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Family Drama 4 E-Book Bundle

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‘Huh, we’ll see about that. I’ll go to a bloody solicitor if I have to.’

‘It won’t do any good. We have no legal rights over Johnny.’

‘Don’t be daft. We’re his grandparents.’

‘As the law stands at the moment, it doesn’t make any difference.’

Dolly sunk onto a chair, her mind turning. So, they had no legal rights, but she wasn’t going to give in. ‘I’ll tidy myself up and go over there again.’

‘It might be better if I speak to her.’

‘No, I’ll sort her out.’

‘Dolly, if you aren’t careful, you’ll frighten her off. There’s nothing to stop her leaving Bessie’s, and if she does we’d lose track of her.’

Dolly frowned. Bernie was right. She didn’t want the girl bolting and needed time to think, to plan. In the meantime, Bernie might be able to calm things down.

‘All right, you talk to her. She always did have a soft spot for you.’

Bernie left half an hour later. Awaiting his return, Dolly paced the floor. She wanted out of this area, but had no intention of leaving without her grandson. A plan began to form, and as she went over it, Dolly decided it could work. But would Bernie agree?

A lot depended on how quickly they could sell the business, but then, struck by a thought, she stopped pacing. The letter that had been delivered for Pearl might put a fly in the ointment. Grabbing her coat from the back of the chair, she pulled the crumpled envelope out of the pocket.

As she read the contents again, a small smile of satisfaction crossed her face. The woman was ill, too ill to travel, and that suited Dolly fine. There was no chance of her turning up for the time being, no chance of any interference, and with any luck they would be long gone before she showed her face.

She went over the plan again, a little unsure if Kevin had any legal rights. He must have, he was Johnny’s father! It might be for the best if Bernie approached him. He could tell Kevin that Pearl was an unfit mother and that Johnny was in danger. It was rubbish, of course, but Kevin loved his son and would want to protect him.

Dolly frowned, unsure of this stage of her plan, but then her back straightened. Even if Kevin wouldn’t co-operate, it could still work. They’d have to change their names, of course, but just in case Bernie baulked at the idea, she’d wait until they had a buyer for the café before telling him. He might not like it, but she’d get round him, and if not, well, sod him. She’d do it on her own.

Bernie sat in Bessie’s living room, relieved that Pearl had agreed to speak to him in private, his eyes soft as he gazed at his grandson. The lad was growing fast, sitting up now and a happy baby, with chubby arms and legs that waved with excitement at the sight of his toy.

‘Dolly is really sorry, Pearl, but when you went off without telling us, she nearly went out of her mind.’

‘That’s no excuse for coming over here and threatening Bessie.’

‘I know, but she’s come to her senses now. All she wants is to be allowed to see the nipper now and then.’

Pearl shook her head. ‘I’ve already told you. Kevin warned me to move out and to keep Johnny away from his mother.’

‘That doesn’t make any sense, love. Dolly may not be perfect, but who is? And she loves Johnny. It would be cruel to stop her seeing him.’

‘You’ll be moving out of the area as soon as you’ve sold the café.’

‘If you’re not coming with us, I doubt she’ll go.’

Pearl was quiet for a while, her head down, Bernie unaware of her thoughts. She wanted Dolly to leave, to be free of the woman, yet it would be Johnny who kept her here. ‘Do you think she’ll agree to go if I allow her access to Johnny?’

‘Well, she might, but living in the West Country it won’t be easy.’ He scratched his head. ‘It’s too far to drive down for the day. We’d no sooner get here than it would be time to return. If you’d let us have him for weekends it might work.’

‘No, I can’t allow that.’

‘It’s that or we stay here.’

Pearl once again became quiet as her mind turned. She didn’t want Dolly near her son, sure that somehow she had turned Kevin’s mind. Maybe she could pretend to agree. Once gone they couldn’t do anything about it when she changed her mind. ‘All right, Bernie, you can have him for the occasional weekend.’

‘Thanks, love. Dolly’s sure to agree now and, in the meantime, until we move, can we see the lad?’

‘Yes, I suppose so, but I don’t want Dolly left alone with him.’

‘Blimey, I think you’re taking this a bit far.’

‘It’s that or nothing, Bernie. I want you there with them the whole time, and you can only have him for a couple of hours. If you agree, you can pick him up tomorrow afternoon and then maybe again in a day or two.’

He exhaled loudly. ‘All right, I’ll make sure I don’t leave the nipper alone with Dolly, but it still doesn’t make any sense.’ He rose to his feet, leaning over to kiss Johnny on his cheek. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, bruiser.’

Johnny waved a chubby fist, and Bernie’s eyes saddened. Christ, he was going to miss the boy, but at least he’d talked Pearl into giving them access.

When Bernie went downstairs he found Bessie standing behind the counter, her arms folded across her chest.

‘Now you listen to me, Bernard Dolby. I ain’t having your wife marching in here again, shouting like a bloody fishwife, and you can tell her that from me.’

‘It’s all right, Bessie. Pearl has agreed to let us see the baby and it won’t happen again.’

‘The girl’s too soft for her own good.’

‘He is our grandson, Bessie.’

As the old woman gazed at him, Bernie shivered. Her eyes looked strange, unfocused, almost as though she was seeing through him and into the distance.

Her head cocked to one side as she spoke. ‘Pearl tells me that you’re leaving the area. Is that right?’

‘Yes, as soon as we sell the business.’

‘She’s up to something,’ Bessie murmured.

‘Who’s up to something?’

‘Your wife.’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘I saw something, a vision, but it was just a flash. Yeah, she’s planning something.’

Bernie shook his head impatiently. Visions. What a load of rot. He wasn’t going to stand around listening to this nonsense. ‘’Bye,’ he said shortly.

As he left the shop, Bernie’s eyes took in the market, and a couple of costermongers lifted their arms to wave. Would he miss the area? With a shake of his head he realised he wouldn’t. The only thing he’d miss would be his grandson. Without him and Dolly, he hoped to God that Pearl would be able to cope – financially.

His thoughts continued to turn. The café was in a prime location and should fetch a pretty penny. When they brought a small tearoom they’d have plenty left over and maybe he’d be able to persuade Dolly to drop Pearl a few bob. After what she’d been through she deserved it, and maybe they could put some money in trust for Johnny.
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