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For Christmas, Forever: The Yuletide Engagement / The Doctor's Christmas Bride / Snowbound Reunion

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‘We always seem to be going somewhere formal,’ Patrick dismissed. ‘I thought it would be nice if we could completely relax this evening.’

There was also no possibility of them running into anyone Patrick knew in some out-of-the way pizzeria!

Ellie had had plenty of time to think once Toby had passed on Patrick’s message to dress casually because they were going to eat informally. Patrick had never said, and she hadn’t liked to ask Toby, but there was always the possibility that Patrick actually had a woman in his life at the moment. Perhaps not someone he had wanted to introduce to his family, as in accompanying him to the party on Saturday evening, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t involved in a relationship. She had never thought to ask…

But she wanted to ask now—wanted to know everything there was to know about Patrick McGrath. Especially if there was already a woman in his life!

Not that Ellie didn’t already know she was wasting her time feeling about him as she did; she just didn’t like the idea of Patrick having to explain these dates with her to another woman. In fact, she just didn’t like the thought of there being another woman at all!

‘I hope you like Italian food?’ Patrick prompted ruefully.

‘I like it fine.’ Ellie nodded, picking up her fleecy blue jacket from the kitchen chair—if only to show him that she didn’t always wear the unattractive long black coat.

The beautiful pashmina Patrick had bought for her on Saturday was now carefully folded and placed back in its tissue paper inside the box, stashed away at the back of her wardrobe. Ellie knew she might never find the opportunity to wear such a glamorous item again.

‘Shall we go?’ she prompted lightly once she had shrugged into the jacket.

Patrick looked at her consideringly. ‘Is everything okay? Has Davies been bothering you again?’ he added hardly.

Ellie frowned. ‘Apart from a very strange conversation with him yesterday morning, no.’

‘Tell me about it while we eat,’ Patrick suggested, opening the door for her. ‘Unless you think it will give us both indigestion?’ He grimaced as he moved to unlock the car door.

It was warm and cosy as she settled inside the car, which smelt vaguely of the aftershave Patrick favoured. ‘No more than any other subject would, I don’t suppose,’ she answered Patrick dismissively as he got in beside her.

He gave her a sideways glance. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

Ellie sighed. ‘I still don’t know what this evening is about—’

Patrick shrugged. ‘How about it’s a thank-you for all the—inconvenience you’re having to go through on my family’s behalf?’

‘What about the inconvenience you’re now having to go to on my behalf?’ she came back dismissively.

He frowned his puzzlement as he drove. ‘What inconvenience would that be?’

She gave a self-derisive smile. ‘Taking me out.’

He smiled ruefully. ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, Ellie.’

She grimaced. ‘It must be the week for it!’

‘Forget Davies for the moment,’ Patrick bit out impatiently. ‘I want to know what you meant by that remark just now.’

Seeing the determination on his face, Ellie wished she had never made the remark in the first place. She was just feeling sorry for herself because she had fallen in love with a man who was completely unobtainable. Which was absolutely no reason to try and make life difficult for him on the rare occasions she saw him!

‘Forget it,’ she advised self-derisively. ‘It’s just pre-Christmas tension, I expect. It’s very kind of you to take me out—’

‘Ellie, I know you haven’t known me very long,’ he interrupted evenly, his expression grim, ‘but when you do know me better you’ll realise that, although I’m not a cruel man, neither am I someone who takes a woman out—namely you—because I am simply being kind!’

She had seen Patrick in many moods over the last couple of weeks—amused, attentive, charming, angry when it came to Gareth—but he had never been annoyed or angry with her before. At the moment he appeared to be both!

‘I’m sorry if I’ve mistaken the situation—’

‘And don’t start apologising,’ he cut in impatiently. ‘You have done nothing to apologise for. I appear to be the one who hasn’t made myself clear. A fact I am about to change right now,’ he assured her determinedly, and he turned the car into a deserted private car park on the edge of town.

‘What are you doing?’ Ellie looked about them dazedly as Patrick parked the car in the middle of the dimly lit area.

He released his seat belt before turning in his seat to face her. ‘I’m about to convince you that I asked you out this evening for one reason and one reason only. You can let me know afterwards if I’ve succeeded or not,’ he added firmly, before reaching out to pull her into his arms, his mouth coming down forcefully on hers.

Ellie was so stunned by the suddenness of the kiss that for a moment she lay acquiescent in his arms, but then the magical thrill of his lips thoroughly exploring hers warmed her body in that familiar way, and her arms moved up about his shoulders as she returned the kiss with all the pent-up longing inside her.

Patrick’s hands moved caressingly along the length of her spine, sending ripples of pleasure through her whole body. Her neck arched as his lips moved from her mouth to her cheek, and then down the creamy column of her throat, his tongue doing amazing things to the tiny hollow he discovered there.

Ellie’s eyes were closed, her head back against the car seat, her fingers entwined the thick darkness of Patrick’s hair as she held him against her.

‘Are you wearing anything underneath this jumper, Ellie Fairfax?’ Patrick murmured throatily as his thumb moved across the tip of one hardened nipple.

‘What do you think, Patrick McGrath?’ she came back huskily.

‘I think perhaps I should find out,’ he said softly.

Ellie gasped at the first touch of his hands on her nakedness. They were cool as they cupped the warmth of her breasts, the moistness of his tongue against the hardened tips causing her back to arch instinctively, and she moaned low in her throat at the pleasure that swept heatedly through her body.

She felt mindless, every bone in her body fluid as the warmth of Patrick’s mouth closed erotically over one hardened nipple. Her own hands moved restlessly up and down the long length of his back as she wished the pleasure to go on for ever.

Patrick’s hands encircled her waist as he held her against him, his lips travelling down the flat slope of her midriff now, pausing to explore the dip of her navel revealed by the low-waisted denims.

Even that felt wonderful, Ellie realised with a surprised gasp, leading her to wonder what other parts of her body would respond to Patrick’s slightest touch.

Patrick raised his head to look at her, his eyes bright in the semi-darkness. ‘I’m not hurting you?’

‘Oh, no,’ she breathed weakly, feeling as if she must have died and gone to heaven.

‘And do you know now why I invited you out to dinner?’ he prompted huskily.

‘Er—yes, I think so.’ She nodded; it was a little disconcerting looking at him over her bared breasts!

‘You only think so?’ he murmured teasingly, eyes glinting with intent. ‘Perhaps I wasn’t convincing enough—’

‘Oh, yes—you were!’ She reached down and raised his head as he would have commenced kissing her breasts again. ‘Patrick—’

‘I know.’ He grimaced self-derisively as he gently pulled her jumper down to cover her nakedness. ‘This isn’t the ideal place for lovemaking. In fact—’ he straightened, running his hand restlessly through hair already tousled by Ellie’s own hands ‘—I think I’m a little old to be making love in a car park. But later, Ellie, when I get you home…!’

‘Promises, promises,’ she teased self-consciously.

‘Be warned, Ellie,’ he told her decisively, ‘I always keep my promises.’

Had Patrick really just made love to her? Had he really just paid homage to her body as if he found her beautiful and desirable?
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