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Her Texas Rebel

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The dimple under his left eye deepened. “I’d really like to get together while I’m still in town. Catch up. Could I take you to dinner sometime?”

He was close. Too close. Close enough for her to make out a faint scar under his jaw, just below his left ear. The scar—along with the bump on the bridge of his nose—that he’d gotten while defending her. She swallowed.

The sandalwood scent of his aftershave sent her heart into overdrive. She took a quick step backward and bumped into the cart. Strong arms caught her inches from hitting the floor.

His muscles tightened, and something flashed in his eyes. Before she could decipher it, thick black lashes blinked, and the mask she’d seen every time he wanted to hide his feelings returned. She pushed against his chest, struggling to right herself.

“Are you okay?” His husky voice sent shivers along her skin.

“I’m fine.” She took a breath in an effort to calm her galloping pulse.

Her knees almost buckled and she reached for the grocery cart. Leaning on it for support, she pushed it between them, forcing him to step back. A flicker of pain crossed his face. “You’re still injured. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. It was only a flesh wound. What do you say? About dinner?”

“It was a long time ago. No need to rehash the past. Goodbye, Tony.” She pushed her cart past him and hurried to the checkout line.

She flinched as she slammed the groceries onto the moving belt. She kept her eyes trained on the items in her cart. Don’t look around for him. Don’t give him that satisfaction. How long had he said he was going to be in town?

The beeping noises from the cashier were drowned out by the pulse thundering in her ears. She paid as quickly as she could and pushed the cart outside just as her father’s beat-up Ford pulled into the parking lot. She scanned the area once more for any sign of Tony before making a beeline to the truck.

What was she afraid of? That Tony would be waiting to ambush her in the parking lot? What would he do if he found out the truth? Would he even care?

Her lie had never bothered her before. It was simply a means to an end. She’d done everything she could to get Tony to stay and he still refused. He’d been long gone by the time she found out she was pregnant. If he was that desperate to be rid of her, she wasn’t about to use a baby to blackmail him into coming back. Especially when he’d made it clear he didn’t want a family.

She pasted a smile on her face and opened the truck door. “How was the feed store?”

“Levi was a big help loading the sacks,” her father said. “He’s pretty strong for a nine-year-old.”

On the seat between them, Levi puffed his chest out. Sabrina let out a sigh of relief.

What would happen if the truth came out? No. She wouldn’t let that happen.

* * *

TONY STOOD INSIDE the store, waiting for Sabrina to leave. The pain in her eyes cut him to the core. What had he expected? For her to fall into his arms? The engagement ring she still wore on her finger was proof that she’d moved on. If he needed further evidence, all he had to do was look at the little boy who hopped out of Robert’s truck to help her load up the groceries.

David’s offer to deliver Tony’s SUV to Lampasas had been a godsend, and he’d given David directions to the H-E-B, right off the main road. His grandfather had dropped him off after his doctor’s appointment. What were the chances that Sabrina would be shopping there at the same time?

Here. Where are you?

Tony texted David back. Be right there. He stepped outside, looking for his Dodge Durango.

A horn honked and Tony saw a short, stocky man waving at him from across the parking lot. Grinning, he hurried over to shake his partner’s hand.

“How’re ya feeling, man?” David pulled Tony in for a quick hug.

For the next few minutes, Tony and David discussed doctors, the kids from St. Paul’s Mission and the weather, all the while ignoring the one thing Tony wanted to know the most.

Finally, he couldn’t stand it any longer. “Is Captain Rodriguez still pissed?”

David’s brow furrowed. “It’s not him you need to worry about. You screwed the mayor out of an opportunity to prove his anti-gang initiative is working. He’s the one gunning for you.”

“But it’s not working.” The only way to combat gangs was to get to the kids before they joined up. But the results took longer than most politicians had in office. None of them had that much time or dedication. “So I guess I’m still exiled.”

David shrugged. “It’s for your own good, you know. What would you be doing in San Antonio right now? Hanging out with the kids at St. Paul’s Mission? Tell me I’m wrong.”

“I can’t.” Tony lifted his chin. “I’ve put a lot of time in with those kids. You can’t expect me to abandon them just because Captain Rodriguez doesn’t think I should be seen there.”

“Most of those kids are known gangbangers and Cap is trying to keep you from being brought up on charges of hindering an investigation.”

“But I didn’t do anything wrong.” It wouldn’t matter. Tony had seen it too many times. Once a political witch hunt started, it didn’t end until someone went down. So in the meantime, he’d been banished to Salt Creek.

“You asked Mr. Chan not to press charges, so technically you did.”

Tony curled his fists. David was right. He’d let his own emotions get the better of him and he’d made a huge error in judgment. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Pain shot through his chest wound. “I guess I can kiss that promotion goodbye.”

“Captain Rodriguez is convinced the mayor is just blowing smoke. Hang tight and stay out of trouble. It’ll all work out.”

“Thanks, David. Keep me posted.”

“Will do, brother. Will do.”

A horn honked and then David’s wife pulled into the parking spot next to them.

“How are you doing, Tony?” Ashley asked through the open window.

“Good. Anxious to get back to work.”

“Well, hurry up. Without you around, David thinks he has to try out all his new jokes on me.”

David waved and jumped into the car. Tony waited for the two of them to pull away before climbing into his SUV. If he hadn’t blown it with Sabrina, would his life be more like David’s?

* * *

“CAN YOU STOP at the nursing home so I can pick up a job application?” Sabrina pointed the road out to her father.

Robert shot a look at her over Levi’s head. “Why do you want to do that?”

“I need a job, Dad. How else will I pay my half of the bills? And I want to try to get into the nursing program at Central Texas College. I need money for tuition.”

“Hmph. I managed to pay the bills before you got here. I reckon I can keep paying for them. All you need to do is worry about that boy of yours. Ain’t that the reason you moved here?”

“Yes, but I won’t let you pay for my school. If you don’t want to stop now, I’ll just come back and apply later.”

“Suit yourself.” He whipped into the turn lane. “You always do.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to remind her father where her stubbornness came from, but she clamped her mouth shut. She loved her father, but sometimes he was a hard man to get along with.
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