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The Damn Artefacts

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«See you tomorrow! Put on something posh – she must have never seen you wearing casual clothes, only a school uniform».


«Then this is your chance to show yourself!»

«I’ll try my best».

Ted saw his friend off. Jeffrey nodded to him before they parted, pressed his signet-ring and vanished into thin air. Ted came back to his flat and began his preparations to go to sleep. Then he lay down in bed and started pondering the upcoming day. How should he approach Alice, what should he tell her? It would not be enough just to talk to her. He must invite her for a date. But how on earth to do it? Should he just say, «Let’s meet»? On the other hand, why not saying that? I wonder whether or not Jeffrey has ever invited anyone for a date? Most likely that he hasn’t. Otherwise he would have shared his experience with his best friend a long time ago.

The following morning Ted woke up early, washed his face, dressed up, had a cup of coffee and went to work. The Museum was located in the vicinity; therefore he decided not to take advantage of his portal-ring.

Ted entered the Department, changed his clothes and began waiting for the visitors. However, the clock showed only eight in the morning, so the Museum was still empty.

«Let me seek the mystery in the meantime,» – decided Ted and headed for the archives. He left the door open, lest he miss possible visitors.

«What am I to start with? May I put all the stuff in order first? Put books on the appropriate shelves, scrolls and other antique papers into the closet. I will make up a catalog afterwards. That is how I might come across something curious».

First and foremost, Ted decided to look through the books stored on the shelves in the closet and to copy down their titles. He waved his wand and there appeared a thick notebook with a pen on the desk. Then he took the first volume from the upper shelf and sneezed out loud.

«Oh, so much dust everywhere!» – said Ted and sneezed again. – «What? Does no one clean here? Well, no big deal for me to clean the entire Museum».

Ted waved his wand once again.

«Tenaka!» – after a while the study-room was shining cleanliness. – «From now on I can work in a proper manner. So, what is there in here for me?» – Ted looked at the book he was holding in his hand. – «Hmmm, «The Magicians’ Code», the most important book. All right, it must be written: «The upper shelf – «The Magicians’ Code», – he dictated to the pen and it jotted everything down.

Ted returned the book to the shelf and grabbed a new one.

«Write down: «Magic Incantations of the Ancient Times». Oh, this must be quite an engrossing book. What do we have next?» – Ted put the book back and took the next one. – «Go on writing: «Magic Beasts of South America».

«Who are you talking to, Ted?» – he suddenly heard the question and turned around.Mr. Merlegg was standing in the doorway.

«Nobody. I am just going over the books and dictating their titles to my pen». – Ted pointed at the bewitched pen.

«Ah, I see! Well, go for it – I won’t bother you».

«Mr. Merlegg, aren’t there visitors yet?»

«Not yet,» – Mr. Merlegg sighed. – «Few people have visited our Museum of lately. Mainly tourists. Especially after the Magic Department was closed».

«Why don’t you want to advertise that the Department has been reopened?»

«Not a bad idea! But you continue please».

Ted nodded and turned back to the books.Mr. Merlegg was not leaving though.

«He might wish to watch me dictating to the pen,» – thought Ted and pulled the next book.

«Write down: «Magic Poisons and Antidotes».

«How very convenient!» – exclaimed Mr. Merlegg. – «Could I possibly take advantage of such a magic pen?»

«This is a regular pen. I just enchanted it. But if you need I will enchant yours as well, so that you will be able to dictate to it».

«That would be superb! I don’t know why, but your predecessor hardly ever felt like demonstrating magic. Well, he would surprise his colleagues from time to time, but not more than that. As regards granting the non-magicians an opportunity to work magic would definitely be out of the question!»

«Why?» – asked Ted in surprise.

«No idea. I asked him more than once, but I got no answer. Maybe the Magistrate prohibited it?»

«Ever since the secrecy status was considered null and void the magicians have been eager to help the non-magicians. No one told me anything like that in the Magistrate».

«Then it was his personal decision. Nothing doing, he was fully eligible to act so and none of us would ever dare force him to do anything. On the contrary, we treated him in a friendly way. All right, Ted, go on. As far as I see, you even cleaned the room».

«That’s right, but all my efforts equaled one waving of the magic wand. Thus, you may dispose of me any time and I will gladly clean the whole Museum».

«I’d probably abstain from that. Otherwise, our cleaning personnel would become jobless and there would be a meeting organized right in front of the Museum, as a result. That would be the least pleasant thing».


Mr. Merlegg left and Ted went on working with the books, casting glances at his wrist-watch from time to time. He was already longing for home, yearning for the party, at which he was going to meet Alice.

Ted heard the voices which sounded from the Department and stepped out. There he saw several adults and children who were exploring the Department exhibits. Ted came up to them.

«Good morning! I am Ted Spencer, the Magic Department curator».

«Are you a magician?» – asked one boy in awe.

«Yes, I am,» – Ted smiled.

«We would like to learn more about these exhibits. Is it possible?» – asked one of the visitors.

«I will tell you about everything with pleasure».

«Will you show us your magic?»

«Sure, I will».

Ted told the visitors about the artifacts and performed a few tricks. Strange, as it might seem, but it did make him happy, as well as the visitors. After the excursion the children were willing to fly on dragons and Ted explained how to use the room.

The working day was over and Ted headed home. He had to get some rest before the party. He needed to try and calm down. The less time that was left before meeting Alice, the more excited he got. Jeffrey claimed he had arranged that party on purpose, for Ted to get closer to Alice. But what did he mean having said that? Which actions were Jeff expecting from Ted? Is Ted supposed to acknowledge that he had been in love with her since a long time ago? A bit scary! Besides, such an acknowledgement might appall the girl. All right, he will deal with it once he was there.

The wall clock chimed seven times and Ted began getting ready for Jeff’s party. He opened his wardrobe, where on the internal side of the door there hung the mirror which considered itself the best expert of what was currently in vogue. It started giving advice in no time.

«No, this white shirt is a bad choice, it looks too formal. No, this one isn’t becoming to you, as it is too dark. Yes, the blue one is to the point, just the one you need!»

Ted listened to his adviser. He put on a blue shirt, a pair of black trousers and wrapped himself in his cloak. Cloaks came into sight and became popular among the magicians back in times of the great sorcerer Merlyn. The mirror approved of Ted’s looks. Then Ted used his latest acquisition – a bottle of French perfume for men with not too pungent an odor. He feasted his eyes on his mirror reflection and probed his cheek with his palm: should he shave himself or not? He had shaved himself yesterday in the morning and not much bristle had grown ever since then. That is about all – now he could hit the road and head for the party! Ted got downstairs and a couple of seconds later was approaching Jeff’s house.

Jeff resided in quite a big two-storied mansion. There were well-maintained flower-beds in front of the house, several bushes and trees, while behind the house there was a swimming pool. Ted had no idea what Jeff’s parents did for the living. Not that his friend would keep it secret, not at all. Jeffrey once told Ted that his parents were travelling a lot, but that he would never ever join them in their voyages.
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