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The Right Twin

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“Wow, thanks,” he said, his gaze darting away, as if her praise embarrassed him. “Talking to you could be seriously good for my ego.”

“With your talent, I wouldn’t think you’d need an ego boost.”

Grinning and shaking his head, he admitted, “That used to be the case, but then, I met up with a woman who—”

“Sadie, hon,” Helga called through the kitchen door. “When you get a sec, I need your help with the dinner menu.”

Sarah groaned. “Be right there!” Why did Helga the Horrible need her right now? Just when the conversation had taken such an interesting turn? “Sorry. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love to continue our chat later.”

“Sure,” he said, dazzling her with his smile. “Just so happens I’ll be around till Sunday.”

“WHAT?” HEATH BARKED into his cell upon recognizing the caller ID. He was intent on finishing his run around the inn’s lake. Even more, he was intent on working his body so hard that his brain would no longer have the energy to dwell on Sadie’s fascinating smile.

“Ouch,” his twin said over the crackling static of a bad connection. “Is that a sign that things aren’t going so great?”

“No,” Heath said, bare-chested, hunched over and breathing hard alongside a pile of boulders. The blazing afternoon sun bore down on him. His memory of his hostess dressed in denim Daisy Dukes made him hotter still. “As far as you’re concerned, everything’s fine.”

“So, then, what’s your problem?”

“You know the owner?”

“Sadie Connelly?”

“Yeah. What’s the scoop on her?” Heath wanted to know.

“I don’t know. I mean, she’s supposedly a great chef and all. Why?”

“No biggie,” Heath replied. It was just that for the first time since Tess had crushed his spirit he felt like his old self—at least in terms of his manhood. If manhood was even a word? Something about Sadie Connelly intrigued him. Attracted him. Made him want to slough off the funk he’d been mired in and take another chance on life. All of which should have been a good thing. But seeing how the last time he’d felt any of that he’d been burned, Heath wasn’t sure whether he should be happy about rejoining the land of the living or scared as hell.

“You still there?” A car revved in the background.


“You don’t have a thing for this woman, do you? I mean, you’ve only been there a few hours.”

“No. No way, man. She’s a looker and all, but you know me. I’m single and lovin’ it.”

Hale snorted.


“Layin’ it on a bit thick, aren’t you? From the few pictures I’ve seen of her, you could do worse. Only, seeing how you’re supposed to be me, kindly refrain from fraternizing. It’s against my professional code of ethics.”

“Who said anything about fraternizing?” Heath asked, scooping up a stone and skipping it across the lake’s glassy surface.

“Okay, great,” Hale said over more engine noise. “Look, I’ve got to go, but I did remember one thing about Miz Sadie and that’s that I’m pretty sure she’s engaged, which definitely puts her off-limits. Meaning, you might wanna check for a ring before trying out any more of your patented moves.” Hale, who was the family playboy and knew full well that Heath didn’t have any such thing as moves, patented or otherwise, finished by laughing.

“Screw you.”

“Lighten up. I’m just joshing, man. I’m sure you’ve got all the right stuff to make Miz Sadie swoon. Only, don’t do it. It’d be bad for business.”

“I’ve gotta go,” Heath said, eyeing the idyllic inn across the lake. Maybe two more times around the dirt trail would make his head a little clearer. Sadie engaged? No way. But then, if she was well on her way to tying the knot, that’d probably be best for all concerned. Especially him!

“Fine,” Hale said. “Only, don’t let me down, bro. I’ve got a lot riding on this review.”

Then you should be here, doing it yourself.

“I’M IMPRESSED,” SARAH called from the lakeside gazebo, where she stood with a cold bottle of water in her hand. “You’re speedy.”

Heath gave her a nod, stopping to brace his hands on his knees. “And if that water’s for me, you’re my new best friend.”

“Mmm…” She wagged the bottle, then tossed it his way. “Looks as if you just got yourself a pal.”

He twisted open the white plastic top, then half emptied the bottle in three swigs. “This hits the spot. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. I was picking herbs when I spotted you across the lake. I figured you’d need a cool drink when you finished.”

“You figured right.” He eased onto the wide gazebo steps, rolling the sweating bottle across his forehead.

Sarah tried doing the polite thing, looking away from his chest, but up close and personal like this, well…She licked her lips. The man was magnificent. Broad shoulders, sharply defined abs and pecs. Shane might design computer games for a living, but he certainly wasn’t your garden-variety computer geek.

Trying to play it cool, Sarah said, “I’m pretty much a slug.”

“Oh?” Shane arched a brow.

Her cheeks reddened when she caught him appraising her form.

“Looks like you do all right in the gym to me.” Had it not been for the playful light in his eyes and the fun in his tone, she’d have—what? Thought that he was flirting? So what if he was? Bringing him water hadn’t been entirely altruistic. Yes, it might have been something her sister would’ve done, but Sadie would have already been on her way, eager to meet the next guests’ needs before they’d even known they’d had them.

Sarah, on the other hand, found herself wanting a little more than to pick up their earlier conversation right where they’d left off. “Thank you,” she said at last. “I think.”

“You’re welcome. So…” He took another swig of water. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company? I’d’ve thought you’d be knee-deep in inn business all afternoon.”

Sadie would have been. Not entirely trusting Sarah’s innkeeping prowess, however, her twin had made certain extra help was on hand, so that the demands on Sarah would be kept to a minimum. “I, uh, have the pleasure of having a full staff tonight, leaving me to spend more time getting to know my guests.”

“And have you?”


“Gotten to know anyone especially well? Say, Mr. and Mrs. Standridge?” The twinkle in his eyes let her in on a secret. That apparently he, as well as she, would rather eat tacks for dinner than spend free time with the disagreeable couple.

“They seem sweet,” she said, slipping into the perfect-innkeeper role, in which she enjoyed all her guests’ company. “Just a little demanding.”

“Uh-huh.” He bottomed-up the water.

“What are your plans for the rest of the afternoon?”

He shrugged. “Nothing much, just lazing around. Unless…don’t suppose you’d want to show me around the place? Give me an exclusive into the behind-the-scenes gossip? Who’s dating whom?”
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