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Fascinating economy

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E-commerce allows just about anyone to become a global seller of goods, services, and information online. Online business gives producers access to the largest market available, with over 1.5 billion people who go online on a daily basis.

The Internet is getting more popular among shoppers.

The Growth of E-Commerce

E-commerce started taking off in the late 1990s. Since 1999, buying and selling online has been the fastest-growing activity in the U.S. economy.

Both consumers and producers have gone online to buy and sell, and this trend does not seem to be stopping. The amount of money spent online has been growing very quickly. In 1999, there was $15 billion worth of online sales. The next year, that total had almost doubled to $29 billion. Ten years later, U.S. retail e-commerce sales had reached $169 billion in 2010. In fact, from 2002 to 2010 retail e-sales increased at an average annual growth rate of almost 18 percent, compared with 2.6 percent for total retail sales. In 2014, e-sales were about 5.9% of total retail sales.

The growth in e-commerce has been remarkably fast, but even with the fast growth of e-commerce, online sales represent less than 6 percent of all retail sales in the United States. This means that 94 percent of all goods sold are still purchased the old-fashioned way: in a store.

The Advantages of E-Commerce

Why is e-commerce becoming more and more popular? Using the Internet to buy and sell has advantages for both consumers and producers. That is why online shopping is growing so quickly.

The Internet makes it easy to compare prices. With traditional shopping, it takes multiple trips to different stores to compare their prices. There are Web pages that allow you to see how much dozens of different stores charge for a particular product. Or you can just click from one company’s website to another without having to go anywhere.

Online shopping saves time and money. You do not have to go anywhere to buy online. You do not have to spend time looking for parking, walking into and out of the store, or buying the gas to get you there.

Online shopping lets you get things not normally available nearby. With the Internet, the entire world is your store. Wherever something is made or sold, it can be shipped directly to you or anyone else.

You can ship gifts without an extra trip to the post office. You can do your gift shopping at the last minute and have the box sent right to the recipient. Most online stores give you the option of including a card and gift wrap.

Consumers like online shopping because of the convenience and availability. E-commerce has advantages for producers too. The Internet makes selling goods and services more efficient for many businesses by eliminating unnecessary costs.

Online businesses do not need as many employees. Instead of a bunch of salespeople and managers, online businesses only need to hire people to load goods onto trucks for shipping to their customers.

With e-commerce, there are fewer stores to run. Some businesses do not even have real stores at all, just warehouses. This saves on rent and labor.

The Internet is an easy form of direct advertising. Instead of putting ads in newspapers and magazines, and on television and the radio, a company’s website is an ad that consumers can look at any time. Advertising on other websites is also less expensive and reaches millions of viewers.

What Sells on the Internet?

E-commerce has done a lot for the computer industry. The sale of computers has grown a lot since the Internet began taking off. In 1990, few people had computers in their homes. By the year 2011, over 75% of all-American households had at least one computer.

People with computers are naturally drawn to e-commerce for computer products. It is easy to buy printers, scanners, wireless routers, and more from online sellers.

What else do you think sells well online? Popular online purchases, with the percentage of total online sales, include

• Computer products: 40%

• Books: 20%

• Travel: 16%

• Clothing: 10%

• Music: 6%

• Gifts: 4%

• Stocks: 4%

• The Internet and Economics

Developments in technology have always influenced the overall economy. Through the Internet, people have access to more information, which affects their decision-making process. And e-commerce is a fast-growing type of economic activity.

Whatever other technological changes are coming, it is likely that the Internet will continue to have a growing effect on the game of economics.


The Game of Economics

– Economics is a game played by everyone, in which every player has roles and goals.

– Like other games, the game of economics has rules, properties, and outcomes.

– Unlike other games, economics has no winner. This is mostly because there is no rule that says when the game has to end; in fact, the game of economics never ends.

– Economics is all about the allocation of resources for the production and distribution of goods and services.

– Efficiency, equity, freedom, growth, and security are all goals different players have in the game of economics.

– Although goals are sometimes incompatible with one another, they still must be set in order to play the game of economics.

– Scarcity occurs because resources are limited. This is one reason why allocation decisions are so important.

– The fundamental questions faced by all economic systems are: What will be produced? How should production be organized? How will goods and services be distributed? What is the most effective allocation of resources?

Chapter 2

You live in a world where goods and services are essential. Can you imagine what the world would be like if you could not buy food, use public transportation, or attend classes? The goods and services you use every day are important. Your life would not be the same without them.

In the game of economics, different players produce and consume these goods and services. Consumers and producers make the decisions that drive the game of economics. They gather information and weigh options before making a choice. They ask themselves certain questions: How much am I willing to spend? Or how much should I produce?

The way people answer these and other important questions determines how they allocate resources. And this in turn affects the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Economics is powered by the many decisions made by players. Examine how the various players go about making these important decisions.

Economics is like a game. It has rules, properties, outcomes, and players. We all play the game of economics, and of course players are an important part of any game. They make the decisions that drive the action. Economic players make decisions about what to produce, sell, and buy.

Any time you buy something, you are playing the game of economics. You are participating in the economic system. To understand the importance of your role as a player in the economy, as well as the roles that other people play, examine what the many different players do.

People also have wants – that is, things they desire but could live without, such as concert tickets or the latest basketball shoes. Everyone has needs and wants, and everyone tries to fulfill both, if possible.

Everyone plays the game of economics all the time. Even the simplest actions are economic actions. For instance, if you download a ringtone to your phone, you are playing the role of a consumer. Your cell phone is a good.

Consumers make purchases depending on what they need and want. But of course, they must also consider how much money they have to spend, and the prices of the things they want. The decisions made by consumers send messages. The ring tone is a service. Your cell phone provider plays the role of producer.

In every type of economic system, there are exchanges between consumers and producers. The decisions that consumers make influence the decisions of producers. Producers decide what and how much to produce, depending on the desires of consumers.
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