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The Rebel Returns: The Return of the Rebel / Her Irresistible Protector / Why Resist a Rebel?

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“No, I didn’t.” Cleo’s eyes filled with compassion. “I didn’t feel it was my place. I know how protective Kurt can be, and I know he made you promise to stay away from me.”

“You do?”

She smiled at him. “Let’s just say that a little sister can have big ears when the need arises. I figure if there’s ever anything to tell him about us, you’ll find a way to tell him. After all, it isn’t like I’m a teenager any longer.”

“Maybe you’re right.” He desperately wanted to believe her. But he knew he was jumping too far ahead. It wasn’t as if they had a future. “And right now Kurt has enough on his mind.”

Two V-shaped lines formed between her brows. “Do you think I’ll get paid much for the time I was your casino host? You know, before ape man ruined things?”

“You don’t have anything to worry about. I wagered a sizable fortune while I was at the Glamour. And lost quite a bit. All in all you should get a generous paycheck.”

“Oh, good!” Color immediately rushed to her cheeks and she glanced away. “Sorry. I didn’t mean I was excited about your loss...just that I’d have some money to send home to Kurt. He sounded defeated on the phone.”

“I understand.” Jax wanted to ease the worry on her face, but he still wasn’t sure how to go about it without overstepping. “I’d like to help.”

“You would?”

“Yes. I’ve been doing some thinking about this even before I heard that the Bar S was in trouble.”

“We could definitely use the help.” She looked up at him with a hopeful gleam. “What did you have in mind?”

He wasn’t so sure how Cleo would feel about his idea. In fact, he was hesitant to bring it up. Maybe he should just go directly to Kurt with it. But then again if he couldn’t get it past Cleo, he’d never get her brother to agree.

“I want to buy your grandfather’s ranch.”

Cleo sat back. Her eyes opened wide. “But why?”

“I’m tired of New York. I accomplished what I went there to do.”

“Make yourself into a business success?”

He nodded. “Now I want to try something different.”

“But I would have thought you’d be settled in New York. Won’t you miss it?”

He shrugged. “Some. Certainly the coffee shop down the street from my apartment building. They have the best bagels. But I need something more.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“I thought of returning to Hope Springs. I miss the wide-open space.”

“You mean to move there permanently?”

“It’s one possibility. I was planning to explore the idea when the strange phone calls started. I didn’t want to travel to Hope Springs and have trouble follow me there. That would just reinforce some folks’ opinions that I’m still bad news.”

“No one would say that.”

He eyed her, knowing she was lying just to make him feel better. “Your mother might disagree.”

She reached out and squeezed his arm, sending a sensation zinging through his veins and settling in his chest. He stared deep into her eyes, wanting to pull her into his arms. Since he’d talked to the doctor, he felt as though he had a new lease on life.

But before he could move, Cleo’s smile morphed into a frown.

“What is it?” He’d fix it if he could. Right about now, he’d do anything for her.

“I’m just worried about my job at the casino. I can’t lose it.”

At least he could reassure her. “You don’t have to worry. Your job will be there waiting for you as soon as you’re ready.”

“I don’t know. I didn’t complete the one task Mr. Burns gave me.”

“What was that?”

“Keeping you happy.”

“Oh, trust me. You’ve made me very happy.”


He nodded and her eyes twinkled with mischief.

She leaned forward and in a breathy voice said, “Maybe I could make you happier.”

In an instant, her lips pressed to his. His heart slammed into his ribs. Now wasn’t the time for overthinking things. It was a time for decisive action. His hands slipped around her waist, pulling her closer. Every nerve ending sprang to life. He hadn’t felt this free, this alive, in forever.

Cleo smelled like a field of wildflowers. He didn’t know if it was her perfume or shampoo, but there was something about her that had an intoxicating effect on him.

Who’d ever think that the girl who gave him that inexperienced peck all those years ago would grow up to give such passionate kisses? Her lips moved over his in a fervent hunger. And when she moaned, it was his undoing. In that moment, it didn’t matter what she’d ask of him, he’d be helpless to deny her.

Her fingers trailed up his neck. Her nails scraped against his scalp. It was the most stimulating sensation. He couldn’t believe the girl whose ponytails he used to pull and who would flash him a smile lined with braces was now this red-hot siren in his arms setting his whole body on fire.

She pulled back just far enough to murmur, “Let’s move this to the bedroom, where my cast won’t be in the way.”

It was as if she’d dumped a bucket of icy cold mountain water over his head. He...he couldn’t do that, no matter how much he wanted her. He turned his head away, trying to get a grip.

“We can’t.” He couldn’t look her in the face.

She placed her fingers under his chin and attempted to turn his head, but he resisted. He felt like a wild animal that had been caught in a trap. There was no getting away. No pretending that he was the same Jax that he’d been all those years ago.

“You can kiss me, but you can’t even look at me now.” Irritation threaded through her voice. “What’s the matter? Don’t my kisses stack up to the other women you’ve known?”

He swung around and looked at her point-blank. “They aren’t even in the same ballpark. Yours are so much sweeter. You’re amazing.”

“Then I don’t understand. What’s the problem? Why do you keep pulling me close only to shove me away?”

For the lack of anything better, he fell back on a cliché. “It’s not you, it’s me.”

Cleo rolled her eyes. “You’ve got to do better than that. I want to know the truth.”
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