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A Royal Wager: Persuading the Playboy King / Unmasking the Maverick Prince / Daring the Dynamic Sheikh

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Mary stood and stared down at Kate with a knowing look, as if she could read Kate’s thoughts. “She is very fond of you, too, Kate. And whether he cares to admit it or not, so is my son.”

Six (#u5ec69a1f-bf1e-5a60-8c2b-c6478a1d78b2)

Marc did not care to admit to himself that what he was feeling for Kate Milner went far beyond simple lust. He admired her conviction, reveled in her strength of will, her insight. Yet he couldn’t deny that he longed to make love to her. He also couldn’t deny that she was effectively breaking through the armor he had erected to protect his emotions. And he had no idea how he had allowed that to happen.

Yes, he did know. When he was with her, he didn’t feel so alone.

But he was alone in his office now, trying to concentrate on work, yet he could only ponder his situation with Kate, memories of their earlier interlude in this very place battering his mind. He could not fall into that trap. Not now. Not with so much riding on his country’s expectations of him as a leader. In less than six weeks, he would appear before the governing council to state his case. Doriana needed to move into the twenty-first century, and providing premium health care was of the utmost importance. He had to prove to the ruling body that he had his country’s best interests at heart and he needed the funds to see his plans come to fruition.

Now nearing midnight, he tossed aside the proposals he’d been composing for some time and opted to retire to bed. On his way to his suite, he stopped at the nursery to look in on Cecile, hoping to find Kate so he could issue another apology since he had not joined her for dinner. But he only found Cecile, sleeping soundly in the dimly lit, deserted room.

Quietly he approached the crib and stared down at the infant lying on her belly, her knees tucked beneath her and her face turned toward him in profile. Marc watched her for several moments, trying to find something in her features that reminded him of Philippe. She could belong to either one of them based on looks alone. But Marc was very certain she was not his child, even though in many ways he felt responsible for her. After all, Philippe was gone, and she was all that remained of him—if, in fact, Cecile was his child. Deep down, Marc believed that to be the truth. If only he could prove it.

When Cecile released a soft whimper, Marc feared he had inadvertently roused her by his presence alone. He laid his palm on her tiny back and patted her a few moments, praying she would settle back into slumber before she roused Beatrice. Instead, she let go a cry, prompting Marc to pick her up. He walked her around the nursery, soothing her with soft whispers in order not to wake the household.

“You and I will be in a great deal of trouble if you make too much of a fuss,” he told her as he retrieved the pacifier from the crib then placed it in her mouth. “Now be a good girl and go back to sleep.”

She rubbed her eyes, reared her head back, poked her finger in his mouth then grinned as if to say, “Silly king, I have no intention of sleeping.”

How could he resist such a captivating child? He couldn’t, and she knew it. This particular female was determined to wrap his heart around her finger and she was succeeding. So was Kate.

He brushed a kiss across her warm, downy-soft cheek. “Your mother must have held you often, if only we knew who she was.”

Cecile yawned, then palmed his jaw as if fascinated by the feel of his whiskers. Without warning, she settled her head on his shoulder.

Marc experienced an unexpected swell of emotion and a fierce protectiveness as he relished her warmth against his heart. She was an innocent, and she deserved the best in life. Even if they never confirmed her parentage, Marc vowed to make certain she was safe, secure and well loved by the family. She would never know the misery of not being accepted.

When he felt she had sufficiently calmed, Marc laid her back in the crib and held his breath. Her eyes opened briefly and she raised her head and leveled her unfocused gaze on him. Then she turned her face away, laid her head back down and her respiration once more became steady and deep.

Marc was greatly satisfied that he had been able to calm her with little effort. If only something so simple could ease him into sleep. If only he had someone to comfort him, to reassure him at times that he wasn’t totally floundering as a leader. If only he had Kate to talk to.

But Kate obviously had returned to the hotel, and he would have to face the night alone.

After retiring to his suite, Marc took a quick shower then slipped beneath the cool sheets without bothering to dress. He punched the pillows several times, but couldn’t seem to settle down despite his exhaustion.

Turning onto his back, he stared at the ceiling and considered going for a drive. But even that held no real appeal. What he wanted most—what he needed most—was Kate. Odd that he’d spent years without needing anything or anyone, and now in two days’ time, he missed her more than he’d missed any human being aside from his father and brother.

Yet he couldn’t have a casual affair with Kate; it would have to be all or nothing. And he couldn’t consider a serious relationship because, in all honesty, he’d never really had one before. Solid relationships took time to evolve, and at present he did not have an abundance of spare hours. Even though he was expected to marry one day—as Philippe had been expected to—Marc wasn’t certain when he’d be ready for that day.

