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Family: The Secret Ingredient

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“I saw his Jeep parked here last night.”

Grace moved closer to the open door blinking sheepishly in the sunshine. “You saw that?”

“I did. After all your whining about him at the party, you turn right around and throw out the welcome mat.”

She smiled dreamily. “Had an unexpected change of heart. He brought me the nicest cake! Made it himself…”

“Like you deserved it, telling Dad about my investing in the bistro.”

“I might regret that little admission. But you gave me such a hard time yesterday. Back with Kyle and you’re a team, playing the same old tricks, treating me like a kid.”

He had the grace to look guilty. “Sorry.”

“And Father was bound to find out soon enough.” She patted the shoulder of his suit jacket. “Just don’t let him bully you out of the deal.”

“Don’t worry. I’m hyped about the project. It’s so different from the sedate work at the firm. I am looking forward to the change.”

“I like the way you’ve decided to buck the North system a bit, chasing a separate dream without Father’s stamp of preapproval.”

Her ruthless assessment irritated him. “You only hope I’ll take some of the heat off your stunts.”

“Of course!” She glanced at her watch. “Now I really—”

“What can you possibly be doing for Kyle? He need a baby-sitter?”

“No!” She looked a bit terrified. “Button can barely stand me.”

“Oh, you gotta give her a chance. She was shy with me at first, but it got better. Now we’re buddies.”

“No, I’m working in safer territory. Kyle needs wallpaper advice, so I’ve agreed to bring some sample books round to the bistro.”

“Is he stripping paper today?” Michael demanded in surprise.

She reared. “Sounded like it.”

Michael slammed a fist into his palm. “Damn, he’s proud. He knows I want to help him with those jobs, yet he keeps me in the dark.”

“I imagine he wants to make it look its best, to impress you.”

“But I don’t need—”

Grace’s cell phone rang in her tote. “Hang on here.” She dug around for the slim folded instrument. “Hello, Dickie. I was going to call you. Yes, I’m still on for tennis, but don’t come for me early. I’m off to pick out some wallpaper for the bistro and need time. Yes, things are moving along. Michael?” She eyed her brother. “We’re talking right now. My opinion? About what?” As she listened, Michael began to wave his arms in protest. “I’m a bit surprised, Dickie—I’ll discuss it with him. See you about four.”

She disconnected the line and dropped the phone back in her tote bag. “Dickie wants to be an investor in Amelia’s Bistro?”

Michael made a boyish face of discontent. “Said so last night after you dropped the bomb about my investing.”

“Seems strange.”

“It did until I thought it through. The odd kid out makes good as an adult and now wants to show off, be a part of what he missed.”

“Oh. Suppose that does make sense. His voice did a crack a little when we were discussing the past after my party. People really called him Mr. Pock? Can’t remember that myself.”

“I remember. But aside from the family get-togethers, I had little to do with him. Mostly because he was younger than my friends.”

“And older than mine.”

“In any case, I was not responsible for any name-calling.”

“Of course not. We never watched Star Trek in the first place, so wouldn’t have quite understood the name.”

“Bottom line, Gracie, he’s not welcome in this venture. I’d tell anyone the same. Kyle is battling with his pride as it is, accepting iron Amelia’s assistance. He wants to accomplish something for himself. The last thing he’s trolling for is another investor of any kind.”

“Too many cooks spoil the broth?”

“Something like that.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem to just tell Dickie no.”

“Really? Haven’t you noticed he is getting pushier and pushier, niggling his way into our family from all angles? It’s so bad, I’ve been taking a back seat whenever that guy’s around.”

Suddenly it occurred to Grace that as the only son, maybe Michael felt threatened by Victor and Ingrid’s interest in another male.

“How much do you like this guy anyway?” he asked guardedly.

“I don’t know yet. But in Dickie’s defense, it isn’t his fault the folks are chasing him.”

“Well, I hope you’re not dating him just to please the folks.”

She hesitated. “That bonus has been nice, after all the men they have disapproved of.”

“Fine. Just be careful.”

First advice on her crush on Kyle, now this lecture about the dangers of Dickie. Grace wasn’t about to take any of it to heart. After all, Michael was pushing thirty, still single—and in her private estimation, lonely. Despite his autocratic hand with her, however, she hated to see him blue.

“Hey, it just occurs to me that Father must have been really torn, approving of Dickie’s every move, but disapproving of any investment in Kyle’s venture. That must’ve have been a fun struggle of hypocrisy to watch.”

Michael grinned widely now. “That was the only comic moment of the night. Dickie’s wild interest in the bistro took Father completely off guard. He never really did recover, just did some gruff mumbling and then bailed to make some suspect phone call. I think he went off to scream into a pillow.”

“See, every cloud has a silver lining.” She cuffed his chin. “Now I have to get moving.”

Michael gave his watch a startled glance. “Me, too, if I’m going to drop by the bistro first. Seems the perfect chance to barge in on the nuts and bolts of things.”

“Won’t Father be expecting you at the office pronto?”

“He’s not even going himself today.” With that he stalked to his car.
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