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Hidden Blessing

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Ward held his curiosity about the dog in check until he saw Shannon lightly petting him with soft, tender strokes. Then he asked with his usual smile, “Where did the pup come from?”

She told him about Kenny looking for Pokey last evening. “Somehow Pokey made his way to my cottage, and I put him in the back seat. I’d only driven a short distance when all of a sudden he jumped into the front seat and startled me.” Her voice faltered.

He could guess the rest of the story. She’d inadvertently turned the steering wheel, and the car dropped off the road.

“It was stupid,” she said in a tone that was edged with disgust for herself.

He was surprised she’d bothered with the dog in the first place. He suspected that underneath that polished exterior of hers, there might be a deep, caring nature.

“Things like that happen to everyone,” he assured her.

“Not to me,” she said firmly. “I should have made sure that the dog stayed in the back.”

“Well, no harm done,” he said.

Her eyes rounded as she stared at him. “How can you say that? No harm done? My car will probably end up smashed to smithereens and my belongings burned to a crisp.”

“True. I guess it’s just the way you look at it. Since you escaped without being smashed to smithereens and burned with the rest of it, I’d say no real harm was done.” He shot her a quick glance. Didn’t she realize how blessed she was that she’d run off the road in that exact spot? There were a hundred other places where there were no rock ledges to halt a sheer drop into the canyon below. “It’s all a matter of perspective, isn’t it?”

Shannon tightened her jaw and didn’t answer. What she didn’t need was someone reminding her that she should be grateful instead of resentful about the whole thing. If he started lecturing her about families who had lost everything, she silently vowed she’d get out and walk.

Ward knew she was shaken up and still scared by what had happened. He could appreciate the toll the experience had taken on her nerves, because his own were still on edge from the ordeal. Even now he could feel sweat beading on the back of his neck if he thought about what could have happened.

They drove in silence until they reached the school parking lot. As soon as Ward turned off the engine, a man with a clipboard came over to the pickup’s window.

“Is she the one not accounted for?” he asked Ward as he shot a quick look at Shannon.

“Yes. She had a little accident that delayed her.”

The man grunted as if he thought one feeble excuse was as good as another. “The wind is kicking up. They’ve called in some more tankers. Hot flames could crest the ridge by nightfall.”

“Or the fire could burn back on itself,” Ward countered, believing that positive and negative thoughts created their own energy.

“Well, you’re about the only one who thinks so,” the man said flatly and walked away.

Shannon swallowed hard. How much time left before the whole mountain went up in flames? “What are the chances of getting a wrecker to pull my car back on the road?”

“Under normal conditions, Ed’s Towing Service could give it a try. If the car stays hung up on those rocks, a pulley and cable could probably bring it up without too much trouble.”

She felt a spurt of hope. “So if they put out the fire before it reaches the ridge, and it’s safe to go back up the mountain, they could do it pretty fast?”

“Yes, they could—under normal conditions.” He hated to douse the sudden spark in her lovely wide eyes as he added, “But I’m afraid as long as the whole area is in a fire zone and restricted to official personnel, the car will have to stay where it is.”

“I see.” She turned away so he couldn’t see her face. Above everything else, she wasn’t going to give into any feminine weakness that would add to her humiliation.

Shannon clutched the small dog in her arms as they made their way into the gym, and she searched the crowd for a glimpse of Kenny. Putting Pokey into the child’s arms was suddenly more important than anything else.

Kenny saw her before she saw him. His childish cry of joy was unmistakable as he bounded across the floor. “You found Pokey.”

“Here he is. Safe and sound.” She smiled as she set the dog down, and Kenny fell on his knees, giggling as the pup washed his face with kisses.

“I love you, Pokey,” he blubbered. “Where were you? I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

Shannon’s eyes were suddenly misty as she saw the joyful reunion. She wasn’t aware that Ward’s hand had slipped into hers until she realized she was squeezing it. When she looked at him, she saw a warmth in his eyes that took her completely by surprise. Her defenses against allowing anyone to come too close emotionally shot into play, and she quickly withdrew her hand.

“She found Pokey. She found Pokey,” Kenny shouted to everyone.

All Shannon’s efforts to stay removed from everyone’s notice were wiped out in that happy moment. She felt horribly on display as Alice Gordon loudly thanked her over and over again, and other people, young and old, gathered around her, smiling broadly.

