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Courting Suspicion

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Unless she’d been using it as leverage …

‘Did he get her a ring?’

Sienna smiled. ‘A puppy. Joint ownership.’

‘Aww,’ Rielle said.

‘I think it will be a while before she goes down the marriage trail again.’

Nina didn’t care what road they went down, as long as the paperwork that had initiated the woman’s relationship with the lawyer was handled. Nina could only imagine Colton King, the big DC lawyer, wanting that document gone as much as she did.

Rielle perked up. ‘Maybe that’s the answer.’

‘What’s the answer?’ Sienna asked.

‘Nina should sign Detective Morgan to an exclusive contract with her. Then he couldn’t talk.’

Nina’s jaw dropped, and an unladylike gasp escaped her.

Sienna winced.

‘It was a joke.’ Rielle sat back in her chair. Her confidence really had risen since she’d been dating Darien. ‘But it’s not a bad idea. Think about it. He’s interested.’

Nina felt her employees both staring at her, but the words just wouldn’t come.

Her and the detective? In an exclusive contract?

Her belly squeezed, and she pointed the toe of her stiletto hard. She was a madam. She took good care of her escorts, but she’d never gotten into the game herself. She’d never wanted to.

But hadn’t she been dreaming about that very thing?

‘Oh, no.’ Sienna suddenly reached for the remote and restored the sound. ‘Here it is.’

Nina looked at the television in confusion. It took her a moment to catch up, but, when she did, her pulse rate took off even faster. The news media – the real ones – had caught scent of the story. The morning news anchor was seated behind her desk, but a picture of the senator and Genieve was posted on the right side of the screen.

‘Where is that?’ she asked as she looked at the background.

‘That’s the dress Genieve wore to the Italian ambassador’s birthday party,’ Rielle said.

‘Turn it up,’ Nina said.

The still picture on the screen turned into a live shot of a reporter, and her heart sank.

‘This is Randall Cummings. I’m standing here outside the Emissary Hotel where, just after midnight last night, Metro Police arrested two reporters from TMI News for allegedly breaking into a room reserved by none other than Senator Samuel Gunderson. Witnesses were awakened by a loud exchange between the senator and the two reporters. Hotel security contacted the police, and the perpetrators were apprehended on the scene. The two, Lance Durquist and Jimmy Schmidt, are scheduled for arraignment today. I caught up with the senator earlier this morning, and here’s what he had to say about the incident.’

The report cut to film of the senator arriving on Capitol Hill. The distinguished-looking politician was climbing the mass of white steps, carrying a briefcase. Behind him were the picturesque Capitol Reflecting Pool and the Ulysses S. Grant memorial. The senator looked confident as he approached the reporter, but his staff looked nervous. One assistant kept toying with his bowtie, and the woman in the prim suit was staring too hard. As the senator stopped to talk, it became apparent he’d had a rough night. His hand was wrapped in a white dressing and a flesh-coloured bandage graced his forehead above his left eye.

‘Good move, Brody,’ Nina whispered.

‘Senator, can you tell us what happened last night?’ the reporter asked.

Gunderson nodded gravely. ‘Two men I’d never seen before broke into my hotel room. Frankly, it was terrifying.’

The reporter gestured to the senator’s bandages. ‘You were obviously hurt. Was there an altercation?’

‘Yes.’ The senator pulled back his sleeve to show the bandage going all the way up his forearm. ‘I didn’t know what was happening. I thought it might be a terrorist attack or an assassination attempt. I did what any able-bodied American man would do. I fought to protect myself and my girlfriend.’

It was a bit over the top, but Nina held very still. Girlfriend. Keep going. Keep going.

The reporter looked at his notes. ‘That would be Ms Genieve Hart?’

‘Yes, I never thought we’d be in danger staying in a hotel in our nation’s own capital.’

The senator looked directly into the camera. ‘I want to thank the police for arriving so quickly on the scene and arresting the individuals who did this.’

‘That would be the reporters from TMI News?’

‘If that’s what you want to call them. I’ve never seen reporters behave in such a manner.’

‘Did they give any reason for the invasion, sir?’

The senator lifted his chin defensively, and a breeze ruffled his silver hair. ‘There isn’t one good enough, is there, Randall?’

He tapped the reporter appreciatively on the shoulder. ‘I appreciate you approaching me in broad daylight, out in public, sir.’

The reporter was obviously caught off-guard. His chest puffed up, and colour dotted his cheeks. ‘Of course, sir. You’re welcome.’

‘Truly, I want to thank everyone for their concern, but I need to be off.’ The senator gave the camera another steely-eyed look. ‘I will not allow this cowardly attack to stop me from doing the work my constituents have elected me to do.’

The senator nodded and then was on his way again. The shot panned, following him and his staffers up the steps. The dome of the Capitol Building came into the wide-angle shot.

The news switched seamlessly back to the live picture of the reporter, who was clearly still starstruck. ‘This is Randall Cummings, reporting live from the Emissary Hotel.’

The anchor back at the news station had a serious look on her face when the video cut back to her. ‘Randall, this is quite a disturbing story. Did you reach out to TMI News for comment?’

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