7 Now, many people knew not who the speaker was: And others said, Is not this Joseph’s son? Does not his mother live on Marmion Way?
8 And one spoke out and said, This is the man who did such mighty works in Cana, in Capernaum and in Jerusalem.
9 And then the people said, Physician heal yourself. Do here among your kindred all the mighty works that you have done in other towns.
10 And Jesus said, No prophet is received with honor by the people of his native land; and prophets are not sent to every one.
11 Elijah was a man of God; he had the power and he closed the gates of heaven, and it did not rain for forty months; and when he spoke the Word, the rain came on, the earth brought forth again.
12 And there were many widows in the land; but this Elijah went to none but Zarephath, and she was blessed.
13 And when Elisha lived, lo, many lepers were in Israel, but none were cleansed save one – the Syrian who had faith.
14 You have no faith; you seek for signs to satisfy your curious whims; but you shall see not till you open up your eyes of faith.
15 And then the people were enraged; they rushed upon him, bound him down with cords, and took him to a precipice not far away, intent to cast him down to death;
16 But when they thought they held him fast, he disappeared; unseen he passed among the angry men, and went his way.
17 The people were confounded and they said, What manner of a man is this?
18 And when they came again to Nazareth, they found him teaching in the synagogue.
19 They troubled him no more for they were sore afraid.
The Christines go to Cana. Jesus heals a nobleman’s child. The Christines go to Capernaum. Jesus provides a spacious home for his mother. He announces his intention to choose twelve apostles.
In Nazareth Jesus taught no more; he went with his disciples up to Cana, where, at a marriage feast, he once turned water into wine.
2 And here he met a man of noble birth whose home was in Capernaum, whose son was sick.
3 The man had faith in Jesus’ power to heal, and when he learned that he had come to Galilee he went in haste to meet him on the way.
4 The man met Jesus at the seventh hour, and he entreated him to hasten to Capernaum to save his son.
5 But Jesus did not go; he stood aside in silence for a time, and then he said, Your faith has proved a healing balm; your son is well.
6 The man believed and went his way toward Capernaum and as he went he met a servant from his home who said,
7 My lord, You need not haste; your son is well.
8 The father asked, When did my son begin to mend?
9 The servant said, On yesterday about the seventh hour the fever left.
10 And then the father knew it was the healing balm that Jesus sent that saved his son.
11 In Cana Jesus tarried not; he went his way with his disciples to Capernaum, where he secured a spacious house where, with his mother, he could live; where his disciples might repair to hear the Word.
12 He called the men who had confessed their faith in him to meet him in his home, which his disciples called, The school of Christ; and when they came he said to them,
13 This gospel of the Christ must be proclaimed in all the world.
14 This Christine vine will be a mighty vine whose branches will comprise the peoples, tribes and tongues of all the earth.
15 I am the vine; twelve men shall be the branches of the stock, and these shall send forth branches everywhere;
16 And from among the people who have followed me, the Holy Breath will call the twelve.
17 Go now and do your work as you have done your work; but listen for the call.
18 Then the disciples went unto their daily tasks, to do their work as they had done, and Jesus went alone into the Hammoth hills to pray.
19 Three days and nights he spent communing with the Silent Brotherhood; then, in the power of Holy Breath he came to call the twelve.
Jesus walks by the sea. Stands in a fishing boat and speaks to the people. Under his direction the fishermen secure a great catch of fish. He selects and calls his twelve apostles.
Beside the sea of Galilee the Christine master walked, and multitudes of people followed him.
2 The fishing boats had just come in, and Peter and his brother waited in their boats; their helpers were ashore repairing broken nets.
3 And Jesus went into a boat and Peter pushed it out a little ways from shore; and Jesus standing in the boat spoke to the multitude. He said,
4 Isaiah, prophet of the Lord of hosts, looked forward and he saw this day; he saw the people standing by the sea, and he exclaimed,
5 The land of Zebulon and Napthali, land beyond the Jordan and toward the sea, the Gentile Galilee,
6 The people were in darkness, knowing not the way; but, lo, they saw the Day Star rise; a light streamed forth; they saw the way of life; they walked therein.
7 And you are blest beyond all people of the earth today, because you first may see the light, and may become the children of the light.
8 Then Jesus said to Peter, Bring your nets aboard, and put out in the deep,
9 And Peter did as Jesus bade him do; but in a faithless way he said, This is a useless trip; there are no fish upon this shore of Galilee today; with Andrew I have toiled all night, and taken naught.
10 But Jesus saw beneath the surface of the sea; he saw a multitude of fish. He said to Peter,
11 Cast out your net upon the right side of the boat.
12 And Peter did as Jesus said, and, lo, the net was filled; it scarce was strong enough to hold the multitude of fish.
13 And Peter called to John and James, who were near by, for help; and when the net was hauled to boat, both boats were well nigh filled with fish.
14 When Peter saw the heavy catch, he was ashamed of what he said; ashamed because he had no faith, and he fell down at Jesus’ feet and said, Lord, I believe!