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A Princess Under The Mistletoe

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The moment stretched between them. “You okay?” he finally asked her.

“Yes,” she said reluctantly.

“You sure?”

She took another deep breath and inhaled his scent again. “Yes,” she whispered.

He gradually stepped away from her, releasing her from his embrace.

In the darkness, she was caught off guard by the strange stirring in her stomach. Was this desire? “I’ll go back to bed,” she managed.

“What about your water?” he asked.

“I’ll be fine,” she said, and forced herself to back away from him as much as she could when she really wanted to stay close to him.

“Good night, then,” he said in a husky masculine voice that raced through her bloodstream.

Why was he affecting her this way?

“Good night,” she said and stumbled to her bedroom. Her heart pounded in her chest. She felt something she hadn’t felt in a long time.

Sara didn’t know what to do with the strange sensation. She’d pushed her wants aside for too long. Sara sank onto her bed and closed her eyes. The room spun. This wasn’t at all convenient. Perhaps it was all an aberration and would disappear in the morning. She couldn’t want the father of the children she was caring for. It just wouldn’t work.

Taking several deep breaths, she wished she could also drink some water to calm herself. Instead, she took more deep breaths, telling herself that she wasn’t attracted to Gavin. She absolutely could not and did not want him.

Her heart still racing, Sara counted backward from three hundred and prayed she would fall asleep before she reached one.

* * *

During the next few days, she avoided Gavin as much as she could, which was difficult due to the small size of the cottage. Despite her best efforts, he brushed against her or she bumped against him. Each time it happened, she felt as if she had received an electrical shock. She felt increasingly aware of his body. Bloody inconvenient. When she crawled into bed at night, she should have been exhausted, and she was. When she closed her eyes, however, crazy images filled her mind. What would it be like to be held in his strong arms? What if, for once, she could let down her guard and relish the protectiveness of a man? She wondered what his mouth would feel like if he kissed her.

Sara groaned and frowned at herself. Stop it. At the same time her contrary mind nudged her. Could she even remember the last time she’d been kissed?

Nine days after she’d started her position, she put Adelaide to bed and went to the kitchen to get her cup of water. She didn’t want to make the mistake of running into Gavin again in the dark. Just as she left the kitchen, he approached her.

Sara almost spilled her cup of water even though there was plenty of light.

“You don’t have to run off to your room every night. You’re welcome to use the other rooms in the house. You can watch television,” Gavin said.

“That’s okay, thank you. I’ve been reading in the evenings. I have headphones and I also often listen to music,” she said, wishing she didn’t feel so aware of him.

“I guess you’re ready for some peace by the time the kids are in bed,” he said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “I wasn’t sure you would last. It’s not exactly a plum position for a woman like you.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Don’t get me wrong. You’re good with the kids, but this just doesn’t seem like your regular line of work.”

“I needed a change,” she said. “As you saw from my résumé, I apprenticed as a nanny for Princess Bridget’s children. I may not be as experienced as some, but I like to think I make up for what I lack in compassion and determination.”

“I wasn’t criticizing you,” he said. “You’re just prettier than I expected.”

Sara blinked. His compliment caught her off guard. She’d received compliments from many people before, but they’d all known of her position, and frankly she’d never been sure if there’d been a hidden agenda or not. Struggling with a combination of self-consciousness and pleasure, she cleared her throat. “Thank you very much.”

“Besides, you and I both know the kids are at a tough age. Between Adelaide and her teething and Sam’s situation...”

“I think Sam is tolerating me now,” she said, feeling a twitch of humor when she thought about how he sighed when she engaged him with silly games. “Adelaide likes to be fed on time and soothed when she’s hurting. I honestly hadn’t even considered leaving.” Actually, she didn’t know if she had that choice. She’d agreed to work in anonymity in exchange for her and her sister’s safety.

“That’s good to hear. However, you haven’t had a day off and you’re due. I may be able to arrange backup care during the week later on, but it would help if you would pick a weekend day.”

“Okay,” she said, feeling a sliver of relief. Perhaps it would help her perspective and clear her mind to have a day away. She was also determined to visit her sister who had not responded to her calls or text messages recently. “Saturday.”

He nodded. “That will work. If you need anything, let me know.”

“I will,” she said, the intensity in his eyes tugging at something inside her. “Good night, then,” she said, and she and quickly strode to her room. Her heart was pounding too quickly. She felt flushed. Sara swore under her breath. She couldn’t wait for Saturday.

* * *

Anticipating a surprise visit with her sister, Sara drove into town and parked on the street. She bought some fresh fruit and carried it up the steps to Tabitha’s apartment. Spotting the wreath on her sister’s door, she felt a rush of approval as she knocked. At least Tabitha was giving a nod to the holidays. Sara waited. And waited.

She knocked on the door again and Tabitha finally answered the door, wearing a gown she’d clearly donned in a haphazard fashion. Her eyes were droopy from a late sleep-in. “Hi,” Tabitha said in a fake cheery voice.

“Hi,” Sara returned. “I’ve called you, but didn’t hear back. I brought you fruit. I like your wreath.”

Tabitha gave a half smile. “It’s the least I can do. I’m trying to muster a little seasonal joy. It wouldn’t be good to snarl at the guests at the restaurant just because this is another Christmas I’ll be spending trapped. Thank you for the fruit,” she said, taking the fruit. “This is a tricky time...”

A handsome man appeared behind her. “Want to introduce me?” he asked.

“Of course,” Tabitha said. “My sis—” She broke off. “My good friend, Sara. This is Christoph.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” Christoph said. “I’ll take a shower while you two visit.”

The man who resembled Adonis disappeared down the hall with a towel draped around his waist. Sara gaped at Tabitha. “What on earth are you doing with him?”

“Having a little fun,” she said. “He’s amazing in bed. Why should I deprive myself? He doesn’t know my real name.”

“How do you know that?” Sara demanded.

“He thinks I’m just a highly educated hostess,” Tabitha said. “Oh, wait. That’s what I really am at the moment.”

“Do you wish you were back in Sergenia?” Sara asked. “Worrying about being kidnapped?”

“I didn’t worry all that much,” Tabitha said. She sighed. “Oh, give me a break, Sasha—Sara, you’ve got to admit this arrangement is entirely too constraining.”

“We’re fortunate the Devereaux family agreed to allow us to stay here,” she reminded Tabitha.

“You’ve always been the one to deny your needs. I can’t do that, and you really shouldn’t. It’s not good for you.”

Sara stared at her younger sister. “There’s a difference between delaying gratification and denying needs.”
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