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Misbehaving with the Millionaire: The Millionaire's Misbehaving Mistress

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Gwen went slightly pale. “Evie, we don’t correct others.”

“But you correct me all the time.”

“That’s because it’s my job. What’s rude is to correct other people in social situations. Especially your elders,” she whispered.

“But, Gwen…” Evie’s cheeks were getting flushed.

Marcus adjusted his cuffs and leaned forward. “Evangeline—”

“Why does everyone get to tell me what to do and tell me how wrong I am when they’re breaking rules too? Will has his BlackBerry, Uncle Marcus is holding his fork wrong, and I’m the one getting yelled at!”

She had a point. She also had their father’s famous temper, and that he knew how to deal with.


But Evie carefully placed her napkin on the table and pushed her chair back. As she stood, he saw her take a deep breath to control herself. “Uncle Marcus, Will, I apologize for losing my temper and being rude. If you’ll excuse me, I have a headache and need to go lie down. Good night, everyone.” With that, she stomped from the room. Moments later, he heard her bedroom door slam.

Silence followed her departure. Gwen looked shocked and Marcus was frowning again.

With an attempt at levity, he said, “Well, she’s certainly learned the art of the dramatic exit.” And a little bit of Gwen’s“extreme politeness” trick.

Gwen seemed to be calling on that same trick. “My apologies as well. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go talk to Evie.”

He caught her hand as she tried to rise and a little zing of electricity shot through him. The way her eyes snapped up to his had him wondering if she’d felt it, too. “Leave her alone for a little while. She needs to calm down first.”

Marcus chuckled, and Will got to watch Gwen’s jaw drop in shock. “She has the Harrison temper, that’s for sure. William’s right, Gwen. I’ve dealt with this before myself—with both Bradley and William, mind you. She’ll need to stew for a while before she can calm down. There’s no use trying to talk to a Harrison while they’re angry.” With that, Marcus pushed his own chair back from the table.

“But I’ll leave you two to sort that out.” He reached for Gwen’s hand and shook it warmly. “It was a pleasure to meet you, my dear. You’re doing a wonderful job with Evangeline.”

Will walked Marcus to the door. “I must say, William, that’s the most interesting dinner I’ve had with you in years.”

“You can say that again.”

When he returned to the dining room, he found Gwen gathering plates from the table while Mrs. Gray clucked at her to stop.

“Come on, Gwen. I’ll get you a drink and we’ll sit on the balcony.”

She followed him to the other room but declined the glass he offered. Guess a trip to the balcony is out, too. Gwen didn’t sit, either. Instead she gripped her hands in front of her and straightened her spine as she faced him.

“I’m sorry about that, Will. Really. I expected her to blow at some point…I just didn’t mean for it to happen in front of you and Mr. Heatherton. I figured she’d take it out on me.”

“You were expecting that?”

She nodded. “It’s hard to have someone correct you all the time. How you walk, how you talk, how you hold your glass. Having every move you make critiqued and never getting it quite right.” She laughed, but it was a bitter sound. “It gets old really fast. Trust me on this. I know how Evie feels.”

There was a story there, but he had the feeling Gwen wouldn’t want to go any deeper in to it, so he didn’t ask. He’d guess Miss Behavior hadn’t always gotten the forks right.

He sat and invited her to do the same. To his surprise—and pleasure—she chose to sit on the sofa with him.

“Believe me, though, when I say Evie will do fine—at the Med Ball and in general.”

“I know she will. Like Marcus said, Evie really is showing great improvement. I’m very—I mean we’re very pleased. Marcus said it was the most interesting dinner he’s had here.”

Gwen’s shoulders slumped in what might be relief and she sagged back against the arm of the sofa before she caught herself and straightened back up. “Interesting is one way to put it.”

“Go ahead and relax. You’ve earned it.” She had. Evie’s outburst aside, the evening had been a success, and he owed that to Gwen. “We’ll let Miss Behavior take the rest of the night off, and we’ll talk about something else.”

Relax? He had to be kidding. She’d just experienced one of the strangest dinners of her career—make that her life—and he expected her to relax? The Harrisons were going to drive her insane.

She hadn’t lied when she said she’d been expecting Evie’s outburst, but when she’d snapped there at the table, Gwen thought her heart would stop beating. When Evie pointed out Mr. Heatherton’s fork problems, she’d had a clear vision of her career going up in a puff of smoke. Again. And this time, it wouldn’t even be her fault.

But both Marcus and Will seemed to have taken it all in good humor, and while it was a relief, it wasn’t doing much for her nerves. And sitting this close to him on the sofa wasn’t helping her composure, either. The easy smile caused adorable crinkles around his eyes and brought that devastating dimple out to play hell with her equilibrium. The deep breath she took to try to calm herself backfired when the spicy scent of his aftershave coiled through her and tied her stomach in an aroused knot.

Now he wanted her to have a drink and talk about something other than Evie and etiquette. What did that leave? HarCorp? She doubted he’d believe an interest in the actual business, and there wasn’t exactly a casual way to broach the topic of her corporate workshops. No, her career had already teetered on the edge once this evening. There was no sense flirting with disaster again by bringing up that. The weather? Politics? Every topic of small talk fled her head as Will shifted to a more comfortable position and treated her to a full-out, heart-stopping smile.

“Are you sure I can’t get you a drink? Wine?”

Was Will flirting with her? A drink? On the balcony? Small talk? Her stomach fluttered at the thrill before common sense stamped it down. She worked for him, and she wouldn’t believe for a second he flirted with his employees. Of course, this wasn’t a normal employment situation, what with her moving in and all. Maybe…

Oh, no, she was doing it again. How stupid could one person be? She’d been down this path before, and it had ended in disaster, heartbreak, professional disgrace… None of which she planned on repeating. Sarah’s little fantasy must have tripped some switch in her brain, turning her back into a complete idiot who let her libido lead her. She needed to put this evening back on its professional feet, and she racked her brain for an appropriate, neutral topic.

Will was saying something, but her heart thudded in her ears, drowning out his words as he leaned toward her. The couch seemed to shrink, moving him closer to her, and the temperature in the room rose several degrees. How’d she end up so close to him? So close she could see his eyes darken?

Her heartbeat accelerated. Rational thoughts clamored to be heard, but were easily brushed aside as those hazel eyes swept over her, affecting her senses as strongly as a caress.

When his hand reached out to gently brush her arm, she felt the hairs rise from the electricity before he even touched her.


The question was a whisper, his lips just inches from hers, and instead of answering, she let her eyes slide closed in response.

“Will? Gwen? Where are you guys?”

Evie’s voice snapped them apart and sent them to opposite ends of the sofa moments before her head peered around the corner.

Damn, damn, double damn. Her heart was racing—from desire or adrenaline, she didn’t know. While her hormones protested at the interruption, the logical, rational part of her brain kicked back in and sent up a word of thanks at Evie’s perfect timing.

Evie looked confused. “Did I interrupt something?”

Only my latest attempt at career suicide.

Will coughed and dragged a hand through his hair. Gwen gave herself a strong mental shake and plastered a serene smile on her face. “Of course not.”

“I came to apologize. For losing my temper, I mean. I hope I didn’t ruin dinner for everyone.” After a small pause, she added, “Is Uncle Marcus mad?”

Gwen decided to leave this opening to Will. He was the “parent” in this situation, after all, and she was just the hired help. Remember that, Gwennie.

“No one’s mad at you. We were just a bit shocked. You will need to guard that temper of yours in the future, though. It might not fly well in the dining room of the Club.”
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