Laura Cozzins’s round face beamed at Shannon. “Bless you. That little tyke has been pining away for his dog. It’s a good deed you’ve done this day.”

“You don’t know what that good deed cost her. Maybe Shannon will tell you about it sometime,” Ward said. His smile wavered. “Then again, maybe she won’t. She’s a very private person,” he added, smarting a little at the way she had quickly dropped his hand.

Laura nodded in a knowing way. As a minister’s wife, she was obviously adept at reading emotions that lay beneath the surface. “How about a glass of lemonade and maybe a doughnut to refresh the two of you?” she suggested as if she were dedicated to feeding the body, as well as the soul at every opportunity.

“Thanks, but I’ve promised to deliver some supplies to the base camp,” Ward said, “I’m already late by a couple of hours.”

Shannon silently winced. They both knew it was her fault he’d been delayed. She quickly took her overnight bag from him and apologized, “I’m sorry I held you up. Thank you for…for everything.”

“Rescuing damsels in distress is one of my special talents,” he assured her solemnly as his eyes twinkled at her, and his mouth eased into a soft smile. “Call on me anytime.”

She wanted to say something lightly back, but she couldn’t. Her heart was too heavy.

“It’s going to be okay.” He gave her shoulder a light squeeze. Ward wanted to suggest that she join the others in prayer and meditation. Maybe, instead of shutting out God, she would gain assurance that she wasn’t ever alone, no matter what the circumstances. He’d come to his faith the hard way, and he knew Shannon was on the same kind of path. “I’ll try to come back this evening before I head to the ranch.”

She watched as his broad back and muscular body disappeared out the door. Laura had been watching the exchange between them. With a knowing smile, she slipped her arm through Shannon’s. “Come on, you can help me make some sandwiches for lunch.”

The day was long and trying, and only the hope that Ward would come back kept Shannon’s spirits from scraping bottom. The danger of firefighting became personal when Laura told her a story about a teenage Ward trying to handle a meadow fire all by himself and nearly getting trapped by the blaze before help got there.

Her heart contracted with a sudden jolt. Surely, Ward had enough sense to leave the fighting to the professionals. He was just delivering supplies, she reassured herself, but how well she knew that he wouldn’t think of his safety in a time of danger.

All afternoon and evening, she kept an eye out for him, but he didn’t show. It was Ted who came in late that evening and told her Ward had already gone to the ranch.

She wasn’t surprised. No doubt he’d had enough of her trauma and drama. Remembering the way she had gone into his arms and accepted his tender caresses, she chided herself for letting her emotions play her for a fool. As she lay stiffly on her sagging cot, she firmly resolved she wouldn’t make that mistake again. She knew better than to give her emotions free rein. There was always a price to pay for letting anyone too close. She had plenty of scars to prove it.

Chapter Three

Shannon slept very little that night. About two o’clock in the morning, fifty firefighters from a unit in Idaho arrived at the school. Since it was too late to make it to the base camp, they crowded into the gym with the rest of the refugees.

Shannon was up early and helped serve breakfast. Being in the midst of these brave young people who were willing to put their lives in danger was a startling revelation to her. Many times she had watched television coverage of California wildfires or heard about some fighter losing his or her life, but she had only been touched on a superficial level. Now that detachment disappeared, and her heart was filled with personal concern as she moved among these dedicated men who were going to battle a fierce, monstrous wildfire that was out of control.

When Reverend Cozzins said a prayer for their safety, Shannon bowed her head with everyone else and murmured a fervent amen. Even though she wanted to believe in some kind of heavenly protection, she knew it would take a faith stronger than hers to rely on any divine miracles.

The crew of firefighters left the school right after breakfast, leaving behind a mounting tension and anxiety in the crowded school. A briefing bulletin posted on the bulletin board later that morning was not encouraging. The prediction was for strong winds and high temperatures. Numerous infrared photos taken of the fire’s boundary showed an ever widening area of destruction.

“We have to do something to keep the children occupied,” declared Laura. In her usual energetic manner, she immediately started enlisting help to get some activities going. She organized several groups to play some outdoor games on the school grounds and sent some of the youngest children into the library to listen to stories.

Shannon had no intention of volunteering for anything or calling attention to herself in any way, but Kenny had different ideas. With childish pride, he pointed her out to all the kids.
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