S. P. Russia. No. 59.
Pol. Corr., vi. 572, vii. 23.
Browne. Stuart Papers, iii. 502.
S. P. Tuscany. No. 54.
Hanbury Williams. From Dresden, July 2, 1749.
James had previously wished Charles to marry a Princess of Modena.
Mann, June 19, 1750.
Stuart Papers. Browne, ii. 73.
Correspondence of the Duke of Bedford, ii. 69. Bedford to Albemarle. Also op. cit. ii. 15. March 13, 1749. Bedford to Colonel Yorke.
Browne, iv. 57, 63.
In the Gask Papers it is said that 5,000l. was sent by Cluny to Major Kennedy. Kennedy himself buried the money.
All these facts are taken from the Stuart Papers, in manuscript at Windsor Castle.
Le 3. A. 1749. Projet pour mon arrive a Paris, et Le Conduit de Mr. Benn. Mr. Benn doit s’en aller droit à Dijon et son Compagnion Mr. Smith a Paris; Il faudra pour Mr. Smith une Chese [chaise] qu’il acheterra a Lunéville, ensuite il prendra Le Domestique du C. P. à Ligny, mais en partent d’icy il faudra que le Sieur Smith mont a Chevall et La Chese pourra y aller come pour son Retour a Paris. La personne dedans parraitrait profiter de cette occasion. Le Sieur Bonn doit rester quelqe jours come desiran acheter une Cofre et remettra La Sienne come par amitié au Sr. Smith, tout cecy paroissant d’hazard. Ensuite Le Sr. Smith continuera au Plustot son Chemin, et son Ami ira Le Sien en attendant, un peu de jours et à son arrivé a Dij. il doit Ecrive a Personne qu’il soite excepte La Lettre au – W. Le Ch. Gre. qu’il doit voire (et a qui il peut dire davoire ete a Di – Charge par Le P., sans meme Nomer son Camerade mais come tout seule) ne sachant rien davantage, et le laissant dans l’obscuriné, comme s’il Etoit dans le meme Cas, attendant des Nouvelles Ordres, sans rien outre savoire ou pouvoire penetre Etant deja Longtems sans me voire.’ Holograph of P. Charles.
Under the late Empire (1863) the convent was the hotel of the Minister of War. Hither, about 1748, came Madame du Deffand, later the superannuated adorer of the hard-hearted Horace Walpole, and here was her famous salon moire jaune, aux næuds couleur de feu. Here she entertained the President Hénault, Bulkeley, Montesquieu (whose own house was in the same street), Lord Bath, and all the philosophes, giving regular suppers on Mondays. In the same conventual chambers resided, in 1749, Madame de Talmond, Madame de Vassé, and her friend Mademoiselle Ferrand, whose address Charles wrote, as we saw, in his note-book (March 1749).
Grimm, ii. p. 183.
S. P. France. June 4, 1749. Ewald, ii. 200.
Translated from the French original at Windsor Castle.
Histoire de Montesquieu, par L. Vian, p. 196.
Correspondance de Madame du Deffand. Edition of M. de Lescure, ii. 737–742.
D’Argenson confirms or exaggerates this information.
Browne, v. 66. Letter of Young Glengarry, January 16, 1750.
Browne, iv. 68. I have not found the original in the Stuart Papers at Windsor.
The Mr. Dormer who was Charles’s agent is described in Burke as ‘James, of Antwerp,’ sixth son, by his second marriage, of Charles, fifth Lord Dormer.
State Papers. Examination of Æneas Macdonald.
July 1, 1754. Browne, iv. 122.