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Tik-Tok of Oz

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It was not difficult to walk through this passage, especially when the torches lighted the way, so they made good progress. But it proved to be a long distance and Betsy had tired herself with walking and was seated upon the back of the mule when the passage made a sharp turn and a wonderful and glorious light burst upon them. The next moment they were all standing upon the edge of the marvelous Metal Forest.

It lay under another mountain and occupied a great domed cavern, the roof of which was higher than a church steeple. In this space the industrious nomes had built, during many years of labor, the most beautiful forest in the world. The trees – trunks, branches and leaves – were all of solid gold, while the bushes and underbrush were formed of filigree silver, virgin pure. The trees towered as high as natural live oaks do and were of exquisite workmanship.

On the ground were thickly strewn precious gems of every hue and size, while here and there among the trees were paths pebbled with cut diamonds of the clearest water. Taken all together, more treasure was gathered in this Metal Forest than is contained in all the rest of the world – if we except the land of Oz, where perhaps its value is equalled in the famous Emerald City.

Our friends were so amazed at the sight that for a while they stood gazing in silent wonder. Then Shaggy exclaimed:

“My brother! My dear lost brother! Is he indeed a prisoner in this place?”

“Yes,” replied Kaliko. “The Ugly One has been here for two or three years, to my positive knowledge.”

“But what could he find to eat?” inquired Betsy. “It’s an awfully swell place to live in, but one can’t breakfast on rubies and di’monds, or even gold.”

“One doesn’t need to, my dear,” Kaliko assured her. “The Metal Forest does not fill all of this great cavern, by any means. Beyond these gold and silver trees are other trees of the real sort, which bear foods very nice to eat. Let us walk in that direction, for I am quite sure we will find Shaggy’s brother in that part of the cavern, rather than in this.”

So they began to tramp over the diamond-pebbled paths, and at every step they were more and more bewildered by the wondrous beauty of the golden trees with their glittering foliage.

Suddenly they heard a scream. Jewels scattered in every direction as some one hidden among the bushes scampered away before them. Then a loud voice cried: “Halt!” and there was the sound of a struggle.


A Bashful Brother

WITH fast beating hearts they all rushed forward and, beyond a group of stately metal trees, came full upon a most astonishing scene.

There was Ruggedo in the hands of the officers of Oogaboo, a dozen of whom were clinging to the old nome and holding him fast in spite of his efforts to escape. There also was Queen Ann, looking grimly upon the scene of strife; but when she observed her former companions approaching she turned away in a shamefaced manner.

For Ann and her officers were indeed a sight to behold. Her Majesty’s clothing, once so rich and gorgeous, was now worn and torn into shreds by her long crawl through the tunnel, which, by the way, had led her directly into the Metal Forest. It was, indeed, one of the three secret passages, and by far the most difficult of the three. Ann had not only torn her pretty skirt and jacket, but her crown had become bent and battered and even her shoes were so cut and slashed that they were ready to fall from her feet.

The officers had fared somewhat worse than their leader, for holes were worn in the knees of their trousers, while sharp points of rock in the roof and sides of the tunnel had made rags of every inch of their once brilliant uniforms. A more tattered and woeful army never came out of a battle, than these harmless victims of the rocky passage. But it had seemed their only means of escape from the cruel Nome King; so they had crawled on, regardless of their sufferings.

When they reached the Metal Forest their eyes beheld more plunder than they had ever dreamed of; yet they were prisoners in this huge dome and could not escape with the riches heaped about them. Perhaps a more unhappy and homesick lot of “conquerors” never existed than this band from Oogaboo.

After several days of wandering in their marvelous prison they were frightened by the discovery that Ruggedo had come among them. Rendered desperate by their sad condition, the officers exhibited courage for the first time since they left home and, ignorant of the fact that Ruggedo was no longer King of the nomes, they threw themselves upon him and had just succeeded in capturing him when their fellow adventurers reached the spot.

“Goodness gracious!” cried Betsy. “What has happened to you all?”

Ann came forward to greet them, sorrowful and indignant.

“We were obliged to escape from the pit through a small tunnel, which was lined with sharp and jagged rocks,” said she, “and not only was our clothing torn to rags but our flesh is so bruised and sore that we are stiff and lame in every joint. To add to our troubles we find we are still prisoners; but now that we have succeeded in capturing the wicked Metal Monarch we shall force him to grant us our liberty.”

