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Courting Trouble

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She shuddered at the unexpected relief it gave her.

Oh, she really shouldn’t … but what if she just …

Teeth still worrying her lower lip, she hesitantly looked down. Her hand was cupped fully over her breast, her fingers spread wide. Her nipple felt hard against the middle of her palm, while its twin jutted straight out, tenting the other fragile cup of the camisole.

Giving in, she cupped it, too. Her breath became ragged as she felt herself. If she closed her eyes, she could pretend it wasn’t her hands touching her. She’d never been one for self-gratification. It had always felt too … personal. Too embarrassing. Too distasteful.

But this felt good. The warm hold felt confident on her soft flesh, but it wasn’t quite what she wanted. Emboldened by the sex sounds floating in the air and the privacy of her room, she slid her hands under the cups of the camisole and shivered. Oh, that was better.

Skin on skin. Strength against vulnerability. Feeling brave, she carefully explored the swollen tips of her breasts. They were stiffening and reddening and …

‘Ah!’ she cried when she gave them a soft pinch. They were sensitive.

Sienna quickly looked at the wall, scared that the other occupants might have heard her, but their intimate sounds continued uninterrupted. Glancing at the closed door, she impulsively slid the straps of the camisole over her shoulders and pushed it down to her waist. Sliding her hands up her stomach, she felt her warm skin.

She fell back on the bed when her hands settled where she wanted them the most.

Kyle had never spent much time with her breasts and, when he had, he’d been rather ham-handed. He’d sucked at her like a piglet tugging for milk, but, unlike him, she’d never complained.

It had felt too good to be touched. And stroked. And ridden.

‘You are so hot, babe. Come on, you know you want it.’

Oh, God, she did. Her erogenous zones were lighting up. Sienna rubbed her thighs together helplessly. Rolling onto her side, she drew her legs to her chest. None of it helped the ache deep in her core.

She slid one of her hands down her stomach. Maybe if she –

She gasped and yanked her hand away. No, she couldn’t do it. She knew others did. Erin talked about masturbating when Marty travelled for his job. Sienna had never been able to work up the nerve.

The feel of her own fingers on her most private place? She gave a shiver. It was just too shocking. She even used a washcloth in the shower – although she’d come to look forward to that part of getting clean a bit too much.

No, she was aroused and needy, but she just couldn’t make herself do it.

‘Spread your legs wider, honey. I gotta get inside you.’

Honey, baby, pretty girl. The endearments in that rough voice were getting to her almost as much as the sighs and grunts. Sienna squirmed on the mattress, her legs opening and closing as she tried to find some relief.

She rolled towards the nightstand, intending to turn her alarm-clock radio on to block out the words. Margo’s boyfriend might be talking to his lover, but it was as if he was whispering the rough endearments right into Sienna’s ear. He was making her want him.

No, he was making her want a man.

Her gaze locked on the closed drawer of the nightstand, and an idea occurred to her. A naughty one.

No, she absolutely wasn’t going to do that.

Her hand went to the drawer handle, all the same.

She pulled it open and pushed aside some books. Her fingers brushed against a box and she flinched.

Yet she didn’t close the drawer.

She stared at the gag gift that Margo had given her for her birthday. She’d thought it was so funny, while Sienna had found it unsightly and embarrassing.

And so magnetic right now, she couldn’t look away.

She’d never been the least tempted before.

But she’d never thrown the vibrator away.

She hesitantly pulled the box out of the drawer and rolled onto her back. Her naked breasts rose and fell as she looked through the clear plastic window of the box. The shape of the device was so … so suggestive. The thing was a soft pink colour, ironic she supposed, because it was meant to be a substitute for a very male organ.

‘It’s medium-sized,’ she remembered Margo saying eagerly. ‘I didn’t think you’d want a large, because you’re not very active. I mean, it might have been uncomfortable. I don’t know if you’re into that sort of thing or not, but I wanted you to feel it, so I didn’t go with the small. That all right?’

Was that all right?

‘God, you’re hot and wet. I’m gonna slide right in,’ the drummer groaned.

Sienna moaned right along with him. Oh, God. She had to do something. Touching herself just felt icky, but maybe with this toy …

A very adult toy. Giving in, Sienna undulated on the sheets and stripped off the rest of her clothes. The camisole stuck to her skin, which had become sweaty, and her panties were downright damp.

She was wet and hot down there, too.

So damn hot.

Panting hard, she stared at the ceiling and spread her legs. Reaching down, she tried to align the thick plastic rod with where it was supposed to go.

She gasped when it brushed over her clit.

‘Ohhhh.’ Her moan wafted through the air.

The device was hard and smooth, but plastic and foreign.

Her hips rolled as she found the notch between her pussy lips. They eagerly kissed the wicked plaything, sucking it into place. Her hips rolled up reflexively, but then jerked back down to the mattress when her conscience gave a yelp.

Sienna covered her face with her hand.

She shouldn’t want to do this. Sex was something meant to be enjoyed between a man and a woman. Or a man and a man, or two women. Or more. She bit her lip. Consenting adults. She wasn’t one to cast judgment. Heck, she lived in Logan Circle. It had one of the largest LGBT populations in the city. This was just a personal hang-up for her.

A hang-up that was causing her considerable grief at the moment.

The air-conditioning finally kicked back in. The cool breeze blew across her nipples, making them pucker tightly. She was so aroused, every nerve ending was tingling.

Oh, damn, but she needed this.

‘I’m gonna do you so hard, you naughty girl,’ Drummer Boy said gruffly. ‘I’m gonna fuck you until you beg.’

Sienna’s hips twisted, seeking relief that was only inches away.
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