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Under The Mistletoe: Mistletoe Mansion / The Mince Pie Mix-Up / Baby It's Cold Outside

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Three sparkling Christmas stories in one, perfect for an evening keeping warm in front of the fireMistletoe MansionThe festive season wasn’t looking too bright for Kimmy Jones, newly single – and homeless – she needed some luck this Christmas! Then, as winter closes in, she lands a gorgeous temporary home and her dream of starting a cupcake company begins to come true. It seems like Kimmy might just get everything she wished for this Christmas – all except for oh-so-handsome handyman Luke…The Mince Pie Mix-Up’Tis the season to be jolly, yet for Calvin and Judy the usual festive bickering has already begun! But after a magical mince pie mix-up, one thing’s for certain – by Christmas Day, life will never be the same again! Perhaps the grass isn’t always greener after all…Baby It’s Cold OutsideSnow is in the air, but all Esme and Jamie can think about is their romantic wedding…that is until an avalanche seals off their mountain hometown from the outside world. Esme will need all the Christmas magic she can get to pull off her dream wedding, but will they make it to the church on time?
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