“Ruggedo is no longer Metal Monarch, or King of the nomes,” Files informed her. “He has been deposed and cast out of his kingdom by Quox; but here is the new King, whose name is Kaliko, and I am pleased to assure Your Majesty that he is our friend.”

“Glad to meet Your Majesty, I’m sure,” said Kaliko, bowing as courteously as if the Queen still wore splendid raiment.

The officers, having heard this explanation, now set Ruggedo free; but, as he had no place to go, he stood by and faced his former servant, who was now King in his place, in a humble and pleading manner.

“What are you doing here?” asked Kaliko sternly.

“Why, I was promised as much treasure as I could carry in my pockets,” replied Ruggedo; “so I came here to get it, not wishing to disturb Your Majesty.”

“You were commanded to leave the country of the nomes forever!” declared Kaliko.

“I know; and I’ll go as soon as I have filled my pockets,” said Ruggedo, meekly.

“Then fill them, and be gone,” returned the new King.

Ruggedo obeyed. Stooping down, he began gathering up jewels by the handful and stuffing them into his many pockets. They were heavy things, these diamonds and rubies and emeralds and amethysts and the like, so before long Ruggedo was staggering with the weight he bore, while the pockets were not yet filled. When he could no longer stoop over without falling, Betsy and Polychrome and the Rose Princess came to his assistance, picking up the finest gems and tucking them into his pockets.

At last these were all filled and Ruggedo presented a comical sight, for surely no man ever before had so many pockets, or any at all filled with such a choice collection of precious stones. He neglected to thank the young ladies for their kindness, but gave them a surly nod of farewell and staggered down the path by the way he had come. They let him depart in silence, for with all he had taken, the masses of jewels upon the ground seemed scarcely to have been disturbed, so numerous were they. Also they hoped they had seen the last of the degraded King.

“I’m awful glad he’s gone,” said Betsy, sighing deeply. “If he doesn’t get reckless and spend his wealth foolishly, he’s got enough to start a bank when he gets to Oklahoma.”

“But my brother – my dear brother! Where is he?” inquired Shaggy anxiously. “Have you seen him, Queen Ann?”

“What does your brother look like?” asked the Queen.

Shaggy hesitated to reply, but Betsy said: “He’s called the Ugly One. Perhaps you’ll know him by that.”

“The only person we have seen in this cavern,” said Ann, “has run away from us whenever we approached him. He hides over yonder, among the trees that are not gold, and we have never been able to catch sight of his face. So I cannot tell whether he is ugly or not.”

“That must be my dear brother!” exclaimed Shaggy.

“Yes, it must be,” assented Kaliko. “No one else inhabits this splendid dome, so there can be no mistake.”

“But why does he hide among those green trees, instead of enjoying all these glittery golden ones?” asked Betsy.

“Because he finds food among the natural trees,” replied Kaliko, "and I remember that he has built a little house there, to sleep in. As for these glittery golden trees, I will admit they are very pretty at first sight. One cannot fail to admire them, as well as the rich jewels scattered beneath them; but if one has to look at them always, they become pretty tame."

“I believe that is true,” declared Shaggy. “My dear brother is very wise to prefer real trees to the imitation ones. But come; let us go there and find him.”

Shaggy started for the green grove at once, and the others followed him, being curious to witness the final rescue of his long-sought, long-lost brother.

Not far from the edge of the grove they came upon a small hut, cleverly made of twigs and golden branches woven together. As they approached the place they caught a glimpse of a form that darted into the hut and slammed the door tight shut after him.

Shaggy Man ran to the door and cried aloud:

“Brother! Brother!”

“Who calls,” demanded a sad, hollow voice from within.

“It is Shaggy – your own loving brother – who has been searching for you a long time and has now come to rescue you.”

“Too late!” replied the gloomy voice. “No one can rescue me now.”

“Oh, but you are mistaken about that,” said Shaggy. “There is a new King of the nomes, named Kaliko, in Ruggedo’s place, and he has promised you shall go free.”

“Free! I dare not go free!” said the Ugly One, in a voice of despair.

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