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At The Millionaire's Bidding

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Becoming suddenly aware that Robert Carrington was waiting for an answer to a question she hadn’t even heard, Eleanor pulled herself back from the past and stammered, ‘I-I’m sorry?’

‘I asked if you had any regrets about going into business?’

‘No. None at all.’

Though if they didn’t get this job, it looked as if they wouldn’t be in business much longer.

Apparently reading her thoughts, he asked, ‘What are your future prospects?’

Knowing instinctively that it was make or break, she said carefully, ‘They should be good. Dave’s brilliant at what he does, and we’re both prepared to put our hearts and souls into it, but to succeed we’ll need to get the work.’

‘How secure are you financially?’

Her lips tightening, she said, ‘I don’t believe you have any right to ask that.’

His green-gold eyes pinned her. ‘Before I entrust any work to you I’ve a right to know what your chances are of going bust on me. A lot of small firms are disappearing down the drain at the moment.’

‘I hope we won’t be one of them.’ It was the best she could do, and she held her breath and waited.

Apparently it was good enough. He let that go and smoothly changed tack. ‘When are you due to begin your next job?’

She started to tell him it had been put on hold, as instructed, then, knowing full well he wouldn’t believe a word of it, she admitted bleakly, ‘At the moment we have no next job.’

‘I see,’ he said slowly. ‘So it rather depends on me?’ His voice held satisfaction, and as he spoke he smiled a little.

Eleanor knew then, without the slightest doubt, that he had no intention of giving them his work. Like a wolf picking up the scent of prey, he had picked up just how desperate she was, and had been stringing her along.

She jumped to her feet abruptly. ‘Well now you’ve had your fun perhaps you won’t mind if—’

‘Sit down,’ he ordered. Adding, ‘Please,’ almost as an afterthought.

There was so much quiet authority in his voice, that she found herself obeying.

‘Tell me, what makes you think I’ve just been amusing myself?’

She refused to back down. ‘Well, you have, haven’t you? It’s obvious.’

Tawny eyes gleaming, he asked, ‘Would it alter your opinion if I offered you the job?’

‘It wouldn’t alter my opinion, but it would make the last half-hour or so worth it.’

He laughed, and she noticed that his mouth and teeth were just perfect.

‘I’m glad to see you have spirit. I thought you might have had it all knocked out of you.’

Startled, she asked, ‘What made you think that?’

‘Instinct mainly. I have a feeling that life hasn’t been too kind.’

The last thing she wanted was Robert Carrington’s pity. ‘It’s been kinder to me than it has to a lot of people,’ she informed him briskly. ‘I’ve never been ill-treated or gone hungry. I’m healthy and able to work. I’ve a place of my own and someone who—’ Unable to say the words, she stopped speaking abruptly.

‘Someone who loves you?’ he hazarded. ‘In that case you’re one up on me.’

Reaching across the desk, he lifted her left hand and examined the ring. ‘Am I right in thinking it’s Benson you’re going to marry?’


‘How long have you been engaged?’

‘Eight months.’

He looked surprised. ‘And you’re not living together.’ It was a statement not a question.

Suddenly feeling like some kind of misfit in this modern world, she objected stiffly, ‘I’m not sure how you reached that conclusion.’

Ironically, he told her, ‘When you were listing your blessings, you said, “I’ve got a place of my own”…’

She bit her lip.

‘So why are you playing hard to get? Afraid Benson will change his mind about marrying you if you give him your all?’

Before she could think of any answer, he went on, ‘No wonder the poor devil’s so edgy if you’re keeping him waiting.’

‘I’m not keeping him waiting,’ she denied sharply. ‘And he’s not edgy…’ But, even as she spoke, she knew he was, and had been for some weeks.

Though it could hardly have been for the reason suggested. Perhaps Dave had seen more clearly than she had what was facing them financially…

‘If you’re not keeping him waiting, why aren’t you living together?’ Robert Carrington pursued relentlessly. ‘You know what they say about two being able to live as cheaply as one…’

‘I really don’t see that it’s any of your business. And you know what they say about curiosity killing the cat…’

‘Touché. But I’m afraid we’ve strayed from the point again.’

Infuriated by his calm effrontery, and the way he had led her by the nose, she said through clenched teeth, ‘You mean you’ve strayed from the point.’

‘Aha!’ he exclaimed softly, ‘now you’re really starting to hold your own and answer me back. Perhaps you’ve decided you don’t want the job after all?’

Hotly, she said, ‘If I have to jump through hoops to get it, the answer’s no, I don’t want it. You can keep your job.’

He clicked his tongue against his teeth reprovingly. ‘Now how do you think Benson will feel about that?’

Eleanor’s face grew still and stiff with despair. Why had she allowed this man to bait and torment her until she was rattled enough to throw away the job they needed so badly.

Dave would never forgive her. Never.

‘Feel about what?’

Startled, she looked up to find he was standing in the office doorway.
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