He recalled the wager he had made all those years ago and the reunion with Dharr and Mitch that would take place next spring. The bet had once been a reason to avoid marriage, but now he viewed it as ridiculous ramblings of youth. His reasons to avoid marriage now were much more compelling and complex. And he couldn’t let his attraction to Kate sway him, for both her sake and his.

But he did have a yearning for the beautiful doctor that knew no true logic. The remembrance of her kiss, the flush of her breasts, the taste of her against his tongue stirred his body back to life. He rubbed a hand down his bare abdomen, imagining her hand there and much lower. He grew hard as a brick when he fantasized about having her in his bed, sliding into her body, holding her close in his arms. But as much as he desired her physically, he longed more for her trust and respect.

And that could prove to be the greatest challenge of all.

Kate entered the clinic the next morning prepared for her first official day at work. Or as prepared as she could be, considering she’d had relatively little sleep over the past three days. Last night was no exception, thanks to Cecile—and to Marc. But she couldn’t be angry with either one of them, especially not after she’d observed Marc’s late-night interaction with Cecile. She’d remained hidden in the doorway of the room adjacent to the nursery when she’d heard him come in and watched in fascination as he walked Cecile around the room, comforting her until the baby had finally gone back to sleep. And Marc had left the room not knowing Kate had been there witnessing his care and concern.

To Kate, Marc had seemed like a natural father comforting his daughter. Even if it turned out that he wasn’t the father, at least Kate was assured that Marc would step into the role with little effort if necessary.

But right now she had to get her mind on to the business of healing.

After checking in with the clinic’s receptionist, Kate was directed to follow Isabella, the nurse who had eyed Marc as if he were chateaubriand during their first meeting. After they entered a small lounge, she told Kate, “You may place your things in the locker,” then immediately left, as if she couldn’t quite take being in the same room with the new doctor. Maybe she viewed Kate as competition, a ridiculous assumption, Kate decided. She’d never been anyone’s competition. And she also needed to remember that the woman’s name was not Nurse Lustful so that she wouldn’t accidentally slip up.

Kate settled into the routine without much trouble, considering she had acclimated herself to the surroundings the day before. The schedule again was hectic as Kate moved through the exams with Caroline, fueled solely by adrenaline, since she hadn’t had the opportunity to have lunch. By the time the afternoon ended, she’d seen almost twenty patients but fortunately she hadn’t seen Renault—until she kicked off her shoes and collapsed into the office chair with a cup of weak coffee and a headache that throbbed with each beat of her pulse.

Renault eyed her stocking-covered legs exposed by the skirt she wore, and her bare feet propped on the desk. His perusal made Kate feel as if she’d taken off all her clothes. “Is there something you need, Doctor?” She regretted the words the minute they left her mouth when he sent her a sleazy grin.

“You seem as if you have had a rough day. Perhaps I should ask if there’s anything you need from me?”

Your absence. “I’m fine.” Kate lowered her feet to the floor and slipped her shoes back on, but she still felt grossly naked due to his continued assessment. “I was just leaving for home.”

“Where is home, Dr. Milner?”

How should she answer? She didn’t like the thought of mentioning a hotel in the presence of a man who fancied himself a Don Juan. She wasn’t too fond of mentioning the palace either, but at least he would realize she had guards at her disposal. Of course, she could say it was none of his business. She opted to affect courtesy and give him a partial truth. “I’m staying at the palace for the time being, until I can find a place of my own.”

He took the chair across from her. “I believe there is a cottage available next door to my apartment. It is not far from the hospital.”

Living on the other side of the continent from him would be too close for Kate. “Thanks for the suggestion.”

“I also have a spare bedroom, if you are interested.”

Not on your life. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

He nailed her with his demonic eyes. “I believe it would be a very good idea. We could get to know each other better.”

“I prefer to keep our relationship on a professional level.”

“That is not as enjoyable, ma chèrie. But I assure you that my intentions are very honorable.”

The scoundrel didn’t know the first thing about honor. “Again, I appreciate the offer but I need extra room for myself and my daughter.”

Kate picked up her bag and moved from behind the desk, ready for a quick exit until Renault came to his feet and asked, “How is your daughter? Did her laboratory tests turn out well?”

“She’s fine. Very healthy. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I find it somewhat coincidental that she looks very much like the DeLoria family. Is there any relation?”

“Of course not,” Kate snapped, probably to her own detriment. “Why would you think that?”

“I suppose you could say that I’ve noticed how the king looks at you. Are you lovers?”

Are you a jackass? “No, we’re not lovers. We attended the same university in America. We’re friends.”

“Only friends?”

“Yes. I need to go.”

He moved in closer like a snake in the grass. “First, I would like to say I am pleased you are working with me. Running this clinic can present quite a challenge. At times I wish that I had pursued my goal to become a surgeon.”
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