20 If you had known and comprehended me, then you would know my Father-God.
21 And Philip said, Show us the Father and we will be satisfied.
22 And Jesus said, Have I been with you all these years and still you know me not?
23 He who has seen the son has seen the Father, for in the son the Father has revealed himself.
24 Lo, I have told you many times that what I speak and what I do are not the words and works of man;
25 They are the words and works of God, who lives in me and I in him.
26 Hear me, you faithful men: He who believes in me and in my Father-God shall say and do what I have said and done.
27 Yea, more, he shall do greater works than I have ever done, because I go to him whose works we do, and then I can reach forth my hand in helpfulness.
28 And in my name, through Christ, you may petition God and he will grant you your request.
29 Do you believe what I have said? Yes, you believe, and if you love the Christ and follow me then you will keep my words.
30 I am the vine; you are the branches of the vine; my Father is the husbandman,
31 The branches that are worthless, bearing naught but leaves, the husbandman will cut away and cast into the fire to be burned.
32 And he will prune the branches that bear fruit that they may yield abundantly.
33 The branch cannot bear fruit if separated from the vine; and you cannot bear fruit when separate from me.
34 Abide in me, and do the works that God, through me, has taught you how to do, and you will bear much fruit, and God will honor you as he has honored me.
35 And now I go my way, but I will pray my Father-God and he will send another Comforter to you, who will abide with you.
36 Behold, this Comforter of God, the Holy Breath, is one with God, but she is one the world cannot receive because it sees her not; it knows her not.
37 But you know her, and will know her, because she will abide within your soul.
38 I will not leave you desolate, but in the Christ, which is the love of God made manifest to men, I will be with you all the way.
Jesus reveals more fully the mission of the Holy Breath. Tells his disciples plainly that he is about to die, and they are sad. He prays for them and all the world of believers. They leave the banquet hall.
Now, John was deeply grieved because the master said, I go away, and where I go you cannot come.
2 He wept and said, Lord, I would go with you through every trial and to death.
3 And Jesus said, And you shall follow me through trials and through death; but now you cannot go where I will go; but you shall come.
4 And Jesus spoke again unto the eleven and said, Grieve not because I go away, for it is best that I should go away. If I go not the Comforter will not come to you.
5 These things I speak while with you in the flesh, but when the Holy Breath shall come in power, lo, she will teach you more and more, and bring to your remembrance all the words that I have said to you.
6 There are a multitude of things yet to be said; things that this age cannot receive, because it cannot comprehend.
7 But, lo, I say, Before the great day of the Lord shall come, the Holy Breath will make all mysteries known —
8 The mysteries of the soul, of life, of death, of immortality; the oneness of a man with every other man and with his God.
9 Then will the world be led to truth, and man will be the truth.
10 When she has come, the Comforter, she will convince the world of sin, and of the truth of what I speak, and of the rightness of the judgment of the just; and then the prince of carnal life will be cast out.
11 And when the Comforter shall come I need not intercede for you; for you will stand approved, and God will know you then as he knows me.
12 The hour has come when you will weep; the wicked will rejoice, because I go away; but I will come again, and all your sorrows shall be turned to joy;
13 Yea, verily, you will rejoice as one who welcomes back a brother from the dead.
14 And the disciples said, Our Lord, speak not in proverbs any more; speak plainly unto us; we know that you are wise and know all things.
15 What is the meaning of your words, I go away, but I will come again?
16 And Jesus said, The hour is come when you will all be scattered forth, and every man will be afraid;
17 Will flee to save his life and leave me all alone; yet I will not be all alone; my Father-God is with me all the way.
18 And wicked men will take me to the judgment seat of wicked men, and in the presence of the multitudes I will give up my life, a pattern for the sons of men.
19 But I will rise again and come to you.
20 These things I speak that you may be established in the faith when they shall come to pass.
21 And you shall bear the buffetings of men, and follow in the thorny path I tread.
22 Be not dismayed; be of good cheer. Lo, I have overcome the world, and you shall overcome the world.
23 Then Jesus lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, My Father-God, the hour has come;
24 The son of man must now be lifted from the earth, and may he falter not, that all the world may know the power of sacrifice;
25 For as I give my life for men, lo, men must give their lives for other men.
26 I came to do thy will, O God, and in the sacred name, the Christ is glorified, that men may see the Christ as life, as light, as love, as truth,
27 And through the Christ become themselves the life, the light, the love, the truth.
28 I praise thy name because of these whom thou hast given me, for they have honored thee and they will honor thee;
29 And none of them are lost, and none are gone away, except the blinded son of carnal life, who hath gone forth to sell his Lord.