5 And in the record book the scribe wrote down, The Logos-Circle-Seven; and thus was Jesus known.
6 The master said, The Logos will give heed to what I say: No man can enter into light till he has found himself. Go forth and search till you have found your soul and then return.
7 The guide led Jesus to a room in which the light was faint and mellow, like the light of early dawn.
8 The chamber walls were marked with mystic signs, with hieroglyphs and sacred texts; and in this chamber Jesus found himself alone where he remained for many days.
9 He read the sacred texts; thought out the meanings of the hieroglyphs and sought the import of the master’s charge to find himself.
10 A revelation came; he got acquainted with his soul; he found himself; then he was not alone.
11 One night he slept and at the midnight hour, a door that he had not observed, was opened, and a priest in somber garb came in and said,
12 My brother, pardon me for coming in at this unseemly hour; but I have come to save your life.
13 You are the victim of a cruel plot. The priests of Heliopolis are jealous of your fame, and they have said that you shall never leave these gloomy crypts alive.
14 The higher priests do not go forth to teach the world, and you are doomed to temple servitude.
15 Now, if you would be free, you must deceive these priests; must tell them you are here to stay for life;
16 And then, when you have gained all that you wish to gain, I will return, and by a secret way will lead you forth that you may go in peace.
17 And Jesus said, My brother, man, would you come here to teach deceit? Am I within these holy walls to learn the wiles of vile hypocrisy?
18 Nay, man, my Father scorns deceit, and I am here to do his will.
19 Deceive these priests! Not while the sun shall shine. What I have said, that I have said; I will be true to them, to God, and to myself.
20 And then the tempter left, and Jesus was again alone; but in a little time a white-robed priest appeared and said,
21 Well done! the Logos has prevailed. This is the trial chamber of hypocrisy. And then he led the way, and Jesus stood before the judgment seat.
22 And all the brothers stood; the hierophant came forth and laid his hand on Jesus’ head, and placed within his hands a scroll, on which was written just one word, SINCERITY; and not a word was said.
23 The guide again appeared, and led the way, and in a spacious room replete with everything a student craves was Jesus bade to rest and wait.
Jesus passes the second brotherhood test, and receives the second degree, JUSTICE.
The Logos did not care to rest; he said, Why wait in this luxurious room? I need not rest; my Father’s work upon me presses hard.
2 I would go on and learn my lessons all. If there are trials, let them come, for every victory over self gives added strength.
3 And then the guide led on, and in a chamber, dark as night, was Jesus placed and left alone; and days were spent in this deep solitude.
4 And Jesus slept, and in the dead of night a secret door was opened, and, in priest’s attire, two men came in; each carried in his hand a little flickering lamp.
5 Approaching Jesus, one spoke out and said, Young man, our hearts are grieved because of what you suffer in these fearful dens, and we have come as friends to bring you light, and show the way to liberty.
6 We once, like you, were in these dens confined, and thought that through these weird, uncanny ways we could attain to blessedness and power;
7 But in a luckful moment we were undeceived, and, making use of all our strength, we broke our chains, and then we learned that all this service is corruption in disguise. These priests are criminals just hid away.
8 They boast in sacrificial rites; they offer to their gods, and burn them while alive, poor birds, and beasts; yea, children, women, men.
9 And now they keep you here, and, at a certain time, may offer you in sacrifice.
10 We pray you, brother, break your chains; come, go with us; accept of freedom while you may.
11 And Jesus said, Your little tapers show the light you bring. Pray, who are you? The words of man are worth no more than is the man himself.
12 These temple walls are strong and high; how gained you entrance to this place?
13 The men replied, Beneath these walls are many hidden ways, and we who have been priests, spent months and years within these dens, know all of them.
14 Then you are traitors, Jesus said. A traitor is a fiend; he who betrays another man is never man to trust.
15 If one has only reached the plane of treachery, he is a lover of deceit, and will betray a friend to serve his selfish self.
16 Behold, you men, or whatsoe’er you be, your words fall lightly on my ears,
17 Could I prejudge these hundred priests, turn traitor to myself and them, because of what you say when you confess your treachery?
18 No man can judge for me; and if I judge till testimony all is in I might not judge aright.
19 Nay, men; by whatsoever way you came, return. My soul prefers the darkness of the grave to little flickering lights like these you bring.
20 My conscience rules; what these, my brothers, have to say I’ll hear, and when the testimony all is in I will decide. You cannot judge for me, nor I for you,
21 Begone, you men, begone, and leave me to this charming light; for while the sun shines not, within my soul there is a light surpassing that of sun or moon.
22 Then, with an angry threat that they would do him harm, the wily tempters left, and Jesus was again alone.
23 Again the white-robed priest appeared, and led the way, and Jesus stood again before the hierophant;
24 And not a word was said, but in his hands the master placed a scroll on which the word suggestive, JUSTICE, was inscribed.
25 And Jesus was the master of the phantom forms of prejudice and of treachery.
Jesus passes the third brotherhood test, and receives the third degree, FAITH.
The Logos waited seven days, and then was taken to the Hall of Fame, a chamber rich in furnishings, and lighted up with gold and silver lamps.
2 The colors of its ceilings, decorations, furnishings and walls were blue and gold.