople cheered, knowing they could always count on the sharp-witted detective to protect them.

The Teenager's Superpowers

Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a teenager named Max. Max was just like any other high school student, until one day, something extraordinary happened. He discovered he had superpowers.

It all started when Max was walking home from school. He saw a car speeding towards a child in the street. Without thinking, Max reached out his hand, and suddenly, the car stopped in mid-air. Max couldn’t believe his eyes. He had stopped the car using only his mind.

At first, Max was scared and confused about his new abilities. He tried to hide them, but strange things kept happening. One day, he accidentally lifted his bed while he was angry. Another time, he turned invisible when he felt embarrassed.

Max knew he needed help. He confided in his best friend, Emma. Emma was amazed but promised to help Max learn to control his powers. They decided to practice in secret.

Emma and Max found an abandoned warehouse where they could train. Max practiced lifting objects, moving things with his mind, and turning invisible at will. It was difficult at first, but with Emma's encouragement, Max improved every day.

One day, while they were practicing, a group of bullies came to the warehouse. They had been looking for Max to pick on him. Max felt scared, but Emma reminded him of his training. Max took a deep breath and used his powers to protect himself and Emma. He lifted the bullies into the air and gently set them down outside the warehouse. The bullies ran away, terrified.

Max realized that his powers were not a curse but a gift. He decided to use them to help others. He started small, helping his neighbors with everyday tasks and protecting his friends from danger.

Word of Max’s abilities spread, and soon the whole town knew about the teenager with superpowers. Max became a local hero. People looked up to him and were inspired by his courage and kindness.

Max continued to train and learn more about his powers. He knew that he still had a lot to learn, but with Emma by his side, he felt ready to face any challenge.

The Haunted House

The Smith family was excited to move into their new home. It was an old, large house on the edge of town, perfect for their growing family. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, along with their two children, Jack and Emily, couldn't wait to explore their new place.

On the first night, strange things began to happen. Jack heard whispers coming from the attic, and Emily saw shadows moving in the hallway. At first, they thought it was just their imagination. But the next day, things got even stranger.

Mrs. Smith found old photographs of people they didn't know in the attic. Mr. Smith discovered that the doors would sometimes open and close by themselves. Jack's toys would move to different places overnight, and Emily's room would get unusually cold.

One evening, the family gathered in the living room to talk about the strange occurrences. Suddenly, the lights flickered, and they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The family huddled together, frightened.

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